Main / 1084-205

Traveller - Mikhel Dromah

Personal Log - Mikhel Dromah

Date: 1084-205

1084-205 - 10:00

‘Captain's Mast’ Nonjudicial Punishment Hearing - Marine Mikhel Dromah

The Marines are assembled in an Academy conference room set up for the purpose of the Commandant’s ‘Captain's Mast’ (NJP Hearing). The very unusual request from the accused Marine was for a closed hearing. Usually, Justice was done in public, as a means of demonstrating lapses of discipline had consequences. The situation called for visibility, but the Assisting Officer persisted. The Commandant decided to go with it.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “You are suspected of committing the following violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice:”

UCMJ Article 92 – Failure To Obey An Order
UCMJ Article 134:

“You do not have to make any statement regarding the offense(s) of which you are accused or suspected, and any statement made by you may be used as evidence against you.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “You are advised that a nonjudicial punishment is not a trial and that a determination of misconduct on your part is not a conviction by a court. Further, you are advised that the formal rules of evidence used in trials by court-martial do not apply at nonjudicial punishment.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “I have a statement signed by you acknowledging that you were fully advised of your legal rights pertaining at this hearing.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Do you understand this statement and do you understand the rights explained therein?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Yes, Colonel.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Do you have any questions about them or do you wish to make any requests?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Not at this time, Colonel.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Just use the title, ‘Sir’, Marine.

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Not at this time, Colonel.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “That wasn’t a request.”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Understood, Colonel.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki smolders and glares at Marine Dromah. He proceeds…

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): [To witness (Platoon Instructor, Sgt Rajesh Tak)] “What can you tell me about the Marine Dromah's involvement in this offense?”

WIT (Sgt Rajesh Tak): “Sir, Marine Dromah was instructed In Accordance With (IAW) our Recruit Training Guidelines as to the proper means of care and preparation his uniform, including boots. He was shown how to prepare for inspections, advised of the standards of appearance, and shown the method of applying a high gloss shine to his boots. In subsequent inspections, Marine Dromah did not apply a high gloss shine to his boots, and refused to do so when directly ordered by the Directing Staff. He pointed out that he had read the User Manual for the footwear, and that excessive polishing was contrary to the instructions for proper care of the boots. He was told to disregard the instructions and follow orders. Repeated orders to apply a high gloss shine have been ignored. He has refused to perform Extra Duties assigned for his lapse of discipline in this regard, so charges were recommended. Here we stand.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Do you have anything to add to or change in your statement?”

WIT (Sgt Rajesh Tak): “Sir. No, Sir.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Marine Dromah, would you like me to ask any further questions of this witness?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Would you ask Sgt Tak if I have been assigned Extra Duties for other training deficiencies, and did I perform those Extra Duties?”

WIT (Sgt Rajesh Tak): “Sir, Marine Dromah has been assigned Extra Duties from time to time, and he has always done them, and to a high standard and maximum effort.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Marine Dromah, would you like me to ask any further questions of this witness?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Not at this time, Colonel. I thank Sgt Tak for his unbiased statements.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki’s eyebrow went up. Unusual. The Sgt’s statements were proof of the charge. As stated, Marine Dromah is guilty, without doubt. In fact, there were other charges not on the table that should have been brought. The Marine was going to cells, at least, with that uncontested evidence.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): [To witness (Platoon Instructor, LSgt Zita Watson)] “Lance Sergeant Watson. What can you tell me about Marine Dromah's involvement in this offense?”

WIT (LSgt Zita Watson): “Sir. As stated by Sgt Tak, Marine Dromah has been repeatedly told about the dress standard expected of candidates at the Academy, and I have shown all the candidates how to polish boots. He was in attendance at the first lesson, and I have shown him personally on, at least, one other occasion how to do so. I have asked him if it is something he has difficulty doing, and if he could ‘trade’ the task with another candidate, such as Marine Dige, as a means of team-building and group cohesion. Marine Dromah stated that he is actively trading tasks for a number of things, but he wouldn’t ‘waste’ another Marine’s time with this specific task.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Do you have anything to add to or change in your statement?”

