Main / 1104-342


1104-341 -- 1104-342 -- 1104-343

As dawn breaks Sultana, Athena, Karine, Phynan, and Evan watch carefully for any signs from the wreckage. The lights had continued through the night with the raiders ship lifting off, looping back to land, and lifting off again sometime after midnight.

Emilya, Lorrnn, Altyn, Eclya, Haf, and Ysk are all calmer after a night of care, sleep and the rations the group gave them. Borx still looks groggy and is unable to walk but the leg does not look infected after Athena's check.

(Karine) "Should we try the communicator now to see if we can contact anyone?"

Early in the morning Crockett checks on the Voyager. He finds the weapon locker he is used on a pinnace to has been replaced with a second set of scientific gear. Two of the cabins have clean sets of clothing set aside. They seem to be for the pilot (Sultana by the insignia) and the Captain. Crockett knows that Mikhel can pilot a small craft like this.

(Nicola)"Good morning Pioneer Doc and Pioneer Security team. It is 5:00. We have permission for you to undock at 5:30 and head to Marduk Downport.

[Crockett also is post- first morning coffee and alert to fact that something on board has changed. Reluctant to leave his duty to keep an eye on the air lock he decides to wander the Pioneer labship a bit and see if he can find any new arrivals that might have entered the ship via the airlock without his knowledge.]

Live log from 2024 04 14 - edited by Jim on 04/14-2024 at 11:00pm EST

Timing of events
5:30 - Voyager departs for Marduk Downport
7:12 - Radio contact with survivors
9:10 - Rescue at crash site
11:00 - Arrival at Downport
12:00 - Meeting with Alexeis Drabahn
16:00 - Arrival back at Pioneer
17:00 - Passengers Embark
18:45 - Cargo transferred, depart Marduk Highport
22:20 - Enter Jump Space

BOB Starting on the morning of 1104-342

So Crockett and Mikhel are here with Eleni

Eleni: YAWNS

Eleni: Crockett did you even sleep?

Crockett is a Marine. Food and sleep are for the weak.

Marines are also good and sleeping with one ear open...

and he did sneak off to galley and find something to eat and took something up to Nicola on the Bridge as a partial acknowledgement of her new found status as crew

Yes, current level of stats automatically adjusts the DMs

Eleni: So Mikhel, Crockett said you are a pilot as well as a doctor?

It is a scary thing, but, yes. I have a Pilot certificate with a [Small Craft] endorsement.

Eleni: Have you done any rough landings? or only at starports?

Has Mikhel gotten any Security feedback on Nicola?

No feedback yet from Security on that, they might have just missed that. You can expect better reporting here in the morning

Eleni: You should let the Captain know when we find her, she should be giving you bonus pay for that.

Only if I don't bend the Docking Clamps...

Eleni: All I know is if I had known you were a pilot I would have picked you over that Lieutenant guy.

Good ...I just took her some food assuming she had been cleared...otherwise happy to oust her....

Eleni: He is easy on the eyes, but you seem to understand things.

Mikhel will ask for an Employee List for Astroburger, or for Station Registry for a Female; Nicola, or image similar to our 'guest'.
Mikhel is hoping he now has a bit of Cred with the Station.

Understood, the search might go faster or get higher priority if it comes through Pioneed Communications, but fully understandable to not go that route

Mikhel heads to the Bridge to check on Nicola, to see if she needs anything, or what she wants to do next?

Nicola: Good Morning Pioneer Doc she says with a smile

Nicola: You are cleared for launch at 5:30

What's up, now? What do you want to do, now that the threat appears to be gone? By the way, thanks for stepping up and doing a great job for the ship.

Nicola: Thank you
I want to stay while you are gone. I can relay communications for you.
When you come back we can talk about what to do
Thank you for saving me

Can you provide a Resume? I can provide a reference, at least for what you've done so far.

Nicola: I can try to do that. I am more used to just handling communications.

Not flipping burgers?

Nicola: I do what I need to.
That is not one of my preferred things.
I will relay anything I hear about the Captain to you. Do you know anything about her that I could use to double check it is actually her?

Ask her anything about Science? Tell her the Science staff is on a day off, that should rile her up a bit. Watch for that, though. Tell her I told you to mess with her.

Nicola: Thank you, I will do that.
Tell her that the staff is enjoying the vacation days she gave them

Yup. That should get a little steam under her collar.

Nicola: Is our Peachy phrase still good?

Hmmm... Yes. That should still work.

Nicola: Thank you.
We will talk when you return. Good luck

Luck. Not my favourite deity. Or should I say, Luck doesn't seem to favor me.

Mikhel and Crockett can see that the only access she has is to the communications, all piloting is locked out, most things on the ship are

Luck actually does Mikhel a lot of favors. He's just not paying attention...
Being that Mikhel only had a limited amount of supplies, and was depending on Marduk Staton for extra. That might not be there?
Also, Mikhel was going to scrounge for more stuff, but that now seems like a bust.

Medical Supplies you have some still, the Lab ship has a surprising number of them available (hmmmmm wonder why ;P )

For just about any medical stuff Mikhel wants it is on the Pioneer to take along

He will be impressed by the number of sophonts medical entries there are

Replenish his usual stock of stuff, including three Trauma Kits.


