Library Entries - Systems - Contacts
Fist Tobia Trojan Reach 2918
Name: Fist Tobia Trojan Reach 2918
- Location Map
- Attitude - Perceived Attitude - Neutral/Unknown
- Key Contacts - None noted
- Special Notes - Sir Lieutenant Gopal Sultana spent his last term here
- General Notes -
Fist is a nonindustrial world, that requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society.
In a technological universe, societies without industrial capability generally suffer as nearly all manufactured and high tech goods must be brought in at significant cost. As a nonindustrial world, it requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. The need to import most manufactured and high technology goods drives the price of these goods up in the open market. This is a "high technology" world with technology achievements at, near, or over technology standards for Charted Space. It is a member of the Third Imperium in the Tobia Subsector of Trojan Reach Sector in the Domain of Deneb.
Description (Astrography & Planetology)
Fist is the start of both the Florian Trade Route, which is the main Imperium/Florian League trade route, as well as the Hierate Route, which connects the Aslan Hierate and the Imperium.
The system is best known for the six nickel-iron asteroids that were moved into position by an eccentric belter several centuries ago and sculpted into monuments to Imperial power.
Monostellar System
Fist Monostellar System Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol) Fist F1 V Primary Main Sequence 1.62 6700 - 7300 7.18 Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit AU 0.01526 0.22225 2.13 - 3.47 1.526 15.26 Orbit # * 0 5 4 8
System Data
World Data
Native Lifeforms
History & Background (Dossier)
Imperial High (Landed) Nobility
World Government
World Economy
World Demographics
Historical Data
System Details
Planetoid Belts 1
Gas Giants 3