WIT (LSgt Zita Watson): “Sir. No, Sir.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Marine Dromah, would you like me to ask any further questions of this witness?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Colonel. No. I thank LSgt Watson for her unbiased statements.”

Col Kazuki again registers this as anomalous. He’s missing something…

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “I have before me the following documents, statements, and your current personal appearance as physical evidence,” giving Marine Dromah a full, glaring inspection from head to toe, “That will be considered by me. Have you been given the opportunity to examine them?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Yes, Colonel. I have no challenge or complaint to any of the written or spoken evidence.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): Is there anything that you wish to offer?

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “Sir, on behalf of Marine Dromah, I am asked to submit the following documents:

First, the Manual for Marine Boot MkXXVI – Function and User Maintenance.
Second, the Design Specifications of Marine Boot MkXXVI, used by the Imperial Procurement Bureau to contract the issue footware for Imperial Marines.
The third document is the Technical Information Paper No. 12-054-0616 - Foot Marching, Load Carriage, And Injury Risk.
If required, I have more documentation to submit, if these are not sufficient. I also have these summaries.”

The Assisting Officer hands over a few pages, with text containing ‘Additional Excerpts from Podiatrist studies’:

“Whether it’s due to hot weather or physical activity, excessive foot sweating can lead to discomfort and unwanted odors. Hyperhidrosis: Extensive research suggests that considering the breathability and moisture-wicking properties of the shoe’s upper and insole materials is essential for proper ventilation and sweat reduction.”
“The foot by itself in a shoe provides a perfect milieu for bacterial and fungal growth. It is moist, dark, and there is heat. The combination of those three things make a foot inside an unbreathing shoe a dangerous place.” says Dr Positano.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki):”I don’t have time to wade through all this. What is the point of all this?”

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “Sir, Marine Dromah has provided a summary of each. The first is how to maintain the boots, and ensure proper function. It specifically states that minimum polish is to be used to maintain the color and condition of the material. In direct contravention of this User Manual, the Academy Staff orders Candidates to excessively polish their footwear, adversely affecting the breathability and function of the footwear.

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “The second document is the design specification created by the Imperial Marines for functional footwear to provide the best possible protection and comfort, as well as maintain the combat effectiveness of our troops. Over-polishing the footwear contravenes the basic principle of why the footwear was designed, procured and put into service. As over-polishing causes excessive moisture buildup in the footwear, this reduces the durability of the footwear, and causes premature wear-out, which is wasteful of Imperial materiel, and inefficient.”

“The Technical Information Paper basically backs up the contention that over-polishing our footwear will result in, in the worst case scenarios, the crippling of some troops, but in most cases will affect most troops somewhat. As a minimum, over-polishing footwear will affect the wellbeing of the troops, and negatively affect their overall performance and ongoing health.”

“Lastly, the excerpts back up all the above.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Stunned, Col Kazuki blinks. Blinks again and breaths. Looking at Marine Dromah, ”You insolent little bastard! I…”

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “SIR! Sorry to interrupt, but Marine Dromah’s parents were legally married to each other at the time Marine Dromah was born. You will have to apologize to Marine Dromah for that epithet, or Marine Dromah will submit an Article 134 ‘Indecent Language’ complaint to Higher HQ.

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Red faced, and with pulsing veins becoming visible on his forehead, “Who does this Fucking maggot think he is…

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “SIR! Sorry to interrupt, but Marine Dromah is celibate, and will submit an Article..

Col Okamoto Kazuki: “Shut up!” With visible effort, Col Kazuki attempts to get his temper under control. A few moments later, “Who is in charge of this proceeding? Not some wet-behind-the-ears Marine recruit, Damn it!” Col Kazuki then notices that Lt Marcussen was reading from a cue card.

