Profiles / Khearl

Khearltoeakhyolahrfirusheakh'if [he goes by 'Khearl' among humans] is an Aslan male who hails from a world half a sector away, Roget/Darrian [SM 0427]. He is both a Darrian citizen and a member of the Arhoakeaf clan of Aslan.

As he will tell anyone, he is a wanderer. He claims to be an experienced spacer, a pilot, and was tired of seeing the same old ports as he flew freight for his clan. A couple of years ago, he flew a full-sized clan colonial mission into the Trojan reach. His clan had originally come to the Darrian Confederation as mercenaries and were given land on a paradise world for their good service. Now, with tensions rising in the Reach, the clan envoys arranged a similar contract with the Third Imperium. In exchange for lands on the world of Berengaria /Pax Rulin, the clan would become the army of that world. But the long journey gave Khearl a severe case of wanderlust. While he has the basic skills of any Aslan male, and his courage is certainly not lacking, he is no soldier. The new settlement was forbidden any craft that could rise above the atmosphere of Berengaria [a protection against the clan being an ihatei incursion] and there was no role for Khearl in the new landholds.