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Calendar - Game Day Logs

2023 11 01 - 2023 11 10 -2023 11 11 First Live Session - 2023 11 11 - 2023 11 30

<font color="#000000">'TMO' connected

BOB Good Morning sir

BOB Up and down still doing laundry etc

Sir Lt Sultana: no worries, just fiddling about. I was on D&D earlier looking at skills and spells

BOB Glad

Sir Lt Sultana: Trying to get this silly art thing to generate a face that *doesn't* get cut off by the hex border. :P

BOB wry grin

<font color="#000000">Referee: [4d6 = 14]

BOB Updating my menu bar at the bottom

BOB to have the 2d6 etc

BOB So that it is a single click

Sir Lt Sultana: I used to have that, but it wasn't there anymore, so I put it back

<font color="#000000">'Lisa' connected

BOB Welcome Lisa

Sir Lt Sultana: quick question: if Lisa and I choose other contacts from Byret, does that mean we never met? Or can we be at least familiar with each other, just never really interacted enough to call each other 'contact'? Just clarifying.


BOB You two can decide that

BOB If you never went there, if you never met, if you do not know each other well enough to be a contact, but just know each other from a mission there, etc.

Sir Lt Sultana: What type of ally did she earn that term? Mine was 'Contact'.

BOB It would have been a Contact not a rival or ally, and not sure it actually happened at the same term

BOB Also I picked that System of Byret for extreme future use. An out of the way place for the Travellers to have been, small lesser known Sophonts, and if the campaign continues for 5 to 10 in game years that section of the sector has somethign happening

Lisa (Taera Artemis): I have I got an ally with powerful and charasmatic noble in 4th term

BOB Yes that is a good thing, and should not be wasted on TMO ;)

Lisa (Taera Artemis): lol

Sir Lt Sultana: definitely not

<font color="#000000">Taera Artemis: I'm feeling a bit of anxiety about this whole thing to be honest. I'm not a big sci fi person and am not feeling a lot of direction

BOB We do NOT need definiative names or systems for those people yet, we can leave them loose so we can bring them up as appropriate for the roleplay


BOB The direction is what we are creating

BOB and your skills as a player are the important part, you will understand the motivations and potential actions as part of the campaign quickly

Sir Lt Sultana: I know me telling you not to be anxious isn't going to help, but this is just an experiment and setup. There's going to be mistakes along the way, that's part of why we're here, to find those.

BOB The Roleplaying is the important part, to just have fun and enjoy something a bit different

Sir Lt Sultana: we're the guinea pigs, so Pig It Up!! :D

<font color="#000000">Story: Introduction to the Campaign

Lisa (Taera Artemis): I'm not feeling as connected to this as it seems you all are and so I don't feel easy with the prospect of roleplaying

BOB That is for us (me) to take notes and be able to share them in the future

Lisa (Taera Artemis): so I might not last long and I'm sorry for that but I'm not sure this will be a good fit for me

BOB I understand, and I appreciate you tring

BOB trying

BOB You liked the interactions in the Becky Peters books

Lisa (Taera Artemis): who is becky peters?

<font color="#000000">'Carissa' connected

Lisa (Taera Artemis): chambers?

BOB I hope to create a campaign along those lines, fun interactive story telling, not rubber masks, lasers and death starts

BOB Chambers yes thank you

BOB and hello Carissa

BOB so first off to help you Lisa, I was thinking that you ended your Diplomatic Career near the edge of the Imperium

BOB Your homeworld is (LINK)!51.752!7.55&options=58359&dw=1&mh=1

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB (LINK)!51.752!7.55&options=58359&dw=1&mh=1

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB Huh so is that working or not?

Carissa (Athena Solis): (the link, yes, me messing with portraits no)

Sir Lt Sultana: it did open a link for me

Sir Lt Sultana: well... but not of the planet

BOB Chuckles with Carissa's weird alien

Carissa (Athena Solis): (experiment gone wrong, carry on and ignore me for now)


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB There that is to the page on our site for it

BOB That is Taera's homeworld

BOB So my thought for what Lisa would find interesting building on her rolls was to travel to Byret as part of her service and learn that skill there

<font color="#000000">Taera Artemis: what skill?