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Pointing at the cards in Lt Marcussen’s hand, “What are those?”

Lt Svend Marcussen: “Sir, these are notes provided by Marine Dromah on possible actions and responses by the Presiding Officer. They are rather extensive. I, personally, wouldn’t play chess against Marine Dromah on a good day. Sir.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Blinks. He takes a few moments to consider the situation.

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Taking a very deep breath, “We will proceed.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Are there any other witnesses you would like to call or any other evidence you would like to present?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Not at this time, Colonel. I trust the Directing Staff to provide unbiased information throughout this proceeding. I shouldn’t need to expose fellow Marine Candidates to this evolution.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Blinks. He takes a few moments to consider the situation. He’s not sure he is on firm footing. Things are not going according to script. He is now feeling like he’s definitely missed something. There isn't time, now, to sort it out.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Is there anything that you wish to offer that would lessen the seriousness of these offenses or mitigate them?

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Colonel, Over-polishing boots is an offence in and of itself, as the documents show. If I am to be found guilty of ‘not following orders’, an appeal will be made to higher headquarters. As this is a leadership institution, I am confounded by the dichotomy of teaching new Marines to follow orders, while the Directing Staff picks and chooses which orders they will follow, and which they will completely ignore.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Became red faced again, pulsing veins became visible on his forehead, again. He manages to refrain from speaking, looking at the cards in Lt Marcussen’s hand. The thought runs through his head again, about who exactly is directing this proceeding. It is then that Col Kazuki appraises Marine Dromah. Yes, he is not the sharpest Marine he ever met. However, this Marine is obviously relaxed and alert. Most Marines, even seasoned veterans, were tense, if not visibly nervous, when standing before a Presiding Officer. This whole situation was FUBAR.

Col Okamoto Kazuki resolves to see this hearing through. There were millennia of Tradition on the line, and core discipline values at stake. The Col looks down at the script on the podium in front of him and looks at the next step.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): Looking at Sgt Rajesh Tak, “What can you tell me about Marine Dromah’s performance of other duties?”

WIT (Sgt Rajesh Tak): “Sir, Marine Dromah is in all other regards an excellent Marine. His lack of attention to Dress Regs is the only area of his performance that is remotely sub-standard. If not for this, he would be in the running for the top student in the Platoon.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): Looking at LSgt Watson, “What can you tell me about Marine Dromah’s performance of other duties?”

WIT (LSgt Zita Watson): “Sir. Marine Dromah has achieved top marks in every evaluation he has done. His speed and accuracy on the range is top-notch. With experience, he could be a marksman. He needs some physical development, having come from a Belter upbringing, but mentally he is one of the best in the Platoon. There are some odd quirks of personality, which I assume are from his upbringing, but nothing that make him unable to perform where it counts.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): Marine Dromah. Is there anything else you would like to present?

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): “Colonel. I thank Sgt Tak for his unbiased statements and his assessment of my entire performance to date. Also, I thank LSgt Watson for her unbiased statements, and I am very appreciative of her interest in my performance and of the time she has spent to look after my welfare.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “At this point, according to this script, I am to make a finding. Usually, a punishment is imposed. However, with the evidence presented, I will have to consult the JAG, and be advised. We will take a short recess while I get some direction.”

The School Chief calls the room to attention, and the Commandant departs the room. The School Chief puts the room at ease, to wait. About ten minutes later, the Commandant re-enters the room, as the School Chief calls the room to attention.

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Taking a very deep breath, “We will proceed.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “I am dismissing the charges for this Hearing. I will be taking this situation up the chain of command, and taking the counsel of the JAG. This is not to say that future disobedience or other infractions of the Code of Military Justice will not be prosecuted. This isn’t over.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “You are …”

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “SIR! Sorry to interrupt, but Marine Dromah is has two outstanding apologies due him.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: The smoking glare at the Lt is enough to cause the Lt to sweat, and consider other employment.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): With a scathing stare at Lt Marcussen, “You have got to be kidding.”

