Main / Rannogh

Character Status/



Credits : 9100

C: Carried| H: Concealed on Person| S: Stowed on High port Station, Torpol


Athletics (Dexterity)1Melee0
Deception0Profession (Smuggler)0
Drive0Stealth1 + 2¹
Gun Combat0Recon0
Gun Combat (Slug)1Vacc Suit0

¹Hunter Field Garb Armor gives a +2 DM ²Awarded Investigate 0 from Traveller Connection from Athena ³Awarded Carouse 1 from Traveller Connection from Mikhel

Character Biography/

1070-87: Rannogh grew up on the Vargr world Arukhi his upbringing was a typical one, though he was impoverished as a youth and quickly learned to scavenge and scrape whatever he could out of life. "Opportunity presents itself only once" his father Dzeknoung used to tell him, little Rannogh took that lesson to heart.

He was the middle child in his nuclear family with his father Dzeknoung(dZE-nOOg) and mother Fellaefae(fel-Ae-fAy), his older sister Dhillue(dEE-lu, born 1068), and younger brother Ouzts(OO-tss, born 1072). Vargr society is an honor bound one, and though he never considered himself a thief, he was forced to make some tough choices to ensure his family could make ends meet.

1088-91: Rannogh's involvement with a particular band of Vargr known as "Redclaw Gang" landed him into an environment where he was often teased and beat-up for his size and lack of physical attributes, though Kokasha were naturally smaller, he was by no means large for his species. He learned to be fast and roll with punches. If he was quick, he wouldn't get hurt. Through those tough teen years he learned the ways of the world: to avoid being taken advantage, to take advantage of others and his father would say "opportunities". The Redclaws did take him in, and he earned a modest amount of Credits, more than his family was accustomed to. He prided himself on being able to provide, so he endured and continued with this hardened lifestyle. Within Vargr society, might makes right, so as long as he was with the Redclaw and things were going his way, he and his family didn't maintain any sense of wrongdoing.

Through these experiences he learned to be quite a capable observer and speaker when needed (Streetwise), through a series of beatings where he crawled out of fights badly bruised, and Vargr in-fighting tends to be quite dangerous (Melee 0, Gun Combat (Slug) 1), and how to get what he wanted whenever "opportunities" presented themselves via negotiating, lying, stealing, or outright bending the rules (Deception 0, Persuasion 1, Stealth 0). He earned a bit of a reputation for himself, and began to adopt certain mannerisms, things that are not necessarily conducive to high society (SOC -1).

1092-95: They say every Vargr has its day; Arukhi is not known for its organized government, operating mainly as a Balkanized state, but when you cause enough trouble, the feds will come knocking. He was arrested on a list of charges so long we can't name them here but ended up pleading for a lighter sentence (Parole 4). He was sentenced to the municipal prison, but his sentence contract was bought by a company operating the prison barge Kfeikn(fAE-kn). Prison ships were never a great time for those involved, especially the ones operating primarily under the table, and it wasn't uncommon to see those unfortunate prisoners disappear forever.

Fortunately for him, the Kfeikn wasn't one of those sleaze-ball operations, it legitimately bought contracted prisoners and sold their labor to the highest bidder, which was sector wide. Over the course of 4 years Rannogh travelled over 130 parsecs, seeing more worlds than most of his people back home would ever see in a lifetime. His time was far from luxurious, he was interred for backbreaking labor, usually hauling or construction jobs, but he did pick up some skills with operating in a Vacc-Suit in his time, you had to, if you didn't want the warden breathing down your neck for insubordination or malingering, those charges would extend your parole indefinitely if you were a bad enough egg, or too stupid to catch on.

Through his labors he grew physically fit (Athletics (Dex) 1), and even learned how to lay low from the guards whenever they were patrolling the job sites (Stealth 1), "Only let them see what they want to see" he would say to his fellow in-mates. Rannogh gained a reputation as a guy who could acquire anything you needed, for a price (Profession (Smuggler) 0). He met a few interesting souls, but most of the prisoners made for dreadful conversation, or worse yet they'd pay you a special visit in the night just for lookin' at them wrong. He must have done something right because his hard work was noticed, and he was recommended for early parole, only serving 4 years of his 10-year sentence.

1096-99: After his parole hearing Rannogh was dropped on whatever world the Kfeikn happened to be in highdock on, to think they didn't even offer a return trip! He was now alone, and stranded hundreds of parsecs away from anything he knew. As many prisoners do when they get outside, he had a hard time making a living, so he turned back to what he was skilled at, crime. Though he didn't want to resort just to petty theft, he was someone now, fierce. The world of Albe didn't care though, he was just another face among the tens of billions there.

He was indoctrinated quickly by the crime-syndicate in Albe, he was picked up by a clan operated by Timothy Morton, but he went by TM, God help you if you called him Timothy to his face. The planet had oppressive far-reaching law enforcement and there was just as massive an underground web of connections, secret back-alley deals, backwards politicians and corrupted police. He worked as an enforcer for one of the crime lords there, a grunt, but he was a paid grunt, and he was important enough to get handed some pretty nice assignments. Sometimes it was just accompanying a mafioso to a night-club for protection. Other jobs were more technical, requiring a quick reminder to a client their loans were overdue. He was quickly promoted to a better position when his bosses saw how effective a Vargr can be at intimidating folks, even a small one.

Rannogh was paid well, 10,000 Cr bonus per year on top of living expenses, he thought he had found a way to exist. Though he hated this overgrown rats-nest of a planet, the air was thin and choked you with smog if you were outside at the wrong time of day without a respirator, and the heat was insufferable, especially for a Vargr. The hot concrete jungle floor was not a place where it was easy to lose heat through your paws.

In 1098 he was betrayed, in a routine job, there were police on scene and way too fast. Usually, the fat police chiefs and bureaucrats are content with money and favors, but every now and then, there has to be a name--a fall guy. Something about keeping face with the public. Rannogh was sure he had been sold out, another of three his men at the scene did not survive, he barely escaped with his life. One of the rival bosses had information they weren't supposed to, and it almost cost him everything. His higher-ups assured him this was the doing of one particular crime lord, Trilani Grossman a human, his web of control extended to the water business on Albe, or a part of it at least. Importing water on Albe was a huge business, and Rannogh's associated network had been encroaching on his territory. Frustrating as that is, Rannogh only feels hatred for the man, though Grossman probably has no idea who Rannogh is.

That was all about to change though. In 1099 his boss planned out an operation to get even with Grossman. The Grossman clan had been getting underfoot a little too often, and that meant revenge. Rannogh volunteered as one of the men for the job, the assassination of this Grossman character, or at least let him know the Morton's were not pushovers. Grossman and Rannogh became 'acquainted', but the mission did not go as planned. Seven of the men were killed on Morton's side, and one of the Grossman's higher ranked elites was killed, along with a high-profile official from Albe's law enforcement, and a smattering of grunts. The bloodbath caused quite an uproar in the media and suffice to say, Rannogh is not one of Grossman's favorite people, but the feeling is mutual.

1100-01: Rannogh continued his career with Morton's crime syndicate, focusing on improving his skills and personal abilities (Stealth 1, Carouse 0). If he ever got the chance to kill Grossman again, he would not miss it. He saved an entire year's salary to buy a very special suit of armor, it was useful for slipping about unnoticed, but he had to be selective as when he wore it. If the local law enforcement ever got ahold of it, it would be confiscated for sure, along with all his other stuff!

1102: He dove deeper into the crime web underneath Albe, known as the under hive by those who worked in it. His connections in the underground sourced him to a particularly lucrative job, that involved capturing a researcher named Harris Ogelthorpe aboard some ship named Pioneer in Highdock, but wasn't without risks as he'd have to go undercover, a company that had suffered some damages due to this Ogelthorpe fellow's research and it left a big black stain on that ship's associated record, and someone wanted to erase it. He had allegedly lied or falsified some information in it, and it may have caused a big ole' accident at one of their factories that had been covered up as well as it could, but people were asking questions. The job involved investigating the researcher and getting him to admit to the fault, and basically from there he'd probably disappear into the never-ending legal proceedings of Albe, two people died in that accident reportedly. The CEO of Albe Alloys? was in the hotseat for the accident, but with enough money, rich people don't have problems--they just have obstacles.

