Main / 1102-236


1098-215 - 1102-036 - 1102-236 - 1104-240

Context from biography (for reference)

He dove deeper into the crime web underneath Albe, known as the under hive by those who worked in it. His connections in the underground sourced him to a particularly lucrative job, that involved capturing a researcher named Harris Ogelthorpe? aboard some ship named Pioneer in Highdock, but wasn't without risks as he'd have to go undercover, a company that had suffered some damages due to this Ogelthorpe fellow's research and it left a big black stain on that ship's associated record, and someone wanted to erase it. He had allegedly lied or falsified some information in it, and it may have caused a big ole' accident at one of their factories that had been covered up as well as it could, but people were asking questions. The job involved investigating the researcher and getting him to admit to the fault, and basically from there he'd probably disappear into the never-ending legal proceedings of Albe, two people died in that accident reportedly. The CEO of Albe Alloys? was in the hotseat for the accident, but with enough money, rich people don't have problems--they just have obstacles.
His contacts were: Captain Solis, another contact just a transmission number with no ident card. He didn't know anything about these patrons and especially nothing about research, but the job was simple, investigate Oglethorpe as a 'representative' for this company Albe Alloys for his suspected wrongdoing; whether through intimidation or otherwise. Then, remove Oglethorpe from the Pioneer using any means necessary, it was unknown if the wanted individual would be violent or not.

Athena found herself in one of the grubbier bars - or at least by her standards. Not a place she'd frequent by choice, but certainly the type of place (and worse) she'd found herself in before for her more clandestine outings and pursuits. Not as much these past few years, but a necessity in this case. A quick scan upon entering, a light smile at her target, a walk with purpose so it wasn't suspicious.

"Ah, Tobias. Good to see you. Or do you prefer Rannogh now?" asked Athena, thrusting out her hand, forcing him to shake it before he could exclaim confusion. Hopefully he already knew how to play this game. Hopefully this was also the correct Vargr, but then, they weren't common and it was hard to miss the one looking more like a fox. She gestured, taking her own seat, saying, "Sit, sit."

Giving him a significant look, again one she hoped he'd pick up on so she knew he'd be right for what was planned, she continued, "The ship is getting some maintenance done, and you know how Eleni can be. She told me to take the time to... relax, that she'd handle the work for now." She sighed and scowled, annoyed to be torn from her work. Nothing pretend about that. Finding the light, fake smile, she continued, "Perhaps I can finally show you the ship this time around. How long do you have to kill?"

Rannogh glanced around surreptitiously to see if anyone way paying attention, "No need for the formality, I'm just here on business, but Rannogh is fine unless you think we've a need for silly code-names." He sighed "They insisted I use one, but I've never been keen on that sort of thing, I'm a Vargr of my own deeds, I'll be known for them regardless. What is a man if not himself." he spoke philosophically. "There's probably a handful of people who'd kill me if they got the chance on this planet, not like hiding behind some name is going to protect me." His eyes flashed with confidence.

He shifted in his seat, possibly sensing some discomfort on her part, "Ah well, I've got an award on behalf of the Albe Alloys corporation, and they'd like it to be handed to the researcher responsible personally, by me that is." He cleared his throat, "It has been a while since I've seen you around," he glanced at his PDA "Captain." he added, without missing a beat.

"Don't have too long, but enough time that I think a tour of the ship might be in-order, if it would please you." The Vargr grinned toothily, which was mildly disarming ,but seemed like a friendly gesture despite the frightening nature of his smile. "I do think he'll be wanting to receive the award, I do believe we spoke earlier about it, Mr. Oglethorpe was it?" he eyed her cautiously, "Do you know if anyone else was involved in this fabulous research?" his tone was trending towards insidious, as if he were gleaning for more information. He patted the satchel he carried tenderly, "Want to make sure all the proper recognition is given to those that deserve it, my employers are very particular about that detail."

He paused lightening the subject, "It was very kind of you to arrange the meeting here Miss.. Solis was it? Captain, excuse me." he added hastily, "Tell me what sort of work you do onboard the Pioneer, you strike me as a very industrious woman, not one to be drawn to a place like," he gestures around" a place like this." He smiled again, "For my own curiosities sake, nothing to do with why I'm here today, I assure you."

While he may not have taken the code name offer, at least he caught on to her desire to be more discreet. She needed a few more layers of plausible deniability. As much space as she could put between herself and this ordeal, the better.

After ordering a simple glass of red wine, she replied, "Outside of being Captain, my specialties are microbiology and genetics. There is often as much field work and data collection involved as there is laboratory work and analyzing results. This may not be my... preference of venue, but such situations can be ripe for ideal opportunities."

A pause as the wine was brought forth, a sip was taken, before she continued, more delicately, "We do impeccable work on the Pioneer as I've mentioned in the past. The work of Dr. Oglethorpe is as intriguing as the mystery of his doctorate. Enough so that he believes that, perhaps, he would worthy of grand accolades. He certainly has his eye on running his own ship. With such ...unbelievable work as he has done, I am certain he think himself deserving of the Captain's Chair, if not Second."

"I have done him the favor of gathering evidence to support the outcome befitting his astonishing research. If he has any co-authors, he has not found them worthwhile of naming in his published works." Athena slide a chip across the table for Rannogh to take. "I would be happy to put you on the schedule for a tour of the ship later today, but it would be best if Dr. Oglethorpe was not aware I submitted his name for such an award. He already thinks I have doubts about his achievements. Professionally, it is better this way. For some, it encourages the work they do."