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “Sir! No, Sir! It is either a verbal apology now, or a very public, written apology demand from Higher Headquarters.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): With barely suppressed outrage, “If you think I’m apologizing to this son of a bitch…

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “SIR! Sorry to interrupt…” Looking down at the cue cards, “But you do not know Marine Dromah’s mother. She is Human, not canine, nor are you conversant enough of her character to disparage her…”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Enough! Another apology. I get it.”

Col Okamoto Kazuki: Grinding his teeth, he considered the situation. The Marine could start a paper campaign up the chain, and even if unsuccessful, it would look very bad. There was no win, if he didn’t relent.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Marine Dromah. I take back my words about your parents' marital status, your mother’s Humanity and character, and any aspersions about your sexual habits. Satisfied?”

ACCUSED (Marine Dromah): Marine Dromah nods his head. “Colonel.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “You are dismissed.”

As Marine Dromah is conducted from the room, the Commandant turns to the Assisting Officer.

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Lt Marcussen.”

Assisting Officer (Lt Svend Marcussen): “Sir! Just a word, Sir. Marine Dromah asked for a Closed Mast for a reason. He expected the outcome, and wished to give you the opportunity to work out the path forward with your staff without the school knowing what transpired beforehand. In this, Marine Dromah wished to save the school’s reputation. He also expected some possible difficulties with the proceedings, and wish to ensure reputations didn’t suffer from any negative responses. Sir. Based on what occurred, he read the situation spot on.”

CO (Col Okamoto Kazuki): “Get out of my sight!”

1084-205 - 16:00

Platoon Directing Staff Follow-up

Platoon Head NCO Instructor - Sergeant Rajesh Tak
Platoon Instructor - Lance Sergeant Zita Watson

At the end of the formal training day, the Platoon is marched back to their quarters, and dismissed. Marine Dromah is ordered to the Platoon Office.

Marine Dromah announces his Service Number, Name and Rank at the door on his arrival, as required.

LSgt Watson: “Dromah! Get your pitiful excuse for a body in here!”

Marine Dromah marches into the Platoon Office, coming to a halt in front of LSgt Watson’s desk. Sgt Tak is at his desk, head down over some paperwork. The door to the Platoon Commander’s office is closed. Sitting centered on the front edge of the LSgt’s desk is a sorry pair of very worn MkXXVI boots.

Marine Dromah: “Marine Dromah reporting as ordered.” The boots are noticed, but not looked at. Eyes are straight ahead.

LSgt Watson: “Dromah! You are a Moron! Don’t speak! Yes, I know you have one of the highest IQs in the Marine Corps. But, today, you proved that intelligence doesn’t equal smarts. It is at this point that most would ask ‘What were you thinking!’ However, it is very apparent that the question is irrelevant, because it is obvious another expression is more pertinent. ‘What makes us think conscious thought was involved?’ What was the end game, Dromah? Where did you think taking on the Commandant of the Academy was going to get you? Speak!”

Marine Dromah: “Sgt, I thought I’d not have to wear over-polished footwear.” Did he really want to explain the reason?

LSgt Watson: “Right. Really? You put your potential career in the Marines in jeopardy for that? That’s the hill you want to die on? Personally, I’d’ve gone for better food. Stars, Dromah!” LSgt Watson shakes her head and takes a deep breath. “Well, today, as well as scuttling your potential career for something pretty frivolous, you did something worse. You have left your Platoon Staff hanging in the wind. The Company Commander spent a half-hour in the Commandant’s Office getting third degree scream burns for his deficiencies in leadership. Then, our Platoon Commander spent a half-hour in the Coy Cmdr’s office getting a new rectum bored out. And, we, as your Directing Staff, are being held accountable for not supervising our charges properly, nor dealing with our problems in house. Thanks to you not trusting us. Thanks to you not coming to us and allowing us the opportunity to rectify the issue at the lowest level. What is your major malfunction, Marine?! Did you not believe we would deal with you fairly? Do you not think we care about your wellbeing? You said thanks to the Commandant for that at Mast! So, what up!?”