Oooh! Mikhel checks for Aslan and Vargr Alien chips for the MediScanner. If there is a module for Augments, Mikhel should have that already. But, anything that he doesn't have, he'll grab.

Yes for Aslan and Vargr updates available

Both of them are modified from the standard library

Nicola: Pioneer Doc and Pioneer Security you have authorization to undock from Pioneer. Contact Marduk Station when you are your way

Mikhel: Pioneer Comms, do we have contact with anyone on the surface? It would be nice to know where we are going.

Nicola: You have authorization to land at Marduk Downport.
Marduk Station reports all hostiles have left the system.

Mikhel: Oh! I think I understand. Marduk Traffic doesn't want us roaming around...

Crockett goes to storage locker and withdraws Stunner (TL 10) to take with him in Pinnace Voyager to add to what he currently sleeps with (i.e. Assault Rifle, Laser Pistol (Lvl 9)..

Eleni: Slips into her seat behind the pilots chair on the Voyager

Do we have any Comms with the Captain?

Eleni: I have not heard anything yet Mikhel, Pioneer Comms had not as of this morning

and Crockett and Mikhel and Eleni still have mobile comms of course with them

And the ship to mobile also that you wished the Captain had taken with her give to Captain should we ever find her

Alright. Do we have the Pioneer on lock-down, now that anything like security left on board?

No real security other than Crockett, which is why he was hired here at Marduk

But the ship is on lockdown as best you can

Anyone can be a captain if you have enough money to buy a ship.

Sultana is the pilot if you can find him or the Captain will be a good thing

Well, Nicola and her knife is what Mikhel understands is left on board. Locks will have to do...

Crockett follows lead and enters Voyager and straps in

Mikhel: Pioneer Comms, this is Voyager. We are undocking. Hold the fort. We'll be back ASAP.

Nicola: Good Luc... Safe Trip Pioneer Doc

Marduk Traffic, this is Pinnace Voyager, undocking from Pioneer, cleared direct to Marduk Downport.

Marduk Station: Copy Voyager

Crockett muses (again) "Sure hope my buddy marine paid attention during flight lessons at the acacemy!"

Marduk Station: You are cleared for landing at Downport

...why have we three decided on our own to all of a sudden head for the we even know the heavens are clear of enemy vessels?

The Academy had nothing to do with my Pilot skills. Thank Lt Kiiliani for that.

Comms said all known hostiles are clear

copy that

Mikhel - [SKILL] Pilot (small Craft) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+2 = 7]
[ +1 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

Right. Let's start with some paint scratches on the Voyager...

You have not yet?

For Mikhel, it is a routine to land at a downport like this so that is a success

and with that let's switch over to the groundside people

Karine Lukowiak: Should we try the communicator now to see if we can contact anyone?

Karine Lukowiak: I was waiting Captain

Do it.

Karine Lukowiak: Very well

Checks to see if the pirates are still over at the wreckage.

Karine Lukowiak: Attention any ship Attention any ship

From the updated day page:
As dawn breaks Sultana, Athena, Karine, Phynan, and Evan watch carefully for any signs from the wreckage. The lights had continued through the night with the raiders ship lifting off, looping back to land, and lifting off again sometime after midnight. Emilya, Lorrnn, Altyn, Eclya, Haf, and Ysk are all calmer after a night of care, sleep and the rations the group gave them. Borx still looks groggy and is unable to walk but the leg does not look infected after Athena's check.

Hey Pilot Mikhel...You reading that call?

That's sounds like a call on "Guard" frequency, every radio in the system will hear it, eventually...

"Signal GK" (Traveller SOS) ->Link

Yes to the Voyager picking up that communication

Karine Lukowiak: This is the shuttle Pandrisha

If there is anything like Search and Rescue, they will respond.

moves up onto a higher vantage point to scan for any other potential things of interest or threats (or help).

Karine Lukowiak: This is the shuttle Pandrisha

impatiently waits

Karine Lukowiak: Now we wait

Mikhel will let Marduk Traffic take the call and ask for nearest ship to assist, if necessary...

It was on the normal traffic channels

Marduk Station: This is Marduk Station, the Shuttle Pandrisha was lost with all hands, Who is this on the channel?

Karine Lukowiak: Markduk Station it is good to hear your voice We are the survivors of the Shuttle Pandrisha

Karine Lukowiak: We are in need of rescue, unknown where we are somewhere on the mainland, I believe northern hemisphere

Marduk Station: Shuttle Pandrisha state your name to verify, who is there

Karine Lukowiak: Karine looks around at Athena and Sultana

To the Voyager crew, "Marduk could signal triangulate and locate them."

Karine Lukowiak: Should I give them your names?

Karine Lukowiak: I think we should not tell them about the locals we discovered

Yes, I think so. Sir Lt Gopal Sultana and Captain Athena Solis. Both of the Pioneer.

Information about the locals can be saved for an anthropologist.

Karine Lukowiak: Marduk Station we have Sir Lt Gopal Sultana and Captain , both of the Pioneer here with me and two other shuttle passengers

Karine Lukowiak: Can you locate us? Our batteries should last another 3 to 4 hours

Ask if the shuttle is emitting a beacon, if you would please.

Hmmm... Third Pioneer Crew member not mentioned... Mikhel wonders...

Karine Lukowiak: Yes

Karine Lukowiak: Marduk Station is the shuttle debris still emitting a beacon?

If the Pandrisha's beacon still works, they should be able to use that to hone in on us.

Beacon may work, if it has an internal power supply, which it should. But, the pirates may have stripped that, too.


Marduk Station: Pandrisha, Captain Solis this is Marduk Station We cannot get a fix on your location currently

Snorts quietly.

Maybe if we all jump up and down and shout real loud?

Remote Sensor radio signal search for bearing

Mikhel - [SKILL] Electronics (remote Ops) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 8) [2d6+2 = 10]
[ +2 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

Marduk Station: We will have a ship try a search pattern for you shortly stay on the air

with TMO

Yes to Mikhel that will work IF you want to break from your landing pattern towards the Downport

Also to remind Mikhel that it was mentioned some of the satellites are gone, so comms are not as good as normal for the planet

Will our pilot need piloting skill to do successful search and divert landing pattern?

Marduk Traffic, this is Voyager. Sending data on Radio bearing to transmission to aid in signal triangulation. We are available for SAR, if desired.

Marduk Station: Roger Voyager

Marduk Station: Do you have room for passengers Voyager?

Hey Mikhel....why are we diverting our course? What's going on?

Marduk Traffic, Voyager, we will make room!

just strap them to the hood, it'll be fine

Marduk Station: Voyager do a recon flight, use your discretion on retrieval. Downport can send air rafts once target is located


We are NOT going to Miranda!

Marduk Traffic, Voyager. Permission to deviate from filed flight path?

Marduk Station: Permission granted Voyager, good hunting

It's possible Crockett could attempt use of air raft as he does have "FLYER" skill Lvl 0....up to Pilot...

Marduk Traffic, Voyager. Deviating now. Will do fly over and scan for survivors and threats.

Mikhel - [SKILL] Pilot (small Craft) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+2 = 9]
[ +3 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

So with that and the comms check it will take 1d3 hours to triangulate and find the wreckage

[d3 = 2] 2 hours for grid search


So you find them in 2 hours of the 4 hours of radio battery they have

Mikhel can make a slow pass overhead to double check the terrain

Elina will verify by sight that it is Captain Solis

While that is happening does the ground group want to do anything with the natives?

Has no interest in the natives and will let them leave when they want.

Shuttle Pandrisha, this is Pinnace Voyager, please respond. We will use your signal to home in on you.

Karine Lukowiak: Thank you Voyager!!! We see you.

When you are ready Mikhel can make a piloting check at Average to land

Mikhel - [SKILL] Pilot (small Craft) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 8) [2d6+2 = 7]
[ -1 Effect] [Marginal FAILURE]

Good thing he still has some luck available

Mikhel forgot to check weather and barometric pressure in the landing zone, but thankfully the ground was softer than expected and took the hard landing without damage to the ship.

So checking off 1 point of luck for Mikhel?

One LUC off Mikhel. Let's not negatively impress the boss.


6 points still, he has not used any during the day after character creation

First I've heard of after-creation luck. How does it work?

Did you want to add 1 to make it even?

Every so often you get your luck replenished to 6 to use as you want, in this case for Stepping Stone II

There is Lady Luck, doing her thing, whether Mikhel notices or not...

And the ship lands safely

*boing boing boing*

Hey Elini....can you see them yet? Is that our Captain?

Eleni: Yes that is her,

starts ushering the survivors towards the craft.

Eleni: She looks, like she did not discover anything new

Hey they come...

Eleni: I wonder why she stayed away?

Sultana, Athena, Karine, Phynan, and Evan (a Vargr) are there, only the first two are from the Pioneer

There are also 7 humans, one with a broken leg

Those look closer to the Oghma raiders than to the rest of the group

I thought we shuffled them off?

The 7? up to you and Carissa

if you want to take them back to Downport or leave them here

Athena was letting them leave when they wanted - she doesn't do anthropology.

Well, once on the ground, the Captain is in charge (I/C), so Mikhel will hand over decision making to her. He will get out the MediScanner, though for once-overs.

And this is your first chance to interact in character together. Only Mikhel knows Crockett,

Mikhel may see parasites?

Eleni: Hey Captain, find anything interesting?

Feral humans. No interest for me. Remind me, do we have an anthropologist on board? It may be of interest to them.

Eleni: Ummm, I think that Sherris might?

Eleni: I delivered a human baby for the first time

Hmm, perhaps send word to her before they scurry off, if she wishes to study them.

Eleni: now that you mention it maybe I should have let them know about that.

Eleni: OH wait till you see the new paper I am doing


Captain, James Crockett, ex-Marine arrived yesterday and took up Ship's Security duties. Eleni and I assisted Marduk Station for triage of the attack. We have positive cred with the station.

Greetings Captain....(or I gather you are the Captain of the Pioneer)...I'm Marine Crockett and our buddy pilot there is our medic and fellow Marine Mikhel Dromah

Crockett? Hmm... ah, the new hire?

Eleni: We got attacked by raiders, well, I said they were just drunks, but Mikhel here said they were pirates and he was right

Ah, Doctor. Good to see you. How is the Pioneer holding up?

nods to Mikhel.

