Main / RecruitmentEmail

SENT: 1104-350 (2215?)

My name is Rannogh and I am a Vargr living on Torpol though I hail from the distant planet of Aruhki, over a hundred parsecs from my home; I am a wanderer, a drifting soul. Whenever I saw the Pioneer in my past, that set in motion events that changed me to my core, I was never much of a scientifically minded person, however, I must admit that I haven't managed to put that experience behind me. I am stagnant on Torpol, watching the sun pass over the horizon lacking purpose, and most of all stimulation.

I write to you with this impassioned email to explain that I am destitute, though I have a living on Torpol I know not how to escape this prison of complacency. Watching rich folks tip women and separating drunkard brawls has gnawed mind long enough. I have a very particular set of skills that I would hope you find useful I can offer protection and at the least labor, I would work for board and meals. No expense to the ship beyond that. My loyalty goes farther than you can imagine, I can be an asset to your crew, I know it.

I am meant for more than this...

Please, free me from this cage.

There is a digitally scanned paw-print, with a signature in messy handwriting "Rannogh"

Attached to this email is a dossier of Rannogh and his personal history and skills, digital photograph, ident card number, and contact information.

<Dossier Attachment> Click to Download, this file is digitally signed and secure.

Message received here on Pioneer....more to come later