Marine Dromah: “Sgt, I wasn’t sure you had the authority to change the Training Requirements. You seemed too invested in the Status Quo."

LSgt Watson: “Oh, the Stars bright above! Dromah, the Marine Corps runs on the backs and brains of its Sergeants. We are the problem solvers. The officers give the orders, and the Sergeants make it happen. Good Officers give the Sergeants the intent, and then, the good ones, get out of the way. The Sergeants figure out how to make it happen, and the good ones always make it happen. The officers look good, and everyone is happy.”

Marine Dromah: “Sgt. We are supposed to be a modern, high-tech outfit. Why are we doing things that are strictly for appearance, and inefficient at that? Shiny boots have nothing to do with the core reason for being Marines. We don't hit the ground and fight with shiny boots.”

LSgt Watson: “There's an expression for this situation. Sgt Tak, you know the one."

Sergeant Tak raised his head and looked at LSgt Watson, "I believe the one for this situation is, 'The Imperial Navy. Millennia of Tradition, unimpeded by progress!'" He leaned back over his desk.

LSgt Watson: “That's the one! And being we are attached at the hip to the Navy, we follow the same rationale. Shining boots is part of the training. It is to put challenges in your path, and get you to make choices, manage your time, and build unity with your Platoon mates. Also, it shows 'esprit de corps', pride in your unit or organization. It is just one of the tools used to get boys and girls to develop into effective adults."

Marine Dromah: “Can't we find something better to show pride and develop skills? Something more effective and appropriate to the mission?"

LSgt Watson: “Millennia of Tradition, Dromah."

LSgt Watson looks Marine Dromah up and down, and takes a breath.

LSgt Watson: “The bets are on, Dromah. I’m betting you won’t be in the Marines past Holiday. The nearest bet to that is 30 days.” Watson thrusts her thumb in the direction of the Platoon Sgt. “The marshmallow there, he’s the one giving you that long, cause he’s all soft and sweet inside.” Marine Dromah is doubtful, as that is not his experience of the Platoon Sgt. But, LSgt Watson continued. “The Platoon Commander doesn’t think you’ll be here more than two weeks. The Commandant doesn’t want you here at all, and he’d be ‘somewhat mollified’ if you packed you bags today.”

LSgt Watson: “So, why did I give you ‘til Holiday, I’ll bet you’re asking yourself?” LSgt Watson pauses, looking at Dromah’s face. Dromah nods. Holiday was the start of the new year, 160 days away. “Right. I’m taking you on as a Leadership Challenge! The Platoon has so very demonstrably failed in its leadership role, based on your stunt, today. I’m gonna try and fix that. Just so you know, and are perfectly clear on this, the Directing Staff is charged with, our ultimate goal is, to make Marines out of whoever places themselves into our care. Even a scrawny pathetic Moron like you. So, here is the challenge. The Commandant wants you gone. I personally think loosing you is a failure of my abilities as an Instructor and a Sergeant. I’m not willing to accept that. I am challenging myself to get you to graduation. If I can get you to Holiday, I’m gonna take that as a marginal victory. Cause I’m up against the Commandant and his desire to crush you like a particularly unpleasant Duct Spider. Being that the Commandant has the final say on any graduate, it is going to be very, very tough. Literally anything done poorly is ammunition to drum you out of the corps. You have to be perfect. And you are a Marine recruit, so you are going to make mistakes, or screw things up. Just because you are in the process of learning. And, Stars, did you decide to learn the wrong way.”

LSgt Watson: “I put it to you. How badly do you want to be a Marine?”