Eleni: But the raiders have these incredible parasites on them (insert fancy scientific tick and flea names) that survive ship sanitation procedures

Well we may be pirates now but Mikhel there and myself are trained as marines at your service.


Dromeh, thanks for the pickup. How did things go up there?

Eleni: They look like they might survive vacuum.

I wonder if they still use latin names for new species...

You got samples, Eleni?

Helps usher the shuttle survivors into the pinnace.

Eleni: Of course!

Eleni: We have enough to do some dissections.

Glad you have your priorities straight.

Actually both Sultana and Solis know Mikhel as he was aboard the Pioneer prior to their departure for the Downport..

Eleni: but Mikhel had me go with him to do triage on the station personnel

Eleni: It was decent. He is a good doctor by the way.

That is why he was hired.

Thank you, Doctor.

How much longer does our Island group have before leaving?

Any assistance to the 'locals'? Or are we on our way?

Karine Lukowiak: If we can bring them to the Downport with us, I will watch over them and get them help after you leave Captain

Can you see if Sherris wants to do more than record their location, Eleni? Otherwise let them go.

How long would it take to patch up this one's broken leg? So they can travel relatively safely?

Removing a test subject should be done with caution.

Mikhel approaches Athena and whispers, "Is there another crew member we should be concerned with?"

Shakes head.

It was only Sultana and I aboard. Were you expecting another?

Oh wait... the cook?

Sultana, what happened to the cook?

Mikhel looks expectantly at the Captain

Just a tiny bit absentminded

Officially, list her as a casualty, I think. Unofficially, she decided to go native. She did a lot to help save us, no reason to hinder her choices with paperwork.

We'll need another cook. Crockett, was it? Do you cook?

I am going to MISS her!

No formal skill...but I can cook...YES

Not so sure about that. She could read your mind, it turns out.

It will have to do until we find a skilled one.

And now you see how the Pioneer manages to fill the crew slots

Might have made things a bit uncomfortable around ship if it became common knowledge.

Don't expected "Lizard brains au gratin" thought

Hey you, you are now the cook

Well, if there isn't anything else here for us to do, I am handing over control to the Captain, and piloting duties to the Pilot of Record.

Somewhere in the process, Mikhel will have to check baseline MediScans on crew for any issues. Radiation should show up if there was exposure overnight.

So you get all of the group onto the Pinnace

checks the controls, adjusts the seat, because I'm certain Dromeh had it too high or too low, and then does the takeoff checklist.

Easy check for take off

spacecraft or grav?

and then you make your way over to Downport

or other?


Sultana - [SKILL] Pilot (spacecraft) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 6]
[ +2 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

We are going to say that you arrive at the Downport at 9:30 11:00

Mikhel missed his 8:00 meeting

Landing at Downport you are given a berth near the building complex

Hey all...I'm sure we could all use a decent meal right now while at let's make sure to schedule that in...

There is a medical team that comes to meet you

They take the natives and Karine off to one building

Karine Lukowiak: I will contact you Eleni when we are through

Eleni: I will let Sherris know to look for a trip down

Hey buddy....they have people down here that are your people and clan!!!!

Yes, definitely. Crockett, was it? We'll get lunch after whatever meetings we still have scheduled.

And now you are gathered at port entry the five of you

Katja Gienow: Greetings, welcome to Marduk Startown

Katja Gienow: You are the survivors I heard?


Katja Gienow: Did you have a destination before the attack?

Katja Gienow: I can try to help reschedule things for you, find out if your cargo still is here

Brain dead where were we going??

Katja Gienow: The hotel is booked but we can free up some rooms this afternoon as people return to the ship

LINK-> Message Center

Message sent to multiple sophonts in multiple Systems. Greetings (names(s)), I am inviting you to a meeting for a business proposition that I believe you are interestingly qualified for. I will affirm that if you do attend a full briefing that you will receive 5,000 credit stipend upon arrival. I assert that this meeting does not violate your personal standards and I am certain that you will find the subject matter intriguing. The details of the meeting must remain discrete. This is to protect my business interests, not due to any illegalities. If at the end of our briefing you do not feel it appropriate for you to take this offer you will be free to return back to your own career without penalty. This meeting will be at the Marduk downport on 1104-341, building number 256. When you arrive ask "Amber" so that I will know you have chosen to listen to the briefing. If you ask for "Gold" I will understand that you do not choose to listen. You will still receive the stipend in recompense for your travels.

Building number 256 was our destination.

Katja Gienow: Oh very well

Katja Gienow: They are quite busy but I will show you the way

She walks the five of you across the square and out to the surrounding buildings

We are a day late, unfortunately. We were slightly delayed.

She leads you to one that looks like until recently it was on fire

Katja Gienow: That is the hospital

Katja Gienow: You are going to 256 just beyond that

She delivers you to a door, uses a passkey to open it and escorts you in

Katja Gienow: Sibylle, these people said they are here to meet with someone here.

Sibylle Starker: Thank you Katja

Do you need to check the hospital, Doctor? Or perhaps visit after?

Katja Gienow: Have a good day, welcome to Marduk

Sibylle Starker: Hello, how can I help you today? You are?

Captain Solis and crew, here for a meeting with Amber.

Sibylle Starker: She looks at you closer

Sibylle Starker: Let me check the calendar

Sibylle Starker: How do you spell that? what are your other names?

