Main / 1088-194

Door security camera footage

Security footage of a street in Boomtown, Emape. There is a long path down to the mailbox.

A military vehicle rolls up to the foot of the path

Two men emerge, wearing Imperial Marine dress uniform, covers, cutlasses in scabbards, white gloves

They approach the door and ring the bell

The door opens

Jerdehl: "Hello?"

The men salute, their arms dropping slowly to their sides

Jerdehl: (gasps) "No! NO! DAD!" (sobs)

"Officer 1: Ma'am, I am so sorry. Your father, First Master Sergeant Maris Nishka, has given his life in the performance of his duty."

Officer 2: "We are here to deliver the formal notification, Ma'am." (presents Jerdehl with a written note)

"Officer 1: Ma'am, there is little I can offer in consolation, except to say that your father has posthumously earned the Starburst for Extreme Heroism for his courage."

Jerdehl: (weeps)

End door security camera footage