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Mikhel Dromah

Name: Mikhel Dromah {played by Mike Owen}

Race: Villani Gender: Male Birthday: 078-1066 {38}
Homeworld: Belt-9 Gazulin Trojan Reach 2602

See also: Stepping Stone I Dates

Belt-9 is off the X-Boat routes for breaking news, but the commencement of the Fourth Frontier War in 1082 was eventually reported in the system. Mikhel, as one of very few children in the mining community of 700 company personnel, was eager to get out of the system and away from the 'company town' situation. Through middle school education, he was apprenticed to the drone mining occupation, but had much bigger plans for himself than a lifetime mining. Most of his life was spent in Zero-G, as part of a belt mining family. He was home schooled because there was no such thing as organized education. Nevertheless, he actually excelled. And when the Fourth Frontier War started, many Imperial agencies started recruiting drives. Being a young male with limited strength and endurance, what should have been an impediment to gaining entrance to the Imperial Marines, was waived, as his aptitude was very good. Also, he expressed interest in the Support Branch, not front line Marine Service. Mikhel passed the aptitude tests to gain entrance to the Imperial Marine Academy, and at 18 Years old, he entered the Academy at Pax Rulin for a four-year educational adventure.

1084-1088: The war ended as Mikhel's first year at the Marine Academy came to a close, but Mikhel was doing very well. He finished the four-year session. He had a bit too much fun, and although he graduated, missed being commissioned. Combat Medic (Recruit) or Marine Rank 0 gains Gun Combat (any) 1. Energy weapon skill was chosen.
A few noteworthy war events occurred in the first year in the Academy, one of which was the Manoeuvre of Ganulf in the Trojan Reach, and the Battle of Two Suns in the Spinward Marches. The Fourth Frontier War actually ended in the same year that Mikhel joined, but as he was already in, they didn't throw out any questionable recruits.

1088-1092: Skill-Medic 1. Combat Medic(Recruit) Dromah was taken on strength with the famed 6854th Imperial Marine Regiment and transferred back to the 202nd Fleet in the Gazulin Subsector for his first active duty term. While serving here, a group of Marine Academy cadets showed up between semesters for work experience. Amanda Parsons, BFF of Cadet James Crockett became a love interest to Mikhel, and the three gained some Streetwise experience after hours carousing together (BFF Name and UCP TBD).

1092-1096: Skill-Pilot 1. In 1093, a particularly nasty confrontation required a planetary assault, and Combat Medic(R) Dromah was in the thick of it. Barely surviving, he was promoted (Gun Combat(Engy) 2) for defending injured soldiers with his stunner. Medic 2 rolled for Promotion skill.

1096-1100: Skill-Medic 3. Now a full-fledged Combat Medic, Mikhel was transfered to the 6982nd Imperial Marine Regiment under the 204th Fleet in the Tobia Subsector. As the medical support for a Black Ops mission, Combat Medic (Apprentice) Dromah, once again, performed beyond his pay grade and was promoted. It required knife skills at close quarters (Melee(Blade) 1). See: 1098-215 Simok/Tobia

1100-1104: Skill-+1 Str. The last straw at pushing his luck gained Combat Medic Dromah notice from his Regimental Commander (O5 Colonel), and got him a promotion to Lance-Sergeant (Leadership 1). It took a lot of work with the Stunner to do it (Skill roll Gun Cbt (Energy) 3). And that notice by the Regimental Commander may have had something to do with his receiving a TAS Membership on retiring. See: 1104-240 Kydde Pax Rulin


Who is Mikhel Dromah in this universe? A belter, raised in a very small, disparate community of isolated individualists in an impartial, uncaring corporate-controlled system. As a child in an essenitally anti-social environment, Mikhel only had physical contact with his parents. Occassionally, Mikhel would meet people, and very rarely other children, in person at the Sternmetal Horizons mining collection facility. Social skills were, therefore, quite stilted. Also, fashion was never, ever, a thing.

Joining the Marines was a social shock, and attending an educational institution of any kind with hundreds of fellow students, wrapped up in a military organization with weird, arbitrary traditions and nonsensical rules, was hard. Polishing boots and pressing uniforms was completely senseless to Mikhel, and no doubt was a huge factor in his not being commissioned coming out of the Academy. This clash of military tradition and discipline against Mikhel's sense of necessity and functionality prevaded Mikhel's first few terms. Being very good at his job kept Mikhel in the service, and his choice of Support (Medic) kept him off honour guard and parade duties, except as necessary medical staff.

