1104-359 / LabShipPioneer

”Having looked into the history of Drinax this is a compilation of what I found I think it is right but we will find out. To start it looks like they are styling themselves off of the old Sindal Empire which is not promising. The old Empire started out with good intentions defending the area from Raiders. But when the Raiders were gone it turned on the area it was to keep safe. To keep hold of there power they used bio weapons,bombing from orbit to keep the other planets inline all very nasty business. But then the empire fell and in its place Drinax step up to take control of the area directlyaround them. The planet prosper and grow very rich in this time. But they got greedy near the end. They also reverted back to the old ways one example is the bombardment from orbit of Clark with decimation the plant and set there TL back all to keep them inline. Overtaxing the trade between the Imperium and the Aslan caused a massive Aslan invasion and the glassing of their plant. 200 year later and they are skill doing the same with there orbital bombardment and invasion of the plant Asim to take it over cause of a famine on there’s to secure foodstuffs. Let’s hope that the past does not repeat. We will see what the king has to says.”