Athena Solis.

James Crockett

She takes your information, enters it into the computer

Sir Lt Sultana

Mikhel Dromah, Medic

The Captain Athena Solis of the Lab Ship Pioneer?


Sibylle Starker: You look.... different than I expected

Does not respond

Sibylle Starker: Please wait here I will see if your appointment is ready

Apparel check, just to see: [2d6 = 12]

THAT is a success!

Today, somehow, Mikhel is wearing matching socks. Not that anyone can see them with the pants and boots.

After a few moments you are lead through a door into a conference room.

Used the 'fresher in the pinnacle to make sure he looked more presentable than a night in the ruins would imply.

Sibylle Starker: Can I get you anything?

Founds her crisp lab coat kept in the pinnacle and is wearing that.

Sibylle Starker: drinks? snacks?

test roll: Sultana - [SKILL] Pilot (spacecraft) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 5]
[ +1 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

Sparkling water would be nice.

Sibylle Starker: Any mineral choice?


Sibylle Starker: Very well

Crockett can handle role of Steward once we are back on Pioneer if it is Captain's wish...


BOB laughs with TMO

gives my skin a healthy glow

Just water for me please.

Water is fine for me, as well.

I'd like "Space Coca-Cola" please

That's unless you have any of that just released "Trojan Beer"??

Sibylle Starker: I would not mention beer right now, it is a sore point.

copy that

Sibylle Starker: We were hit hard

Are they normally that aggressive? How bad was it here? We saw the hospital.

Sibylle Starker: The Oghmans are always aggressive but I do not remember seeing them that organized

Mikhel's eyebrow goes up on the beer issue.

Sibylle Starker: There was some planning involved beyond jump attack jump

They steal the beer?

Hopefully it was a one-off occurrence.

For Carissa and TMO, the beer was on your shuttle, that was why you were late leaving Highport, waiting for it to be loaded

Ah, or was it what crashed planet side?

We had some onboard the Prandisha

Sibylle Starker: Yes that was his private stock

Enthusiastically, "We can go back for it. I'll volunteer."

The pirates likely have it, if any survived the crash.

The pirates undoubtedly absconded with it.

Mikhel, sadly, would strongly agree.

The steward may have brought a case on the Pioneer before she left. You may check when we return, Crockett.

You never know though. It might be worth a trip to the wreckage just to see what they did leave behind, if anything. We can give you the coordinates from our ship logs if you like.

Sibylle Starker: Thank you sir

Copy that Captain...your new steward has made a note

(??? Check Log for who said this?) So I'm sorry Lt Sultana....I'm looking forward to a chat about your background...but for now I'm pleased to meet you...

So after a few minutes Sibylle comes back with data pads for everyone, in lock mode, drinks, and snacks.

Sibylle Starker: He will be with you shortly, there are many things happening today but he is happy to see you are here

Doctor took care of the necessary on the way here.

You have time to talk among yourselves

Alexeis Drabahn: Thank you Sibylle, I am glad we are all set up

Sibylle Starker: "Have a good day." As she leaves...

Alexeis Drabahn: Welcome to Marduk

Alexeis Drabahn: He sits at the head of the table

Alexeis Drabahn: I am Alexeis Drabahn

It was quite the welcome.

Alexeis Drabahn: I am .... LAUGHS

Alexeis Drabahn: Excellent

Finds a chair off to the far side of the table from the door and sits.

Alexeis Drabahn: That is a good way to start

It is start, yes.

Crockett stands.

Alexeis Drabahn: Let me ask do any of you know where you are or why you are here?

Something about opportunities?

We're here to hear of an offer that may help with our funding situation.

Alexeis Drabahn: That is a good start

Alexeis Drabahn: I am very glad you are here

Alexeis Drabahn: I have an opportunity for you if you agree to work on a project I am involved with

What is your proposition?

Alexeis Drabahn: I promise, swear to a deity if you choose, etc, that it is not illegal or immoral.... not mostly imorall at least

Alexeis Drabahn: I do need you to please sign a confedentiality contract first

is still listening

sits and patiently waits.

Grit his teeth...

Standard procedure, certainly.

Crockett lying low...there is a Captain in the room and while he has Leadership +1....he is no diplomat as Mikhel buddy here will attest to....

Alexeis Drabahn: If you agree to listen I will pay our agreed amount.



I'll check the ccontract first, of course.

Alexeis Drabahn: If you like this proposition it can give you the chance to earn as much as you want

Alexeis Drabahn: He nods to the data pads in the middle of the table

Slides it over and checks it for loopholes or other gotchas.

Alexeis Drabahn: They are all keyed to Captain Solis

Sultana - [SKILL] Advocate (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+3 = 11]
[ +5 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

and that is a good roll

Alexeis Drabahn: She can unlock ethem for you

Unlocks them for you

Mikhel thinks, as long as we are not doing anyone damage. Except pirates and slavers. Lots of damage to them.

Sultana sees this is a standard NDA with the one minor provision that you cannot discuss who you spoke with. Not the person or the company.

Lets the others know the conditions they'd be signing.

Not unusual. I am fine with agreeing to it.

Athena uses a similar thing for her research

An NDA. Enforcable by who and where in the Outrim Void?


No different than most NDAs in the science world.

