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Jump Point Dragonslayers - Referee Questions - Travellers

Dragonslayers Space Recruitment

I am glad you are interested in our game.

A few questions for you to get started.

1 - Do we have any openings for new players?

Yes we do. We are currently starting the campaign and we will be having new players join us over the next few months.

2 - Do I need to know about Traveller to be able to join?

Not at all. You do not need to know what Traveller is, in fact you do not need to have ever participated in a roleplaying game (RPG) before joining us. Two of our founding Travellers had never played an RPG before joining in on a different game that I run {Island Kingdoms}. To be part of this game you only have to have a decent imagination and a desire to be creative.

3 - Do I need to live near you to play?

No, we play on this site and through the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop program to help manage characters, dice rolling, and various other functions. We are a text based game so no video or voice is required. We respect people's privacy.

4 - What day and time do you play on?

We have a "play by post' type of game. That means players contribute here on the site during the week as they want, adding to the roleplay, ducking into Fantasy Grounds as needed for a roll. We also do meet live inside of Fantasy Grounds every so often as the Players want to so we can interact with each other in a quicker fashion. This happens every few weeks. When we are interacting live it is still fully text based. The Calendar on the Campaign Timeline is where much of the roleplay is centered.

5 - Great when do I start?

There is a bit more to playing with us than that. There are a lot of very good games out there for people to join in, and not everyone is a good fit for all of them. The type of player that fits into our game best is someone who has a good imagination, is creative, and wants to have fun but not at the expense of others having fun. I often refer to what we do as Cooperative Storytelling. That does not mean we are writing a novel dictated by the players (although that has happened before) because we do incorporate RPG mechanics to help create dramatic tension. What we do want are people who can interact by text, writing both short quick responses as well as more thought out longer paragraphs.
Being able to express yourself is much more important than knowing what the "right" thing to say is. We value a wide range of experiences and building a story together is what we are here for.

6 - OK I can live with all of that. Let's get started

Great! So I have a few questions for you to answer.
Wait no one told me there was going to be a test!
It is not a test, or quiz. It is more of an interview process to make sure that the people who want to be part of our game are compatible with the current players. There are no right or wrong answers. The idea here is that potential new players give us feedback on what we are currently doing, give us an idea on how they are likely to interact with everyone, and to be sure that people do understand how this game works. BOB will get the emails, read them, and normally respond to inquiries quickly.


You will be emailing your responses to BOB so that none of the current players will see them.

Website Exploration

Hint: There are links at the bottom of every page for Search and Recent Changes

1 - Please visit the Welcome page. After reading that tell me the first name of the person who created the original Drinax campaign.

2 - Starting at the Jump Point Dragonslayers page tell me what source materials are not shared with players.

3 - What year are the Travellers currently in?

Roleplaying Examples

1 - Tell me about a choice that a character made in a book/movie/game that you disagreed with and how you would have changed it.

2 - I would like you to write me two responses, one that is pragmatic and one that is dramatic for the following prompt.

You are talking with your Captain about a new passenger who has hired a cabin on your starship for the trip to the next system. When you hear the name you realize this person is your rival from your early twenties.

3 - You have written an in character post that no one has responded to in a week. What are your ideas for continuing the conversation?