Main / PersonalLogSilasLane


1104-357 1600 first group meal for just the Officers, which includes me. Now we're firmly in jumpspace, we'll find out about our remit.

Pioneer, good ship and well crewed and staffed by scientists; Harison, competent and experienced Naval man; Sultana, confident and should want to get to know them all better.

I'm eager to arrive at Drinax and find work.

Assigned Vix task of completing the paperwork for the return of his Scout Ship. Once it had been reclaimed, where would its physical location be? It might take some time before the ship would be in his possession once more.

Tasks Outstanding



Transceiver TL12 p63 Cr0
Digital friend "Vix" TL12 BW2 p68
Expert 1 Admin skill (rolls as if having 0 skill) TL11 BW1 p68 Cr1,000
Intelligent Interface p68 BW1 Cr100
Translator 1 TL10 BW1 p69bCr500
Personal Trainer Recon skill BW1 p69 Cr2,000

Vix: Vix is an energetic and playful AI with a quirky sense of humour. She enjoys bantering with Silas and often tries to lighten his mood with witty remarks, playful teasing, fun facts and famous or inspirational quotes. Despite her lighthearted demeanour, Vix is highly efficient and reliable when it comes to providing translation, processing admin or assisting with complex calculations.

Vix speaks with a fast-paced, vaguely feminine, medium pitch voice, eloquent but using spacer slang as befits the companion of a courier. Its holographic appearance is as an attractive asexual person in an unmarked uniform similar to that of an ISS scout. Vix sometimes flickers in and out of view and can appear as just a set of floating eyes or a faint outline when in low-power mode.

Other Muster Out benefits

Scout Gear in a case onboard Swift Oath

Ally: Knight Lena Yaelmon A minor noble with limited influence, Lena is a diplomat who shared Silas's disdain for corruption and believes in the principles of justice and honour. Though not particularly powerful, Lena has a knack for gathering useful information and subtly influencing decisions within diplomatic circles. He admires Silas’s courage and offers support through his connections, helping Silas navigate the complexities of interstellar politics.

Enemy: Captain Brannu Loska

Enemy: Byddryg Velyan

Term One - Navy Flight Gain Enemy (Roll 9 Foil an attempted crime on board) - Rank 0 Ensign - Melee (blade) 1 Cutlass In his first term with the Navy as a Flight Officer, Silas Lane quickly earned a reputation for his integrity, bravery and natural charisma. His moral compass was put to the test when he uncovered a plot by Captain Brannu Loska, a high-ranking and influential officer, who was promoting underqualified relatives into officer ranks through nepotism. Silas, unwilling to let corruption taint the Navy, gathered evidence and exposed the scheme, leading to a court-martial for Loska. However, this act of courage also made him a powerful enemy in Captain Loska, who vowed revenge. During this time, Silas was portrayed by the media as a vital, swashbuckling young officer and became famous throughout Glisten subsector, reinforced by his love of competitive fencing.

Term Two - Navy Flight Gain Diplomat (Roll 8 Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission) - Rank 1 Sublieutenant In his second term, Silas's vessel was assigned to a crucial diplomatic mission on behalf of the Imperium. During this mission, he was mentored by a seasoned diplomat, Commander Ilyana Roarke. His outgoing nature and sense of justice, combined with the Commander's teaching, helped balance the delicate tensions in the negotiations between two warring factions. The pivotal role he played earned him a promotion to Sub Lieutenant. His found great satisfaction in this period and felt his career was burgeoning.

Term Three - Navy Flight Honourable Discharge (Mishap roll 3 defeat or victory depends on your actions) Silas's final term in the Navy ended in a blaze of glory and tragedy. During a fierce battle with an enemy fleet, the tide of conflict hinged on a daring maneuver he executed flawlessly. Despite his success, the battle was ultimately lost due to overwhelming enemy forces. Recognising his valor and leadership, the Navy honorably discharged him, but the defeat weighed heavily on his conscience. Silas, disillusioned by the loss and the continuing presence of corruption within the ranks, chose to leave the Navy and public life behind. However, he could not have guessed that he was not fated to a quiet life.

Term Four - Scout Courier Survey an alien world (Roll 4 gain Survival) - Rank 0 Seeking solitude, a new direction and a yearning for travel, Silas joined the Intergalactic Scout Service as a Courier. He was assigned to survey an uncharted alien world, where his team faced the harsh wilderness with only wits and the lessons of their training. This period of isolation from home comforts hardened him further, teaching him valuable lessons about self-reliance and a mastery of ISS survival equipment. The wilds of the alien world were both challenging and fascinating to Silas, and he determined to explore further and abandon aspects of his structured past life for this new freedom.

Term Five - Scout Courier Gain an enemy (Roll 9 first on scene to rescue survivors) - Vacc suit 1 In his second term as a Scout Courier, Silas's ship was the first to respond to a catastrophic mishap involving the destruction of a subsidised liner. He led the rescue operation, spending countless hours in a vacc suit performing dangerous EVAs to save as many survivors as possible. His efforts earned him a double promotion, making him a highly regarded Scout, but the mission also left scars. During the triage, Silas made the difficult decision to prioritise those he could save, leaving behind members of a prominent family to die horribly in the vacuum. This decision earned him an implacable enemy in Byddryg Velyan, the family’s patriarch, who vowed to make him pay for the loss of his loved ones.

Term Six - Scout Courier Gain an ally (Roll 8 gain extra intelligence about an alien species) - Rank 3 Senior Scout In his sixth term, Silas Lane found himself in the middle of a high-stakes mission that presented an unexpected opportunity. While carrying out his assigned duties, Silas discovered a chance to gather critical intelligence on an Aslan clan in the Trojan Reach. Understanding the potential value of this information, he risked the safety of his ship and crew to collect detailed reports on their military movements and probable clan alliances. His success not only gained him a stout ally within Knight Lena Yaelmon of the Imperium but also earned him considerable favour with both the Imperium and the Scout Service. Recognising his extraordinary contributions, Silas was promoted to the rank of Senior Scout. His time in this term also saw him spending countless hours behind the controls of various Scout Ships, and he quickly built a reputation as one of the finest pilots in the sector.