BOB Science (Sophontology)

BOB Your knowledge of another Sophont (race)

Sir Lt Sultana: Byret has a native race, the Larianz. I don't know anything mroe than their name though

BOB That is one reason I picked them

BOB Native Sophont: Larianz The Larianz are descended from four-limbed flyers native to Byret. They stand approximately 1.8m tall, massing some 60kg on average. The upper limbs are large wings, which when folded are also used for ground locomotion (...the Larianz effectively stand, and walk, on their "elbows"). The lower pair of limbs are modified for manipulation. The University of Mora Byret Cultural Anthropology Department as well as the Biology Department have been Studying the Larianz to determine their aptitude in fields such as the Imperial Marines. [2]

BOB Lisa do you like that idea? If you do not have strong feelings one way or the other on it then I think you can just go with it. There is one other good option which is you would have a Vargr Contact as the alien contact from your 2nd term. They are very well known throughout Known Space so you will encounter them a lot,

Lisa (Taera Artemis): that's fine


BOB so leaving the skill at Larianz

Sir Lt Sultana: I know we don't want to use it for any actual game play, but do we want to open a voice channel for character development? Might go faster and easier. I'm ok either way

BOB It is up to the group

BOB I am flipping back and forth from tab to tab plus here

BOB Checking on timing of when people traveled etc

Carissa (Athena Solis): no preference


<a href="">(LINK)</a>


<a href="">(LINK)</a>


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Referee: It is up to the group

Carissa (Athena Solis): oops ignore

Lisa (Taera Artemis): call my ship boat - Escape

<font color="#000000">Table: Spacecraft Quirks

<font color="#000000">Table: Ship Quirks

<font color="#000000">Taera Artemis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 4]

<font color="#000000">Trader = Vessel contains concealed smuggling compartments.

<font color="#000000">Military = Vessel is equipped with an extra turret, if possible.

<font color="#000000">Other = Library computer contains erroneous information.

Carissa (Athena Solis): nice

<font color="#000000">Taera Artemis: [TABLE] Ship Quirks = [d6 = 3]

<font color="#000000">zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 3

<font color="#000000">Table: zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 3

<font color="#000000">Taera Artemis: [TABLE] Zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 3 = [d6 = 4]

<font color="#000000">Hatchways feel narrow, but are not

Carissa (Athena Solis): lol

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 5]

<font color="#000000">Trader = Cargo bay is tainted by chemical spills and leaks.

<font color="#000000">Military = Vulnerable cargoes may be damaged in transit.

<font color="#000000">Other = Vessel was involved in a notorious battle, and has enemies who wish to destroy it. Vessel contains disturbing psionic echoes.

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 5]

<font color="#000000">Trader = Cargo bay is tainted by chemical spills and leaks.

<font color="#000000">Military = Vulnerable cargoes may be damaged in transit.

<font color="#000000">Other = Vessel was involved in a notorious battle, and has enemies who wish to destroy it. Vessel contains disturbing psionic echoes.

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 7]

<font color="#000000">Trader = DM-1 to all repair attempts

<font color="#000000">Military = DM-1 to all repair attempts

<font color="#000000">Other = DM-1 to all repair attempts

<font color="#000000">Table: Used Vehicle Quirks

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Used Vehicle Quirks = [2d6 = 9]

<font color="#000000">Boy Racer: The previous owner liked to… ‘improve’ his vehicles. Increase Speed by one Band but generate D3 more quirks.

Athena Solis: [d3 = 1]

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 7]

<font color="#000000">Trader = DM-1 to all repair attempts

<font color="#000000">Military = DM-1 to all repair attempts

<font color="#000000">Other = DM-1 to all repair attempts

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Spacecraft Quirks = [2d6 = 5]

<font color="#000000">Trader = Cargo bay is tainted by chemical spills and leaks.

<font color="#000000">Military = Vulnerable cargoes may be damaged in transit.

<font color="#000000">Other = Vessel was involved in a notorious battle, and has enemies who wish to destroy it. Vessel contains disturbing psionic echoes.

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Ship Quirks = [d6 = 5]

<font color="#000000">zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 5

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Ship Quirks = [d6 = 1]

<font color="#000000">zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 1

<font color="#000000">Table: zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 1

<font color="#000000">Table: zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 5

Carissa: Table: zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 5

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 5 = [d6 = 2]

<font color="#000000">Power plant makes chugging sound

Athena Solis: [TABLE] Zz Subtable - Ship Quirks 1 = [d6 = 2]

<font color="#000000">Burnt engine grease smell in galley

Athena Solis: [TABLE] = [Unable to find matching table]


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Lunch at Fist High Port

Sir Lt Sultana: Sir Lt Sultana arrives at the restaurant about 10 minutes early to make sure that his reservation is handled correctly. He is dressed in a standard jumpsuit, albeit one that is hand-tailored to a flattering fit and sharply creased and pressed. A bottle of wine is already at the table, opened and allowed to breathe. He fills the time waiting for Pioneer's captain looking out the viewport at the planetary disk below and reading a book on his tablet.

Athena Solis: heads to the table the host indicated.

Athena Solis: Lieutenant?

Carissa (Athena Solis): (dress nice but definitely not noble nice :P)

Sir Lt Sultana: sets aside his tablet, stands up and nods his head in greeting.

Sir Lt Sultana: Pleased to meet you, Captain.

Sir Lt Sultana: Please, have a seat.

Athena Solis: Thank you.

Athena Solis: sits down

Sir Lt Sultana: It's rare that I get to contract with a ship for 5 jumps. It's more normally 1 or 2, max.

Athena Solis: Not often someone requests travel with a lab ship, but it has its advantages. You have a timeline?

Carissa (Athena Solis): (lol this is why I muted myself so I could keep eating)

Carissa (Athena Solis): (scandalous)

Carissa (Athena Solis): lol

Sir Lt Sultana: No, I'm not really in a rush, but the systems between here and Marduk don't seem to have any sites I feel the need to take time to explore, either. So I'm free to go as slow are as rushed as you like.

Sir Lt Sultana: *or

Athena Solis: Good. And you are agreeable to my terms, correct? I have not yet told my pilot he'll be fired.

Sir Lt Sultana: laughs, and pours them each a glass of wine.

Athena Solis: takes her glass and sips it

Sir Lt Sultana: I accept your offer, Captain, so long as your decontamination procedures aren't invasive or damaging.

Sir Lt Sultana: I like my skin intact, if you please.

Athena Solis: Only where the hazmat suit is needed. I do not see reason for you needing to visit that room.

Athena Solis: I pride myself on my research, you understand.

Sir Lt Sultana: I'd only mentioned that as a joke, but you took it serious. May I ask what kind of work you're doing that requires such protection? None of my business, of course, merely curious.

Athena Solis: Biologics. Some of it gets finicky. The genetics of some of my specimens are... quite unique. And those cell lines are picky. I lost good data from one ill-decision by a crew member. I will not have a repeat. Caution is better than laziness.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (who doesn't like psychic psychotic whales?)

Athena Solis: My concern is you contaminating them, not you getting contaminated. Mostly.

Sir Lt Sultana: Sounds reasonable. To finesse a question, as pilot, do I need to avoid official attention to your ship if at all possible? If so, please do not tell me the reason why. I like to keep plausible deniability.

Athena Solis: It is preferrable.

Sir Lt Sultana: nods.

Athena Solis: sips her wine

Sir Lt Sultana: Which is your preference? Casual standard flight patterns, or unusual off-route patterns that might be overlooked?

Athena Solis: Casual standard flight patterns has worked for the moment. I do not expect trouble, but I cannot discount it in the future.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (she doesn't know she just know SCIENCE)

Sir Lt Sultana: Excellent. If you were wanting high-speed dangerous maneuvers, I was probably going to have to decline the job. I don't think I can capably handly your ship that well.

Sir Lt Sultana: Casual by-the-book is quite easy. Just look and act like everybody else.

Athena Solis: I would expect not. It's built for science, not riftraft.

Sir Lt Sultana: Riftraft?

Athena Solis: You know. Those smuggler ships or the like. I run a more respectable ship.

Sir Lt Sultana: Ah! Riff-raff, on my world. Sorry, an accent issue, quite minor.

Athena Solis: nods

Carissa (Athena Solis): (whoops that's me and my spelling, lol)

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): all part of the ambiance!

Carissa (Athena Solis): lmao

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): hell, we're probably lucky we're able to understand each other's accents at all!

Athena Solis: You may otherwise make yourself at home, Lieutenant. It'll be enough jumps you should try to be comfortable.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (garble garble screeeeeech)

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): exactly!

Sir Lt Sultana: Does the Pioneer have a slave circuit? If I could pilot from the Suraksha, it would mean less time on board your ship and reduce the chances of accidental contamination.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (a wut)

Athena Solis: looks briefly confused

BOB I am ruling no on a slave circut for the Pioneer, it is too old, and has not been kept up to date with the latest things

Carissa (Athena Solis): typical science lab

BOB Other than lab equipment which is all top of the line

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): can he pilot your ship remotely from on board the Suraksha? Or does he have to go to your ship to do the piloting in your cockpit?

Carissa (Athena Solis): funding cuts

Athena Solis: I do not believe so.

Athena Solis: It is not a newer ship, you understand.

Sir Lt Sultana: Hmm, well, no matter.

Sir Lt Sultana: I'll do my best to avoid your work zones. Will decontamination be every time I board, or only if I get near to the lab?

Athena Solis: First time boarding then only near my labs, and only specific labs.

Athena Solis: So unless you feel a need to poke around, only when you board.

Sir Lt Sultana: That is acceptable. Would you like something to eat?

Athena Solis: As I am here, I may as well. My lab does not need my attention again yet. Any recommendations?

Sir Lt Sultana: I had the sea steak last night. It was alright, if not inspired. If you're not looking to experiment, that would be my suggestion. I'm going to try the chef's special today.

Carissa (Athena Solis): too late bob!

Athena Solis: Steak is not generally my preference. We can see what the how inspired the chef is today.

Athena Solis: puts in her order

Sir Lt Sultana: places the order

Athena Solis: Anything you'd like me to know about you, Lieutenant as you'll be on my ship?

Sir Lt Sultana: Do you mind if I ask what takes you from Fist all the way to Marduk? It's quite a path, and not the normal route, I understand.

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): you got your out first, we can hold mine for later if you want

Athena Solis: I'm meeting a... friend. Truth be told, I believe it's a ploy for a timeshare, but it sounds like she'll make it worth listening to her babble, at least.

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): we basically both started talking at the same time. ;)

Carissa (Athena Solis): lol all fineeee

Carissa (Athena Solis): hi kitty!!

Sir Lt Sultana: Interesting. I'm also going there for a so-called 'business proposition'. I'm skeptical, but didn't have any reason to be somewhere else.

Carissa (Athena Solis): lol lisa

Carissa (Athena Solis): lol bob

Athena Solis: Then perhaps this arrangement is of added benefit to both of us.

<font color="#000011">Athena Solis -> Sir Lt Sultana: WHISPERRRR

<font color="#000011">Sir Lt Sultana -> Athena Solis: AAAAAHHHH!! VOICES IN MY HEAD!

<font color="#000011">Athena Solis -> Sir Lt Sultana: It's just your haunted ship

<font color="#000011">Sir Lt Sultana -> Athena Solis: Troo Dat

Carissa (Athena Solis): (the whispers are his haunted ship, it's fineeeee)

Sir Lt Sultana: My opportunity paid up front, at least, even if they don't know the difference between discrete and discreet.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (yes but ghosts are allowed to want to eat, too)

Athena Solis: Interesting. May I ask the name of this individual?

Sir Lt Sultana: Oh, apparently that wasn't in my 'need to know' package. But, it came with money, so I was willing to overlook it. Briefly.

Athena Solis: Ah, I had thought perhaps you may be meeting Amber, too. Since coincidence, then.

Carissa (Athena Solis): *simple

Athena Solis: Ah, I had thought perhaps you may be meeting Amber, too. Since coincidence, then.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (oops sorry ignore the double, it hates when I scroll on laptop)

Sir Lt Sultana: Actually, that was mentioned, but the alternative was Gold, so I took it to mean materials, not names.

Athena Solis: sips wine, thinking

Athena Solis: Perhaps you lack a bit of subtly too, Lieutenant.

Athena Solis: No matter. I do find it interesting.

Sir Lt Sultana: Perhaps. It wouldn't be the first time.

Athena Solis: laughs lightly

Athena Solis: Anything else you believe I should know about you?

Sir Lt Sultana: Things like, on the run from the spice cartels, with a bounty on my head, that sort of thing?

Athena Solis: If you think I should know it, yes. But you'll be piloting, so I would expect you to know how to outrun them.

BOB You came here in THAT thing?

Carissa (Athena Solis): (who what where)

Sir Lt Sultana: I won't claim to have a completely uncheckered past. I believe anyone who does hasn't truly been living. But, at the moment, I don't think any of my ghosts are chasing me.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (only your shop ghosts)

Carissa (Athena Solis): *ship

Carissa (Athena Solis): (hey jinx owe me a coke!!)

Athena Solis: nods

Carissa (Athena Solis): (probably here?)

Carissa (Athena Solis): (except her never asked her name, lol)

Carissa (Athena Solis): *HE

TMO (Sir Lt Sultana): oof, this is true, my bad

Carissa (Athena Solis): it's fine, she noticed, and she didn't offer :)

Sir Lt Sultana: How do you prefer to be addressed? I can continue with Captain, if that's your preference.

Athena Solis: Captain is fine. Athena if we are not on the ship and it is necessary.

Sir Lt Sultana: Lieutenant if you prefer formal, or Sultana otherwise.

Athena Solis: nods

Athena Solis: Good to meet you formally, Lt Sultana. I look forward to seeing where that meeting takes us.

Sir Lt Sultana: Mildly pedantic, but in full formal situations, it is Sir Lt Sultana. Not necessary most of the time, of course, but occasionally useful.

<font color="#000000">'Lisa' disconnected

Athena Solis: nods and finishes her glass of wine

Sir Lt Sultana: And here is lunch. Tuck in.

Carissa (Athena Solis): (because the snooty snoot must have last word here)

After Lunch at Fist Highport

After Lunch at Fist Highport <font color="#000000">'Carissa' disconnected

<font color="#000000">'TMO' disconnected