Profiles / Niyaga

Anthony Harrison/Niyaga

From Perth, Western Australia where I run games with the DND Fremantle guild. We currently play in a big old Pub in Fremantle, an amazing venue with vaulted ceilings/great acoustics and heaps of tables and space. The Guild can accommodate >100 people on Mondays and Thursdays. As of September 2024 and since 2021, I have run three short in-person Traveller campaigns, so I've only been playing this system for a short time. I plan to run an in-person Pirates of Drinax in 2025.

I grew up on D&D2e and played a bit in the 80's and 90's before returning to RPG's in 2015. As I previously lived in a remote location where there were few groups, I played in and ran play-by-post games on I quickly tired of D&D5e and particularly the "build" or video game style of play and sought other systems and settings.

I enjoy Traveller because of the simple and scaling resolution mechanic as opposed to binary outcomes like d20 systems. I also enjoy the various mini-games within. These days I prefer sci-fi to fantasy settings.

My other favourite system at the moment in Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. I currently run a Victorian era monster hunters game using the Rippers Resurrected sourcebooks which is a blast. It has been a favourite of my players.