Marine Dromah: “I wanted a way out of Belt-9. The Marines were the first organization to send a ticket, when I turned 18.”

LSgt Watson sat and stared at Marine Dromah. Maybe, she thought, I’m not going to be able to salvage this individual.

However, after a moment’s reflection, Marine Dromah continued: “Sgt, I meant what I said to the Commandant. I do appreciate your efforts on my behalf. If I have screwed up your reputation, and that of Sgt Tak’s and the Lieutenant’s, I truly regret that. That was never my intent. I see there are many things I have to learn, and being an ‘Individual’ didn’t serve me, or the Platoon well. If you are willing to take me on as a challenge, I’d like to be a partner in that challenge.”

LSgt Watson reconsidered the Marine before her. Maybe…

LSgt Watson: “The only reason there is a challenge at all, is your request for a closed Captain’s Mast. That was exceptionally fortuitous. If this was public knowledge, we all would be a laughing stock in the Academy, and there wouldn’t be a challenge. We wouldn’t be showing our faces in the Officer’s or Senior NCO’s Mess for the rest of the Academic year. None of us would be able to save your insolent carcass from the fallout. However, because it isn’t, yet, public knowledge, and everyone involved is motivated to keep it that way, there is an infinitesimal opportunity to rectify the situation.”

LSgt Watson gives Marine Dromah another long look.

LSgt Watson: “I have a plan. Do you want to here it?”

Marine Dromah: “Sgt. Yes, Sgt!”

LSgt Watson: “Look at the desk! See the boots? Those are now yours. Sgt Tak, softie that he is, picked out an appropriately battered pair of written-off boots from the Quartermaster’s Stores. He says there were boots in worse shape, but he was, for some completely unfathomable reason, trying to be nice. Like I said. He’s a marshmallow. Or a masochist. Anyway, the boots are written-off, so it’s no cost to the Imperium if they are ‘ruined’ by over-polishing them. So, no argument from you there. You will not have to wear these boots all the time, as they are ‘extra’. So, no medical issues there, either. But, you will polish these boots, to demonstrate you know how, and to, somewhat, offset the work everyone else in the Platoon is doing with their footwear. This will show that You are a team player, and going through the same training and requirements as everybody else.”

LSgt Watson: “Pick them up, Marine!”

Marine Dromah reached out with his left hand and took up the boots.

LSgt Watson: “Second last thing, for this part of the challenge. You will wear the boots, at least, once a week, more often if possible, and if the work is sufficiently bad enough to scuff up the boots. This, again, is to try to equal the workload. You aren’t going to polish these boots once, and leave them on the footlocker. Wearing the boots can be at your discretion, as climate and temperature allow. But, you will wear them. Sgt Tak was, again, nice enough to provide boots that match your supply docs.”

LSgt Watson: “Last thing, you feeble cretin, is to report to the Med Bay tomorrow morning, and get the Medical Officer to issue you a chit excusing you from wearing highly polished footwear. Bring that fancy medical study of yours along with you and make the MO think you have a legitimate problem. That way, all of the Platoon Staff don’t have to argue with the Academy Staff every time you march by another Platoon. Are you clear on this? This is the only way this might work. We will go to bat for you, despite the Stars-be-damned situation you put us in. WE are going to be team players, and support you, even though you fed us to the wolves.”

LSgt Watson: “Any questions or concerns, Marine Dromah?”

Marine Dromah: “Sgt. No, Sgt! I think I understand the intent, and that this is not likely remotely the end of the situation. I hope I can rise to this challenge and be worthy of your trust. May I express my gratitude to all the Platoon Staff for their efforts on my sorry, unworthy body.”

LSgt Watson: “Ooohhh! Don’t thank me now, Marine. We are going to be driving through the thorn bushes of Hell, and you’re gonna be tied to the front bumper, directing us through the nastiest ones. Dismissed!”