Main / 1083-249

Imperial Newscast, 1083-249

Swirling graphics fill the screen.

Yelp (voiceover): "All the news, all the truth, all the time. This is the Imperial Newscast, coming at you live."

The graphics settle into the show ident screen. The image cuts to Sharip Yelp in the studio.

Yelp: "Hello, this is Imperial News. Today is Ten Eighty Three, Two Four Nine. I am Sharip Yelp. And in tonight's newscast ..."

A deep sonorous bell strikes a chime. The picture cuts to a bombed-out building.

Yelp: "A building collapsed in downtown Foster. No reports as yet of casualties."

A deep sonorous bell strikes a chime. The picture cuts to a citizen in a suit being knighted by the Sector Duke.

Yelp: "Among the gongs being handed out in this year's honours are sporting legend Sir Kuris Stapley, Dame Omborth Metapopolos, and the Vargr Captain Gvhrggghrhrerggghggh Jones, for services to the Imperium."

A deep sonorous bell strikes a chime. The picture cuts to a human nurse holding up two aliens, species unidentified.

Yelp: "And the Sred * Ni Ambassador from The Beyond has budded. Looks like twins."

The picture cuts back to the studio, where Yelp flicks back her hair, as she does every time she is about to launch into the first news segment of the show.

Yelp: "But first, further information about the Ine Givar deaths in Garda-Vilis. We've been receiving further information about what they are now calling the Tanoose Massacre."

Yelp shuffles some blank papers. "The Ine Givar had been trying to pass on an olive branch to homegrown terrorists known as the Tanoose Freedom League, responsible for the bombing of three hospitals and the firebombing and arson attacks on seven peaceful Astleyan churches. The Tanoose Freedom League, apparently, were none too pleased about being absorbed into the Ine Givar, so they struck out, slaughtering the diplomatic team whose sole intent had been to form an alliance."

Yelp: "What we have been told to keep quiet is what the TFL are responsible for."

The picture cuts to a pile of rubble. "The bombing of the Sisters of Paula Hospital, resulting in four hundred deaths, of which more than 150 were children."

The picture cuts to another pile of rubble. "This was the Saint Astley hospital, where war veterans of the Fourth Frontier War are being sent."

The picture cuts to a night time shot, of a church on fire. "And this was the Astleyan church, set ablaze with its congregation trapped inside."

The picture cuts back to Sharip Yelp, whose frown looks disturbingly cruel.

Yelp: "I don't think the Tanoose Freedom League deserves to live. The Ine Givar dodged a bullet here. At least we know they are fighting for the truth and -"

The screen cuts out to a black card with the caption WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES - STAND BY

The screen stays in place for the rest of the night.