Main / 1104-209


1104-208? -- 1104-209 -- 1104-210?

Abundant Light, security log. Begin playback. Security cam 17d, corridor 2b, portside aft

Jerdehl emerges from a room, sighing, pressing her back to a wall. She is wearing a revealing silver lame costume, heels, carrying a shiny matching tote bag. She sighs and lights up a cigarette, with the resigned look of a hard job just completed.

Sarvan Takile, Astrogator, approaches Jerdehl, who grinds out the cigarette hurriedly.

Sarvan: "What are you doing? There's a fuel store just down the corridor. You want to get blown up?"

"Sorry, sir, it's been a long day."

Sarvan: "That's no excuse!" He pauses. "Anyway, there is something you can do for me, to make up for this ... lax discipline." He tries to loom over Jerdehl.

Jerdehl takes a step back, refusing to be cowed. "I think not."

Sarvan: "Anyway, what are you hiding? What's in that room?"

Jerdehl glances at the door* "Nothing, sir."

Sarvan's smug grin turns sly. "If it's something you don't want the Captain to know ... is it drugs? I bet it's drugs. I bet you're a supplier." His grin turns nasty. "You're definitely going to do something for me, if you want to keep this from reaching the Captain."

"I have nothing to hide, sir."

Sarvan: "I'll be the judge of that! Step aside!"

"Yes, sir."

Sarvan opens the door, and hears music. "What the hell?" He looks at Jerdehl. "That's the Ambassador, and his wife and daughter! What are they doing in here?"

"I'll tell you in a moment, sir."

Sarvan: "What are they doing?" He goes inside.

"In a minute, Sir, all will be clear for you." Further footage just shows Jerdehl in the corridor waiting for ten minutes. Jerdehl opens the door, and turns the music off with a remote from the tote bag. "All of you can come out now. Please line up against the wall, facing me."

The Ambassador and his retinue exit the room and comply, as does Sarvan.

Jerdehl lights up another cigarette. "Sorry you had to get mixed up in this, Sarvan. But the Ambassador recognised me from Emape. The Embassy bombing. He would have exposed me, and I've tried so hard to escape that life." She pauses, smoking the cigarette, thinking. "So here's the thing. You three are going to forget me."

"Ambassador: Yes, Mistress."

"Mistress 1, Iolanthe: Yes, Mistress."

"Mistress 2, Iphigenia: Yes, Mistress."

"And you, Sarvan, are going to take these three back, and you'll receive full credit for finding the Ambassador. He got drunk and wandered down the wrong corridor. You saw him lying passed out, being tended by his two mistresses."

"Yes, Mistress."

Jerdehl takes a final drag, and looks askance. "Wife and daughter, my ass." She enters the room, and emerges with a small device. She smiles. "I wish I'd had these back on Emape. It would have been a lot easier for me to get intel for my cell, without having to do ... what I did."

"Anyway, this was too close for comfort. I'll get off at Fist." She looks at Sarvan. "And I got you behaving inappropriately towards a member of the staff." She sighs. "Pity. This place was such a goldmine." Jerdehl leaves.

The others remain in the corridor for two hours before coming out of their trance and heading off camera.

Abundant Light, security log. End playback.