Main / Kfeikn

Prison Barge Kfeikn

The Kfeikn is a prison barge that travels between systems picking up bids on prisoner contracts. It then turns around and sells these prisoner contracts to the next highest bidder, usually for menial labor. Some prisoners are given jobs aboard the vessel itself involving simple maintenance and day to day labors like cooking for other inmates, cleaning, and painting the hull. Given the immense number of low-berths upon most prison barges they typically have a full medical compliment of doctors and medics, they don't want their prisoners dying when the thaw out.

Most Prison Barge ships have redundant life-support systems and very efficient CO2 scrubbing, enabling them to support many sophonts at once. They typically have lower armaments favoring to use ships power towards life support and other functions, as many corsairs are able to recognize that prison barges do not present very good targets, but some slavers still raid them so minimal defenses are equipped for those situations. The Kfeikn has a small ships bay for shuttles and to allow smaller ships to dock inside for prisoner exchanges and other businesses.

Crew: 90

Prisoner Capacity: 800




Docking Space:
