Main / AnnexA

Appendixes to the
Formal letter from Col Giirkaa to Marine HQ Tobia concerning an injustice to Corpsman Dromah

Link to Message Center - Letter to Higher HQ - Giirkaa's Letter

Link - Corpsman Dromah Saves Bravo Company's Reputation!

Link - Star Marine Eneri "Stormy" Zmiish, SEH

Appendix I
Annex A

Statutory Declaration –
Lieutenant Eneri Sharikara, 1 Platoon, 2 Company

1. I, Lt Sharikara, was the commander of 1 Pltn, 2 Coy during the ambush during Op REVIVAL on Kydde, Pax Rulin, in which more than half the Platoon became casualties. The platoon was in the point position of the advance over an open field when artillery rounds began to rain down on the company.

2. I was immediately hit by shrapnel from a large artillery round that landed approximately four meters from my position. My leg was nearly severed by the shrapnel. I was in severe pain, and in the process of bleeding out when Corpsman Dromah proceeded to treat my wounds. This was pretty much my last lucid moments of the battle, as Corpsman Dromah rendered me unconscious with painkillers as he worked to bandage my many wounds.

3. It wasn’t until after the battle, at the Battalion Aid Station that I regained consciousness. At that time, I was informed that the treatment provided in the field had saved my life, but my left leg had taken too much damage to repair. It had been amputated, and I was scheduled for replacement growth therapy when I transferred to the Hospital Cruiser.

4. Without the immediate aid of Corpsman Dromah, I wouldn’t be writing this Stat Dec. The Corpsman could have been huddled in a shell hole trying to take cover. Instead, he was ducking falling and exploding shells, treating me while trying to keep my wounded body covered from flying dirt, and keeping me alive.


Appendix II
Annex A

Statutory Declaration –
Lieutenant Ushlaim Liu, 2 Platoon, 2 Company

1. I, Lt Liu, was the commander of 2 Pltn, 2 Coy, during the fiasco in Op REVIVAL on Kydde, Pax Rulin. Well, I was for all of ten minutes. Half way across the field toward the objective, the artillery started tearing up the ground, and the formation. My Medic was taken out with the second round that landed in our Platoon. He was standing between me and the impact, which either saved my life, or saved me from being severely wounded. I attempted to contact the Coy Cmdr, but things got confused really quickly.

2. As the barrage continued, and we continued to take casualties, I tried to move my Platoon forward, to reach the objective. The 3 Pltn Medic showed up, stripped the 2 Pltn Medic of his gear as he treated the man, and then informed me that all other officers were casualties and that I was now the ranking member of the Coy.

3. I attempted to contact any senior NCOs, and the CSM answered. I moved to his position to take over command. As I moved toward the CSM, radio chatter was hectic, but the one thing that was apparent was that the Medics were active and caring for everyone. Someone was on the ball and effectively directing their efforts. Just as I reached the CSM, I receive wounds from a shell that landed between me and the CSM.

4. I don’t recall any other events, until regaining consciousness aboard the Hospital Ship in orbit.


Appendix III
Annex A

Statutory Declaration –
Company Sergeant Major, Gunnery Sergeant Gikamgi Surma, 2 Coy

1. I, Gunny Sergeant Surma, was the CSM of 2 Coy during Op REVIVAL on Kydde, Pax Rulin. I can’t believe this is necessary, given all the studies and the CI that was done over this engagement. Really?

2. I was with the Coy Cmdr when the shells blew up all around us. I was knocked unconscious by the blast that tore our Coy Medic to pieces. The next thing I know, Corpsman Dromah was digging me out of the dirt and dragging my wounded ass into a shell hole. The Coy Cmdr was already there with a Trauma Pack attached, so he was out for the duration. As I was getting patched up, Lt Liu, 2 Pltn Cmdr contacted me. He was advised of the situation, and started making his way to me, directing the Coy to move toward the objective. Corpsman Dromah declared me a casualty, and was prepping me for evac, when I said, in very pointed language, I wasn’t leaving. Corpsman Dromah then reassessed my condition.

3. Shortly after that, Lt Liu approached, and a shell landed between the Lt and my shell hole. Had I not been standing up to receive the Lt, and let him know where I was, I probably wouldn’t have been wounded again. Lt Liu took the worst of the hit, and Corpsman Dromah was on him with a Trauma Pack in a flash. Then, Corpsman Dromah rebandaged me. He wanted me medivacced, and I asked if I could still function. Corpsman Dromah assessed the situation, and the lack of officers, and then provided me with a hypo, told me not to use all of it at once, unless I was in a bad way, and then pumped me full of Stim.

4. As Corpsman Dromah went on to treat other casualties, I directed the remainder of the Coy to shelter in place for a moment, and the artillery ceased. Insurgents poured out of the woods near the objective, firing as they came. The remaining effective Marines took positions and commenced firing. Corpsman Dromah, and his two remaining Medics continued to move about the field, now dodging bullets, treating casualties and caring for the men. As we were overrun, Corpsman Dromah drew his stunner and defended wounded marines from the attacking insurgents that were attempting to bayonet downed Marines.

5. Throughout the action, Corpsman Dromah exhibited complete selflessness and devotion to his fellow Marines. He lead the remaining medics with calm demeanor in an absolutely chaotic situation, and through his actions, inspired the remaining Marines to hold their ground and defend their wounded comrades. He enabled the remaining leadership of the Coy to continue to direct the battle and stay combat effective, allowing our unit to prevail in a situation that should have seen us wiped out.

6. What did Corpsman Dromah do that I’m even writing this Stat Dec? Did he publish a manifesto extolling the virtues of the Zhodani Consulate? Is he an unindicted baby-eater? They gave a medal to Stormy Zmiish, for Cosmos’ sake. Who F-in' Cares if Dromah doesn't polish his boots?