Main / PioneerShipsCharter

Pioneer - Ships Log - Ships Record

Pioneer Ship's Charter

This is the original charter that Captain Athena Solis instituted when she took possession of the Science Lab Ship Pioneer.

New Charter established on ??? by Captain Athena Solis

I The Pioneer is a SCIENCE ship
a. The goal is to do research
b. Everyone on board the ship as crew is responsible for their own research
c. Each researcher is responsible for procuring their own grants for research
d. Captain Solis has full discretion to appoint or dismiss any researcher

II Captain Athena Solis has the primary control over the Pioneer
a. Captain Solis has the sole determination for which systems in Known Space the Pioneer will visit
b. All research conducted on the Pioneer is required to have her listed as an attribution
c. Any research published must include proper citation of the role the Pioneer in their research
d. Any publication rights of any research must be approved by the Captain
e. The Captain will be listed as a co-researcher on all projects
f. 10% of any proceeds from research or publication go to the Captain

III Captain Athena Solis is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Pioneer
a. Any researcher is responsible for the costs of their research
b. Any researcher must maintain their physical research area properly
c. Any additional cost to maintain as determined by the Captain is the responsibility of the researcher

IV Crew of the Pioneer
a. Captain Solis can designate any person onboard the Pioneer as a member of the crew
b. Crew members are not charged for their living expenses
c. Researchers have the right to declare they are not part of the crew
d. Crew members who are not researchers will be paid the standard rate

V Auxiliary and Supplemental matters
a. Captain Solis maintains control to determine if a sophont is allowed on board
b. Captain Solis maintains control to determine any material goods that may be brought on board
c. Captain Solis maintains control to determine the disposition of funds for any sale of material goods brought on board
d. 10% of the sale of any trade goods go to the Captain
e. 100% of all income from Passengers goes to the Captain

VI Designation of officers
a. Captain Solis has full discretion to appoint or dismiss any officer
b. Captain Solis can designate Officers to act on her behalf at her discretion