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Library Entries

This is the repository for the array of knowledge the Travellers acquire.

list of many links

Many many links

Library Entries

These are the entries that the Travellers have made to share with each other. This is a place to cross reference links on a particular topic to the several other pages that the information might be on.

Corporations - Domain of Deneb

Excerpt: Behind the Claw, GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998.

Bilstein Yards

Based at Glisten/Glisten, Bilstein Yards specializes in the construction of yachts for wealthy customers, and also custom one-off jobs such as the Pavabidian flying palace. The high standard of workmanship does not come cheap, so Bilstein does not construct military vessels. They are rumored to have access to military weaponry, though.

Potential Link to: Amanda Parsons (Homeworld of)

Corporations - Domain of Deneb

Excerpt: Behind the Claw, GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998.

Kaldi Research

Kaldi is a private corporation with two main branches. The bulk of Kaldi's assets are employed in fixed installations that undertake research on contract for corporate bodies and planetary governments. A much smaller proportion of Kaldi's effort is placed into the operation of a number of laboratory ships that travel throughout the Marches and beyond, either hiring out their services to whomever needs a general research team or engaging in ongoing studies.

Potential Link to: Athena Solis (Research Contracts?)

Corporations - Domain of Deneb

Excerpt: Behind the Claw, GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998.

Mordor Industries

Based on Wurzburg/Glisten, Mun.lor constructs custom weapons and devices for the private market Blade weapons are a specialty, but firearms made to individual specification are the staple product of this small but highly regarded firm. Many Imperial nobles have bought or have been presented with weapons or devices from Mordor.

Potential Link to: Sir Lieutenant Gopal Sultana (Endorsement Contract?)

Organizations - Third Imperium

Source: Wiki Link

Doctors Without Borders (DWB)

Doctors Without Borders (DWB) is an intergalactic medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in 971 at Capital (Core 2118)
Today, DWB provides aid in nearly 600 systems to sophonts whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, natural disasters, malnutrition, epidemics and natural disasters. DWB provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need. DWB reserves the right to speak out to bring attention to neglected crises, to challenge inadequacies or abuse of the aid system, and to advocate for improved medical treatments and protocols.

Link to: Mikhel Dromah (Registered with DWB, holds credentials as Field Trauma Doctor: willing to work in Combat Zones)

Donations to the Real Médecins Sans Frontières: DrivthruRPG - Pay What You Want

Religions - Third Imperium

Source: Wiki Link

Code of Ledriasda

Technically the Code of Ledriasda is not a religion, but a code of ethics and morals. It is rumored to have been developed on Ishag/Liasdi (Zarushagar 1323) around -6000 by the wanderer/philosopher Ledriasda. Adherents to the Code believe that all humans (later extended to all sophonts) have a moral obligation to preserve intelligent life. This not only means that killing is immoral, but that the strong should help the weak, the more fortunate should help the less fortunate, etc.
The Code helped shape Darmine history, making the Darmine a generally peaceful race with the desire to be builders, not destroyers. Even those individuals who are not strict adherents to the Code follow its general tenets.
The Code was an integral part of Darmine history prior to the arrival of the Vilani, but since that time, the number of practitioners has dropped off. (Under pressure, the Darmine were forced to conform to Vilani tradition. Many believed that cultural concessions were responsible).
Integral to the Code is the Law of Just Cause (for Self Defense). Ledriasda made provision for the use of force in defending oneself and others, but only after negotiation and concession were exhausted or dismissed as viable options.

Today about half of all Darmine, still the largest practicing group, hold Ledriasda to be of some importance. Many in fact seek employment in fields where they can directly help people.

Note: This Code has spread across the Vilani sphere of influence as a footnote in some histories, so has a smattering of proponents across the Third Imperium. There are not many followers outside of the Darmine population, but some Imperial citizens know of it, if only vaguely.

Link-> Darmine (Minor Human Race)