Main / 1104-364-Pioneer


1104-363 -- 1104-364 -- 1104-365

Timing of events
6:00 - Morning Meeting on Pioneer
10:38 - Pioneer emerges from Jump Space
15:56 - Pioneer reaches Drinax

1104-364 6:00 - Morning Meeting on Pioneer

Organised, punctual, curious, team-player. It was these traits of Silas' that had him up early (woken by AI companion Vix), dressed in his best clothes (not uniform; he'd left both his Naval and Scout dress and identity behind when he decided to become and Traveller), groomed and subtly smelling of Katarulun cologne (an affectation he'd adopted thirteen years ago and of which he'd reminded Vix to locate a new supply or another scent as he was running low).

Having never been to Drinax he'd spent the week in jump space alternately training (lead by Vix and the personal trainer) and researching all he could from the Ship's library about Drinax, the old Sindalian Empire history, personalities and lineages, the Harrier and the systems hereabouts. He might have been found around meal times with his HUD glasses playing light over his face and him subvocalising nearly non-audibly to Vix. However, if addressed Silas would flip the glasses to his brow and amiably update crewmates on an interesting tid-bit or research finding, seeking collegiate consensus or a counterpoint view whilst getting to know some crewmembers better.

It was noticeable that he aimed to be best prepared for whatever came next, and his intended approach was to establish a rapport with the Drinaxian King through knowledge and diplomacy. He had previously spent time among nobility and he was curious about these remote outposts and how they functioned given their separation and support from the Imperium. These would be topics for discussion most sought by Silas, which subsided into quiet contemplation as their journey neared its end.

Harison went about his usual duties making sure the ship was all in order and ready for leaving jump space. He was very excited to see the floating palace it was by all accounts a city of beauty and marvels. Set against the backdrop of a radiated and desolated planet a constant reminder of their past greed and the destructive potential of the Aslan empire. Then the meeting with the king to see what his plan was, this was very intriguing. The mysterious Harrier ship what was her story? What shape was she in? This would be a very interesting few days to say the least.

Before the expected arrival time Harison made his way to the bridge. "Good day everyone we have an exciting few days ahead of us let’s get there in one piece." He said with a playful smile. He took a seat at one of the stations and started checking the sensor data and getting the sensors ready for when they came out of Jump Space.

Sir Lt Sultana spent his morning overseeing the other pilots, in his role as 'senior' pilot on board. Not that he expected to find any particular error or fault in either of them. He also took the opportunity to watch them at work and talk with them as they did, getting a better feel for their personalities and responses. He'd been unpleasantly surprised once in the past by a co-conspirator, so he tried to take reasonable precautions against a repeat occurrence.

1104-365 10:38 - Emerge from Jump space in Drinax system

Discover Ship of Unity already in system

(radio communications possible again)

Mikhel institutes his System Entry Procedure, doing the burst inquiry transmission. He will do this only after the Pioneer completes the standard System Entry Procedure for Ship's ID and Status. Things in Mikhel's checklist:
- Check 'Wanted Postings' and Law Alerts;
- Check current legal/illegal prescription drugs (updates to App subscription, but manual check for anomalies);
- Check for DWB Alerts/Notices;
- Check for notices of sales of collectables for specific items;
- Check for Persons of Interest (Contacts/Friends/Enemies);
- Check for Ships of Interest (Flag Tours by Big Navies, big ships, hospital/medical ships); and
- Check for unique/unusual clothing (Nika?).

Sir Lt Sultana will focus his inquiries on the social scene.
- Check for celebrities (local or otherwise) who have recently arrived.
- Check for recent news of the King and nobility, gathering names and roles.
- Check for other events happening around the Royal Ball.
- Find out who he will need to contact about attending the Ball.

Lab Ship Pioneer this is Drinax control. Welcome to the Kingdom of Drinax, home to his excellency King Oleb XVI, long may he reign, and the site of the Sindalian Wonder the Floating Palace of Drinax. State the reason for your attendance to our Kingdom.

Harison connects online to Dranix’s Floating Palace and taking his time starts looking for a potential buyer for the cargo. Reporting any offers to Lt. Sultana.

Admin roll of 14 effect +6 takes 1hour

Silas briefly wondered whether he’d hear news about his missing ship once they’d established comms, but thought it too soon to hear back from the IISS yet. With not much else to occupy his time, he set to monitoring sensors where possible, scanning sector traffic, planets and infrastructure as he’d determined to do. Although he held some reservations, he’d hopefully encounter little to surprise him.

1104-365 15:56 - Arrive at Drinax