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Jump Travel

Jump Times

Jumps take one week, whether your ship is capable of Jump-1 or Jump-6 (the maximum Jump available to humans). Jump-2 ships, such as Far Traders and most Scout ships, can Jump two parsecs in one week. They can also Jump one parsec in a week, and many Jump-2 ships enjoy following the same Jump-1 routes as traders, enjoying the increased endurance which you would have if you only burned half the fuel in your ship's fuel tank.

The Travel time is 148 + 6d6 hours from Jump Point in the originating system to the Jump Point in the destination system. The Jump Point for any system is 100 diameters from any object. For other starships this is negligible. For a planet it will be much farther and for a Star even farther to a safe point to Jump. For ease of game play this chart shows the transit times from the expected starport in a system out to the regularly used Jump Point area for ships to enter and leave the system. The portion of this chart that is applicable to an individual system is copied to that system's page. It will vary based on the composition of that system, with star diameters, where the starport is located, or other factors taken into account. Travellers will sometimes Jump from less than ideal places or want to change their entry or exit point in the hopes of avoiding encountering other ships. This is where a good Astrogator is important. Part of the Astrogation formula is attempting to sync the Ship's Clock to the local System Time to arrive when desired as well as where.

Sample Jump Point table1

Size 123456

1 - The travel time to the Jump Point is based on thrust and diameter size and is from this chart by Ian Bruntlett: PDF - irb 100 Diameters table {attach original file here}

Starting rough page with links to ideas: