Main / Systems

Library Entries - Perceived Attitude


This is where the Travellers collect a listing of the various Systems they have interacted with. This provides a quick reference point for important information, and links to each system for more details as the Travellers explore.

Name: System Name Subsector Sector #### (Sector Number) {Link to internal page for system}
Location Link to Traveller Map centered showing surrounding six parsecs
Attitude - Perceived Attitude towards group {Attitude towards Individuals noted on System page}
Key Contacts - Important Contacts for the Travellers
Special Notes - Important notes
General Notes - Information recorded by the Travellers for quick review, full updates on System page

Name: Arnyl Vincennes Deneb 0930

Name: Byret Mora Spinward Marches 2523

Name: Dolberg Sindal Trojan Reach 2113

Name: Fist Tobia Trojan Reach 2918

Name: Marduk Sindal Trojan Reach 2120

Name: Persephone Lunion Spinward Marches 2228

Name: Qevar Gulf Deneb 0731

Name: Sultana Gulf Deneb 0730

Name: Emape Five Sisters Spinward Marches 0133?

Name: Belt-9 Gazulin Trojan Reach 2602

Name: Torpol Tlaiowaha Trojan Reach 2221

Name: Drinax Tlaiowaha Trojan Reach 2223