His contacts were: Captain Solis and another just a transmission number with no ident card. He didn't know anything about these patrons and especially nothing about research, but the job was simple, investigate Oglethorpe as a 'representative' for this company Albe Alloys for his suspected wrongdoing; whether through intimidation or otherwise. Then, remove Oglethorpe from the Pioneer using any means necessary, it was unknown if the wanted individual would be violent or not. (Gained Investigate 0)

1102-236 The Oglethorpe Incident

1103: The Morton syndicate grew a bigger hand in the water import business on Albe, and one sweet hub for exports was a little blue planet called Torpol, though it was a tough world to get much business done as the law there was exponentially tougher than on Albe. Rannogh was shipped out to the planet as a lead-job for his boss, to ensure that production and export was going to meet expectations this quarter, but the law-enforcement of Torpol proved too much, and his facility was raided. He once again narrowly escaped, hoping he had not been captured by any photo or video equipment. He knew being a Vargr on Torpol, especially of his subspecies, he was probably going to end up on some wanted list before too long, and he saw this as his opportunity to get out of the crime life.

Rannogh took up a local job as a bouncer for one of many opulent night-clubs present on Torpol. He was fairly effective at this job, but truly it was a sweet gig, because the night-clubs were actually some of the safest places on the planet. The officials on Torpol really wanted to maintain a certain image that the planet was a safe haven for luxurious vacationing and tourism. Rannogh's position was more ornamental than function to be truthful.

1104-349: Rannogh was casually looking over the public-itinerary for travelling ships as was typical so he could know who to expect and if any high-profile officials were potentially visiting his club so he'd know who to brown-nose to improve his odds of earning a good tip, it wasn't uncommon for these officials to request a 'security escort' though it was truly useless on such a rigid world like Torpol. These officials liked to look important, and what was more impressive or ostentatious than a Vargr personal guard, an Aslan maybe he thought to himself. He couldn't believe he was seeing that name again Pioneer and it was supposed to arrive tomorrow. He decided he'd head to high port and see if Capt. Solis was still commanding the vessel, out of curiosity more than anything else. He'd never been on a ship like Pioneer before and was very impressed and intrigued by his short visit onboard, and he really just wanted to see it again. It reminded him of freedom somehow, but he knew that made little sense--nonetheless it was an important thing for a Vargr, and if gave him momentary respite, why not he thought.

Physical Description//

Rannogh is a short and limber Vargr, he has dense and strong muscular lean mass which belies his small form. His coat is similar to terrestrial Earth's red fox, an auburn red with a cream-white belly and under snout, black soot colorations mark his ear tips, paws, and the tip of his tail. He has a birthmark discoloration in his fur where there is a brownish patch of fur above his right shoulder. He has a small underbite and pronounced pearly white canine teeth. He has cool misty-green eyes that gleam with intelligence and cunning. He has a small 2cm missing triangular bit of ear from a fight where it was bitten off. He is quite agile, and capable of quickly reacting with physical speed that would surprise most. The middle claw of his right hand is stained a permanent dusky red color, a sign of his past.

Character Discovery/

Starting Stats//

Background Skills//

1088-91181School of Hard Knocks-Streetwise 1, Persuade 0, Melee 0, EDU+1 (bkg)--INT 7+811Life Event: Crime-------
1092-95222Prisoner/Fixer0Basic Training: Profession(X)--INT 9+6+34Hard Labour (END8+, 7+1); -1 Parole, Athletics(Dex) 1--END 5+4 (Parole)--Stealth
1096-99263Rogue/Enforcer0Basic Training: Gun Combat(Slug)--END 6+67Life Event: Betrayal (Enemy)--STR 6+10--Cr10,000
1100-03304Rogue/Enforcer1Personal Development1Carouse 0END 6+88I spent months in a dangerous Criminal underworld. Stealth 1--STR 6+9--Armor

Term 1: He was accused or the victim of a crime, Lose one Benefit roll or take Prisoner for next career
Term 2: He performed hard labor while in prison, gaining Athletics (Dexterity), he got improved parole due to performing well, he made parole and his sentence was served.
Term 3: He did not learn well from his previous lessons and immediately returned to what he knew, he was betrayed and gained an enemy.
Term 4: He spent a lot of time carousing with never-do-wells in the criminal underworld for months, he decided this life was not for him anymore.


Starting Equipment//