A lot of issues that should have resulted in Mikhel being drummed out of the Marines had he been a soldier, were overlooked with him being a medic. As Mikhel was a very good medic, it put him in a lot of tough combat situations. However, that just highlighted his excellent lifesaving skills. He also could outshoot most marines, which was an additional source of frustration to some of his unit commanders. Mikhel undestood the need for lethal force, but he just didn't want to be one of the shooters.

Mikhel didn't care, at all, for rank and seniority, putting him at odds with many Marines. However, the bottom line in Mikhel's philosophy was saving lives. It didn't matter what a patient's rank was, they all got his best care. Mikhel would do whatever he could to save that life, at that time. Promotions did come, however, Mikhel couldn't have cared less. Except, higher rank required him to do paperwork, and took time away from what he perceived as his primary function.

Social Standing:

Mikhel has a SOC of 4. In Traveller terms, this means he has problems in certain situations. No, he is not a criminal. However, he is a Belter. He wears clothes to meet the minimum levels of decency and social acceptability, but only just. Colors and fashion are not anything about which Mikhel is concerned. His clothes are neat, clean, and totally serviceable, but could be quite worn and rough. Matching socks are an accident, not intentional. Mikhel considers anyone who 'fusses' over such irrelevant issues as 'prissy' or 'obnoxious'. His military training in presentation in uniform has been put aside in retirement, but can be resurrected in need.

Because Mikhel managed to achieve the rank of Lance Sergeant, he will be held in some esteem by any marines or other Imperial/Merc troopers. It is entirely possible that personnel from the Trojan Reach sector Imperial Navy/Marines have heard of Corpsman Dromah, and will have heard good things about his medical abilities, and probably heard that he was an indifferent Marine. It would be up to the individual's pesonal focus/preferences as to how they would react to Mikhel.

Note: Not covered in Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition, but mentioned in 1st Edition Mercenary, are Medals and Commendations. Based on that, Corpsman Dromah would have three 'Combat Ribbons' (experiences a Life Event which puts the Traveller in a situation where being killed is highly possible), and potentially a 'Meritorious Conduct under Fire' medal for 'showing valour on the field of battle.' (Survived with an effect of 3+)

As a Medic, Mikhel will get other reactions from civilians. Mikhel has skills equal to any Trauma Surgeon, and at an accident scene, he would be nearly unparalleled. He is not an all-situations doctor, though. So, depending on what credentials Mikhel leads with, reactions and social standing can be anywhere from poor, through indifferent, to highly favourable. A lack of fashion sense could be a sign of eccetricity, not a lack of social standing.


*Is Mikhel a Doctor? Or a Surgeon? 'Doctor, Doctor'
As Combat Medics, and not commissioned officers, the job is not so much fixing injuries by surgery. A Combat Medics' office is not a fully-equipped, air-conditioned operating theatre with all the latest technical gadgets as well as a fully trained and staffed team. Combat Medics are lucky to have a tent, but usually have a muddy shell hole in the pouring rain, with bullets and shells flying around. They have a staff of scared soldiers with dirty hands, that are trying not to pass out from the sight of their buddy injured and bleeding before them. So, probably not in the same league as a hospital doctor, nor the accreditation of one. But, who would you want around in a fire fight? A Combat Medic will keep you alive in the worst of conditions, and get you to a clean medical facility where they can regenerate that missing limb.
Be advised: Mikhel is not an accredited, certified 'Doctor'. He has never taken anything like a 'Hippocratic Oath'. Therefore, as a Combat Medic, he can carry a weapon, and use it to lethal effect. He choses not to kill, if any choice is allowed. He won't let maniacs kill his patients or himself.
Code of Ledriasda: Ledriasda is a code of ethics where it is the moral obligation of all humans (later extended to all sophonts) to preserve (intelligent) life. This not only means that killing is immoral, but that the strong should help the weak, the more fortunate should help the less fortunate, etc...
Integral to the Code is the Law of Just Cause (for Self Defense). Mikhel has rationalized this somewhat, having left the negotiations to Imperium Leadership (recognizing that it wasn't always done well, or at all). Also, many followers seek employment in fields where they can directly help people, as Mikhel has.
Link->Code of Ledriasda

Skill Overview

Ships Served on:

  1. Ghent class Medical Frigate - 4000T J4 4G TL–15 Link to Ship
    1. 10 20t recovery boats (Experience Piloting during extreme evac situation);
    2. 60 patient medical bay
  2. Amazone class Light Cruiser - 20,000T J4 4G TL-15 (Platoon of Marines) Link to Ship
  3. Repulse class Heavy Cruiser - 70,000T J4 4G TL-15 (Two Platoons of Marines) Link to Ship
  4. Grendal class Battleship - 100,000T J4 3G TL-15 (Light Company of Marines) Link to Ship

Famous Namesake: Michael J. O'Rourke, VC

Familiar with:

  1. Kurgilash class Medical Scout - 400t J3 G2 TL-12 Link to Ship
  2. Relief class Hospital Ship - 3300T J4 4G TL-13 Link to Ship


Muster-Out Benefit - Weapon: Stunner TL 12, 100rnd Mag 10m Stun, Zero-G

Standard Med Bag. Always carried:

EquipmentTLWtCostQtyTotal CrNote
Field Medical KitTL6Kg3Cr500  If TL 6 or less World
MedikitTL12Kg1Cr5000  If TL 7+ World
Portable MediScannerTL12Kg1Cr2000  Check LL or Social Restrictions
Trauma PackTL8Kg2Cr750X3Cr2250Check LL or Social Restrictions
Assorted Drugs/ChemTL12+NegCr?VarLotsCheck LL or Social Restrictions

Med Bag Total Cr10,000
Drugs initially on hand were acquired from the Marines/Navy, but mostly Fast Drug (3 Doses), basic normal pain and antibiotics, with a few doses of Stim (5 doses).

One each of these are on my person, with one or two spares in my bedspace:

 - Copy the following line and replace with your results for each term
years(term#)(career/path)(rank)(basic training)(skill roll)(skill learned)(event roll)(event desc))(surv target)(Survival roll)(Mishap roll)(Mishap)(Adv Target)(Adv Roll)(Aging roll)(Aging result)(Benefit roll)(Benefit)
 - or use this blank row:
 - Put any Luck used after the roll numbers. e.g. 8+2 or 5-1

This. This is why Mikhel has been at odds with the Navy and Marines from the start:


by Martin J. Dougherty & Neil A. Frier
Copyright ©2005 Avenger Enterprises




It is always safe to address a superior officer as “Sir”. Indeed, there is a certain kind of rating who tries to say nothing other than that single word to all officers. The word can have all manner of meanings in this case. Officers are often referred to as “Mister…” by both superiors and subordinates. Aboard some ships, the use of an officer’s rank title implies disapproval (from above or below) while “Mister” is respectfully friendly and approving. Both forms are actually correct in Imperial Navy usage.

Crewmembers with a specific job may be referred to by a formal or informal title. These are usually used by superiors or those who think they are out of earshot. The ship’s senior medic (or whatever actual rank) is “Doc” or “Doctor”. The gunnery officer is “Guns”. Communications operators are by ancient tradition “Sparks”. Security chiefs are often formally addressed as “Master-at-Arms”. The Captain is addressed as “Sir,” or “Captain”. “Skipper” is a nickname usually reserved for the Captain’s absence. To most professional navy officers it smacks too much of beat-up merchant auxiliaries with reservist crews to be properly respectful.

Noble forms of address are not used within a crew, except as an insult to a junior. Referring to Sir Angus instead of Ensign McCalley implies that he is not fit to be addressed as a “real” navy officer, but is only here thanks to family connections. Of course, guests, diplomats and admirals are addressed by their noble titles. Off duty or in port, naval or noble rank can be used according to personal preference and situation.

Addendum For Mikhel: Early in life, Mikhel was of the experience that anyone demanding to be called 'Sir' was a boot-licking, ass-kissing, narcissist in an overly-expensive suit, bucking for a promotion at the expense of anyone around him/her, the expense part likely to be dibilitating or fatal to anyone but the 'Sir'. Hence, Mikhel's near-obsessive aversion to the title. Anyone remotely worthy of respect won't be called 'Sir' by Mikhel. This didn't work well in the Marines, but Mikhel worked around it within the 'Rules'. It lead to somewhat stilted interactions, and did stand out as odd, because everybody else took the shortcut. Considering all the other things Mikhel took 'shortcuts' with, this contrasted very sharply.

Addendum for Lower Ranks: Within the Canadian Military, and I expect other forces, calling a Non-Commissioned Officer "Sir" was also an insult, and very improper. Usually, the reply from the one addressed as "Sir" would be something like, "Don't call me 'Sir'! I work for a living!" Or "Don't call me that! My parents were married!" The last implying all officers are bastards.

Mikhel would not like to be referred to as "Sir" for so many, many reasons.