It's acceptable to me as well. Dromeh, Crockett, Eleni?

Enforcement is left to the co-signer

Eleni already approved when Athena did

Yep..Captain likes it...I like it...

Mikhel will nod

How do you enforce your NDAs, Alexeis?


Alexeis Drabahn: Typically they end at the death of one of the parties


Alexeis Drabahn: I have not had to resort to that at all

Also not unheard of.

Signs it

If one of the signers is the "Company", that could be a long time.

Alexeis Drabahn: Indeed

Alexeis Drabahn: He collects up the signed data pads

Some scientific breakthroughs outlive those who sign them and must go to the company.

Alexeis Drabahn: If you do not outlive this agreement your own sucessors will I do hope

Alexeis Drabahn: If you are sucessful

Alexeis Drabahn: Officially I welcome you

Well, all we are agreeing to is not to disclose is the current discussion. I can sign that.

Alexeis Drabahn: Nods to Mikhel

Alexeis Drabahn: my name truly is Alexeis Drabahn

Alexeis Drabahn: And welcome to GeDeCo Marduk

Alexeis Drabahn: The General Development Corporation has a wide spread of assetts across the Reach and the Marches

Alexeis Drabahn: However I have a special off the books project that I want to pursue

He opens a case and pulls out a golden ticket for each of you

Alexeis Drabahn: He hands them out to each of you

Now Mikhel has an entity to research...

Alexeis Drabahn: Those are a bit heafty

Alexeis Drabahn: One kilo each

Inspects it with interest

Takes it and checks it before slipping it into a safe pocket.

Alexeis Drabahn: That will get you into a special meeting

Mikhel secures his.

Alexeis Drabahn: I want you to go to the King of Drinax and help him control the Trojan Reach

Crocket same...secures his ticket..

The whole Reach? That's quite an ambitious goal.

Alexeis Drabahn: You will have wealth beyond your means to spend

Mikhel frowns. Then realizes, we won't be the only group. Surely...

Could Captain request (2) extra tickets for Shane and Jason...Mike will supply character names...

Reth Runebreaker and Silas Lane. Reth will be a negotiator of superb abilities, and Silas is a pilot of some skill

yes they each have one

Alexeis Drabahn: The Hierate is advancing through the Reach

Control it?

Alexeis Drabahn: The Imperium is trying to prevent their inroads

I haven't kept up with all the details. Have they used military or political means of taking systems?

The Heirate, that is.

Alexeis Drabahn: My project that I would like to attempt is to have you work with the King of Drinax to reestablish the Drinax Kingdom and use the means you see appropriate to build Drinax into a power again

leans back in his chair and thinks.

Alexeis Drabahn: The Aslan Ihathei will take territory where they can, however they can...

Is this the whole Aslan Empire, or just a spin-off mini-empire?

Alexeis Drabahn: The Kingdom of Drinax was spread over half the reach when they were all that was left from the Sindalian Empire

Use the means we see appropriate... you understand I am a scientist, yes?

I do not do diplomacy or combat.

Alexeis Drabahn: I am interested in your mind Captain Solis,

Alexeis Drabahn: You took a lab ship into an active combat zone

Alexeis Drabahn: You survived where no one expected


We can do "good deeds" to encourage people to join a political organization. We can use carrots, not sticks.

Alexeis Drabahn: Sultana here has been part of how many organizations?

Some danger is expected in my research.

Crockett thinking to himself as he is prone to do, "This is kind of work I'm trained to do!"

Alexeis Drabahn: Dromah encountered how many different ..... situations

Alexeis Drabahn: You each bring different skills talents to this group

Alexeis Drabahn: I am interested in creating stability

Alexeis Drabahn: That is good for buisness

Athena - [SKILL] Diplomat (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+2 = 6]
[ +0 Effect] [Marginal SUCCESS]

Alexeis Drabahn: If you succeed then my own business increases

And good for research.

Alexeis Drabahn: I am in charge of power supply systems,

Alexeis Drabahn: I am small fish in a large sea, in an ocean of a company

This is my fight song

Oh wait that's small boat on an ocean, nevermind

Stability is good for a lot of things. Keeping medical staff in their designated place is good, too.

Alexeis Drabahn: I do not care if you use carrots or sticks, marriages or murders

We have those who prefer sticks, if carrots do not work.

Again Crockett is musing to himself: "These folks are talking some kind of foreign language about 'diplomacy'....why skill is in my weapons...God of the Imperium...Save the King of Drinax...I'm with him"

You say we'll have access to wealth to achieve this. Honest question, how shady is this money? Aboveboard, or risky if traced?

Alexeis Drabahn: What i can tell you is that King Oleb has a new weapon he has recovered. He intends to use it to create chaos in the Reach so that he will come out as the protector who can calm it

I presume he knows you're recruiting us on his behalf?

Looks at those with military backgrounds to see their reactions

Alexeis Drabahn: King Oleb has found a Sindalian Harrier

Alexeis Drabahn: He intends to hire a group to be pirates for him

Alexeis Drabahn: I am sending you with these invites to his party so you can be those pirates



Alexeis Drabahn: That is part of your NDA, he does not know who you are, just that someone sent you to him

Alexeis Drabahn: I have no traceable connection to Drinax at this point


Alexeis Drabahn: You can go there and do the King's bidding

Again with the musing to oneself...cause he's remaining quiet....but 'Pirates'....I can work with that!"

So we need to keep your involvement a secret from the King.

Alexeis Drabahn: take any and all spoils you find

I got a bad feeling about this...

Muses, "Perhaps I can expand some of my research projects..."

Alexeis Drabahn: You should keep all indications of GeDeCo from your associatinos


Just making sure I understand all the boundaries of the task, you understand.

Alexeis Drabahn: There are notes from one of our other branches Vorito that an attempt on the King's life was made by one of their operatives

Alexeis Drabahn: The King will not look kindly on someone from GeDeCo being part of his inner circle

The name Kaartre Burkh flashs into Mikhel's mind. And not in a good way...

Links for later

(LINK) -> Kingdom of Drinax

(LINK) -> General Development Company

You have your mission

You are invited to the King of Drinaxes New Years Party

You want to arrive at Drinax no later than 1104-365

yay party! there'll be beer there!

So that gives you 23 days to get there

Mikhel - [SKILL] Carouse (2D+1) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+1 = 10]
[ +4 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]

It is a jump to Torpol, then a jump from there to Drinax

and seriously this is where the group decides what direct we go in


The money the money....Is it trasferred to our accounts, or is it cold hard cash? 5000 cr each...

Transferred to your accounts through a shell company by the time you leave the room

Post live chat

[assuming we have our 5000 credits] Crockett suggests to Captain that she authorize heading for nearest decent restaurant.

Sultana says, "This way. Felting's Cheroon is the highest rated restaurant listed in the guides. A bit pricey, perhaps, under normal circumstances, but that's not really a problem right now. We can discuss our initial thoughts over food and a drink. Bear the NDA in mind though. Generic terms only, please. No details in public."

Sultana leads the way back to the main thoroughfare, and then back away from the center to a larger building more towards the outskirts - not too near the spaceport to be frequented by the lower workers, but also not too far away to be trouble to get to.

As they go, he asks Captain Solis, "By the way, Captain, I notice that most of your lab workers weren't included in the offer, while these here were. That means that, according to the NDA, there's a lot we can't tell them. We'll need to come up with a good cover story for why we're getting involved. Actually, come to think of it, we'll need one for the *clears throat* Local Representative we'll be working with."

Athena gave a slight tilt of her head, her expression inscrutable as she looked at Sultana. There was the beginnings of a slight frown of confusion, as she said, "A good cover story? You have not worked with scientists before, have you, Lieutenant? It is not unusual for a grant or funding source to have an NDA attached to it. The rules of my ship are very simple: science above all else. I do not ask questions of their funding, they do not ask about mine. As long as their research and experiments do not endanger my ship, or at least have a very thorough SOP attached to it, they may do what they wish. They will not ask as it is not their business - even if they are working on my experiments or we have a collaboration going. As long as it funds the advancement of science, that is what matters."

"Is that not correct, Eleni? Although your inclusion sparks mild interest in me."

"So Captain or Athena if I might call you that since we're about to have dinner together....How many scientists are actually still aboard the Pioneer? I ask because we've been a little pre-occupied since I arrived aboard 48 hrs ago back at the highport and I've not had a proper introduction to the ship and its crew of science personnel?"

(Eleni)"I am a little confused my self Captain. I was helping out Doc, she grins at him, "better than sir? with a laugh. Turning back to Athena "I was on the medical team assisting on the Highport, then came down to assist at the Downport. Then we found you. I did not understand what kind of meeting Doc and Crockett were going to. I was sort of swept up into the room and just stayed. You know I do not care where the credits come from as long as I get to spend them."

Eleni takes a drink and offers a toast to Sultana on his choice. Crockett, the current set up for the Pioneer includes 18 total staterooms. One is for the Captain of course, One is for the Pilot. Although Leiutenent stays in his own ship in the cargo bay for some reason. Then there is the Steward's quarters, but you say she is now not coming back? That leaves us with six open staterooms if single bunking. The Captain and myself, the other ten scientists on board each are used to not sharing. Well Sherris shares with a man in every port and sometimes brings one along but she knows to keep them in her stateroom. I guess you nodding to Crockett and Doc take up two of those, the new Communications officer takes up a third one? So that is three open staterooms, unless the Leiutenent comes in from the cold?"

Sultana stares at the wall for a bit, thinking. "Well, I'm no diplomat, and I suspect none of the rest of us have much practice at it either. So that might be a talent we might try to acquire somewhere. We could probably get someone from the representative to give us local knowledge, but it might be better if we recruit our own before we get there, so we know where their loyalties lie."

"Really good point there Lieutenant.....Which brings another question....With just the (5) of us getting paid at moment and here for dinner...I'm wondering what our Captain thinks about our overall skill set as we move forward?...and then perhaps while we're waiting for our food we could brief the two of you Captain (or may I call you Athena here at dinner?) on the fun we've been having up at the Highport while you've been marooned somewhat down here...."

Reth Runebreaker was generated as our Diplomat, and with Science(Psych) & Deception 2, Diplomat and Persuade 1, he would have been an asset. SOC D isn't bad, either, as is the ally of a Naval Attache currently bouncing around the Outrim Void with the Imperial Navy. However, getting him into this game will be similar to Silas Lane. Both are more interested in traditional face-to-face RPG. We might be looking at other players, or NPCs, sadly.

"Athena is fine is present company. Captain or Dr. Solis in professional settings. I may not be a medical doctor, but I did not spend all my years in academics and gain my degrees for them to be discarded. My diplomacy skills are limited to grant writing and what I need to gain access for planetside research," said Athena, primly. She took a sip of her own drink, making no indication if she thought it a good choice or not.

Glancing up, thoughtfully, she continued, "I know my current crew of scientists have adhered to the rules and produced some fascinating results in their experiments. I know Doctor Mikhel has tended to the health of them adequetly and keeps our psychologist busy and therefore happy. I know Sultana has been a decent pilot for the short time we have been together. I do not know your skills, Crockett, but if you were hired for my ship, you had a resume of interest."

"As long as my ship runs, and I get what I need to run it, I am happy. If we must acquire some additional crew to take advantage of this funding opportunity, so be it." Turning towards Crockett, Eleni, and Mikhel, she said, "But yes, I would like to hear how you kept my ship safe and its current condition."

Crockett muses to himself: "This oughta be good to hear Mikhel break our short hours of basically 'being in the dark' to something heroic!!!! (smiles to self)...

Was there a TL14 MediKit in that Med Bay? The ship is mostly TL12, but perhaps?

Captain, the ship didn't take any damage during the furball, but that could have been luck. There were at least two attempts to board, one we allowed, and for which we are still checking the status. She may be our new Comms Officer and Steward, or back-up Steward. The second attempt was not successful, and was handled by a roaming security detail. It hasn't been determined if that detail was from Marduk Station (initial inquiries say not), another private ship, or another group of pirates. The specimens acquired by Eleni came from the bodies of the second boarding attempt. Impressive samples, if completely unnerving to non-scientists. As the situation was brought under control, Eleni and I departed the ship to render any medical aid Marduk required under my DWB Credentials and in accordance with the DWB Principles and Guidelines. They were in a bad way, as the priates had cleaned out their Med bay, of equipment, supplies,... And Staff! Crockett and Nicola ensured the ship remained secured as Eleni and I assisted the station. The pirates certainly made a mess. None of our staff went missing, at least not through the Marduk Station access.

"I don't have much to add to that summary except I think Mikhel and I should draw up a shopping list of things you might want to acquire to improve ship security a bit. Overall it's not an easy ship to defend as it wasn't designed with defence in mind. We did our best given our military backgrounds as both Mikhel and I have previous service in the marines. Right now it is what it is I'd say and it's our only way we can currently get to Drinax as we have undertaken to do. The only option I can see is to leave the labship here on Marduk and your scientists and find other (and perhaps 'safer') passage to Torpol and Drinax. Problem being we only have 23 days to get there! comes our food! "

Food was a welcome thought. Especially as it had been catch-as-catch-can for over a day.
And as things turned out, it didn't seems to be better on the other side. How many people did Mikhel, and Eleni, patch up, yesterday? And for what? They had been in the way of some A-holes. Now another 'corporate exec' was farming a problem off on the 'minions'. And notice, he was keeping his hands clean, expecting us to be greedy enough to jump at the chance. This leads nowhere good.
Or does it? We don't have time to go after the Med Staff, if we take this bait. Mikhel could depart the crew and fill in for Marduk Station, but the situation needed more than one medic. A lot more. Mikhel would not be surprised if a job offer was waiting, when Voyager arrived at the Highport.
What if the team went after the Med Staff, instead? Not using the Pioneer, as it was more of a target than a raider. Hmmm... it would be the long view, but perhaps GeDeCo would go after the Oghmans, or bring pressure to bear, right away, and the Pioneer crew could check out the Drinax option?

Sultana shakes his head. "No, leaving the Pioneer behind isn't an option. This system is far more dangerous to its safety than Torpol would be, I think. The Oghman pirates will undoubtedly be back eventually. I'm open to everyone's opinion, but I don't think we want to stay here any longer than necessary. It might be months before the next pirate attack, or there may be stragglers still coming in while we sit here. Every day we stay here increases the risk a bit. I don't think we're in serious immediate danger, however, but we can't rule it out completely."

"Well done with the defense of the ship, as well."

Your golden tickets are good for entry to the King's New Years Day party. You do need to be at Drinax the day before to turn those in for entry. Also for those in search of a more 'agressive' ship, feel free to look up the Harrier in various resources on FG or elsewhere as a meta gaming idea of what you are supposedly getting to use.

"Thanks". Nods to the Pilot. "I'm for departing the system, ASAP. We should be able to return to the ship at speed, being we don't have to wait for a local shuttle. We might consider offering any free space to the authorities, if they don't have a replacement shuttle, on our way back up. I'd advise notifying Pioneer Staff by secure comms that Marduk will be looking for emergency replacement medical staff, and any temporary offer will probably extend to months, regardless of what they suggest will be the temporary period. It won't be days, and could be years. The Oghmans are likely to be back, as the Pilot suggests. And when is anyone's guess."

Sultana pulls out his commpad (or whatever they're called) and connects through to the ships, and sends a message through them to the spaceport to request a list of all passengers at Marduk attempting to book passage to Torpol, Drinax, or Hilfer. