Main / 1104-358-Unity


1104-357 -- 1104-358 -- 1104-359

1104-358 06:00 - Ship of Unity

[Crockett up early in the galley at the coffee pot when KHEARL arrives] "Oh hello there, I don't believe we've met but I'm CROCKETT and a passenger on this transport like you I believe. Would you like a morning coffee?"

"Ah, the steeped beans that humans like. The Daryens drink something similar. Yes, I will have some. Are there straws? Humans do not like to see either us or the Vargr lap our drinks, but our fangs make it difficult to drink as you do. If there is milk, I would like some. I see there is salt on the table. You asked me yesterday how I came to be here. May I ask you the same question? Drinax is not much of a world, or so the computers say."

"Yes of course....I have an invite to a party the King of Drinax is having on new year's day and so I was offered a ride on this transport by one of the Provosts....Party time can be fun.... How about you?

Crockett to Administrative Aide DAR// Can you arrange a meeting for me with Provost Falx today?

[Notes in Crockett's mind for his eventual meeting with Provost Falx include asking Provost for further background on overall interests of his corporation, and perhaps to share thoughts on what a good relationship with King of Drinax might look like in future should it be possible to arrange someday? ]

(Admin Aide Dar)"Yes Sir Crockett. I will make sure you are seated next to Provost Falx at dinner today"

1104-358 06:00 - Captains Dinner on Unity

[Crockett arrives early before arrival of provosts and introduces himself to whoever arrives first]

" must be Provost Shala...I'm James Crockett and am hitching a ride with you at invitation of Provost Falx."

(Shala)"Hello Mr Crockett. It is nice to meet you. I hope you have a good singing voice. I look forward to being able to visit with you during our trip to Drinax. Would you happen to be any good at water polo? Do you have any advice on betting on sports?

Administrative Aide Dar comes and guides Provost Shala to the end of the table as the Captain takes the other end. Seated along the one side of the table is Provost Falx, then Crockett, then Khearl, then Dar. Opposite of them are the Chief Engineer, the Astrogator, the Pilot and someone who looks like a random crew person on the end next to the Captain.

(Administrative Aide Dar)"Provost Shala, this is Mr James Crockett, and this is Khearltoeakhyolahrfirusheakh'if, though for informality we have been allowed to use Khearl as his name. turning to the other side This is Captain Jennifer Bennett, one of our most decorated officers, then we have Crewman Josephant, he works in maintenance. At every dinner the Captain randomly selects one of the crew to join the table. We also have our pilot Captain Thsoling, he knows every debris field in the Cluster, along with the Head of Astrogation for our services Adimana Kliponis. She is our leading expert to ensure we have the shortest and safest routes. Last and most definitely most underrated is Chief Engineer Admiral Writhstone Glong III. " Each of them smile and nod to Crockett and Khearl.

Then Captain Bennett taps the table and three stewards come out with the first courses as two other stewards produce water and wine for each of the guests. Thy bring Khearl a large wide bowl that has been refashioned into a goblet. Giving him a wide open space to drink from.

(Provost Falx)"Tell us Mr Crockett and Khearl, what brings you to Drinax?"

[Khearl] "I am a wanderer, Provost Falx. I have spent my career flying between the same stars and grew bored with the same ports. My clan has established a colony on Berengaria and seeing new stars and new planets has made me realize how much of the universe there is still to see. Your captain was courteous to offer passage, so here I am. Once I see what Drinax holds, I shall move onwards. Though from what I've heard, that should not take long..." The Aslan khir gives a low chuckle and a toothless smile at his own joke...

Well I'm not as much of a wanderer and explorer as my Aslan friend here that I met for first time this morning over coffee. I've just recently retired and mustered out of three terms with the marines do my bit for planetary safety and by chance scored an invitation to meet with King Olaf on Drinax at his New Year's Day Party. When I recently met Provost Falx here and told him of this he invited me to share passage with you so we could chat more about this special opportunity. So here I am.

Khearl nods politely at all the introductions. "So tell me, is Drinax as poor a place as I've heard? I do not have much experience here in the Reach as my clan serves the Daryen Confederation. I have read grim tales about more than one world in the sector that was purposely rendered a wasteland by ya'uiya barbarians. Noricum was mentioned, and Drinax as well."

(Shala)"It is true that the Sindalian means of... controlling their systems was extreme. The Kingdom of Drinax was much more moderate and restrained, utilizing diplomatic and economic means to maintain control until King Oleb XIV went a bit too far with his taxation schemes. Torpol has been independent for the past 220 years after his downfall. That is the time of wasteland that you have heard of Khearl. Since King Oleb XVI has taken the throne Drinax and Torpol have been on friendly terms. That is primary reason we are here at this time. I want to arrange King Oleb's visit to Torpol for his participation in the Water Polo Championships. I brought Provost Falx along so he could learn more about negociating, and it is his birthday today."

At that cue all five of the Stewards break into song, singing a celebratory birthday song, and presenting everyone with a sweet appetizer to start the meal with.

[Crockett turns sideways to face Falx sitting next to him] Happy Birthday to you. I'm glad they have us sitting together tonight.

Kheal also raises his glass. "Yes, Happy Natal Day Provost Falx."

[speaking again to Provost Falx sitting next to him] So making a birthday wish regarding your future relationship with King Olaf and his successors, what might you wish for as your birthday wish Sir?

(Falx)"Thank you! I am very grateful for the chance to be on this trip with Provost Shala. I hope to learn a bit about the negotiations with King Oleb, and with how to interact with the residents of the Floating Palace. I have the responsibilities of the High Port so I am curious to see how they interact at the Floating Palace in particular with their ships in transit. I am happy that we will have the ability to stay at the Floating Palace for the two days. This will be my first time at Drinax so I expect to find many wonders. You had said Sir Crockett you have a meeting with King Oleb on the First. Kheal, are you here to help influence King Oleb for the water polo championships?"

"So being responsible for the High Port at Torpol, how would a stronger relationship improve your standing and trade if I might ask?"

(Falx)"Well Sir Crockett that is an interesting question. Would a stronger relationship bring us more trade goods? That would be profitable. Would it mean doing more business in our repair yards? Having more ships come in for maintenance would increase our profits. Or would a relationship entail Drinax taking some of that business from us in exchange for something else? I do not know what King Oleb is looking for. I have never met him. Povost Shala has. Perhaps if I could get some investment from GeDeCo in our High Port that could lead to more business as the trade ships stop in on their way along the Florian Route. That is always our goal for the High Port. To keep as busy as possible."

[Khearl, to the table at large] "May I ask what this King Oleb has to offer if his lands are ruined? From what I saw as I visited, the port of Torpol seemed to be busy enough. There didn't seem to be many desperate people or the rukhta criminals that prey on them. Well, beyond the normal allotment found in most hisloi ports anyway. So how much trade can he bring to you? I would think you'd be wanting to lure trade from the Tlaiowaha to your port instead."

Provost Falx nods to Provost Shala for this one. (Provost Shala)"That is a good question my wandering philosopher. Torpol earns a good income through the Florian Trade Route. We have recovered from the fall of the Kingdom of Drinax much faster and many would say much better than Drinax itself. You are correct in the idea that Tlaiowaha, through Khusai could be a good way to increase our trade. Most trade along the Hierate Route through Paal into Tyokh is inaccessible to us at Torpol. But with the easy passage along the Drinax cluster and main could mean we divert trade from the Hierate Route though Drinax to Torpol. It is a lofty goal for our grandchildren to see the fruits of perhaps. What I can do is maintain healthy cordial relationships with the King of Drinax, cater a bit to his needs and keep peace. Peace is good for business."

YES..."peace is good for business" question....I'll mull your responses over for sure gentlemen and keep them in mind when I have pleasure of being introduced to King Olaf on new year's day. This is an excellent dinner by the way...Compliments to the chef please. I don't know if we'll have time to meet again like this before arriving at Drinax, so let me also thank you now for allowing me to transport with you. It has been an honor.

[Khearl] "Yes, peace is good for business but poor for glory. This is something I think many hisloi forget about the Fteirle. We are different from you in some of our basic needs. Where you claim to seek war only as a last resort, we Fteirle understand that too much peace can be as bad for a people as too much war. Where you believe that those among you who seek glory are somehow ill, we understand that too much peace rots the spirit just as much as too much war destroys what you wish to take by waging it. This is why we have the custom of ihatei... it is a matter of balance. We war when the spirit calls for it but do not seek to ruin that for which we war. "I do not say that war is coming to the Reach. I do not know the Reach or its peoples to say one way or another. But when dealing with the Fteirle you hisloi must always understand that war is not just possible, but might be desired for its own sake."