Main / DolbergSindalTrojanReach2113

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Dolberg Sindal Trojan Reach 2113

Name: Dolberg Sindal Trojan Reach 2113

Dolberg is a moderate population world with over a hundred million, but not yet at a billion sophonts in population size.

    It is a Non-Aligned world dominated by human sophonts located in the Sindal Subsector of Trojan Reach Sector.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)

The planet is earth like.

The planet’s atmosphere is toxic to most humans, but the Dolbergers’ lungs are lined with a symbiotic sheath made of microscopic echinoderms (sea cucumbers) that allows them to filter out the toxins.

Monostellar System

    Dolberg Monostellar System Star Name 	Hierarchy 	Category 	Mass (Sol) 	Temp (K) 	Luminosity (Sol)

    F7 V
    	Primary 	Main Sequence 	1.196 	5800 - 6500 	2.584
    Unit 	Diameter 	Min Distance 	Hab Zone 	Jump Shadow 	M-Drive Limit
    AU 	0.01165 	0.13333 	1.28 - 2.08 	1.165 	11.65
    Orbit # 	 * 	0 	4 	3 	7

History & Background (Dossier)

Dolberg is one of the most stable planets in the Trojan Reach. It is officially classed as Government Type 9, Impersonal Bureaucracy, because there is no standard classification for ‘Governed by Giant Psychic Symbiotic Whales’. The human population of Dolberg are descended from the crew of a long range Second Imperium colony ship.

The indigenous population of Dolberg is the Hursuuun, the aforementioned giant psychic symbiotic whales, that lives deep down in the vast oceans. They are the rulers of the planet and speaks with the human population via telepathy. The Dolbergers leave all complex decision-making up to their bottom-dwelling giant psychic whale overlords. What career to pursue, what tasks to perform, who to marry, where to live – everything is decided in the lightless depths by alien whales, connected to the Dolberger by the echinoderm lining his or her lungs. The Dolbergers are not slaves or mind-controlled thralls, and are apparently capable of independent thought and action. They simply find it distasteful, and cannot see why everyone does not live as they do.

The Law Level on Dolberg is classification ‘D’, again because there is no official code for ‘the criminal code is determined by the incomprehensible whims of alien whales, and you will be torn to pieces by an angry mob if you break any of their equally incomprehensible taboos.’

System Details Primary F7 V Planetoid Belts 0 Gas Giants 0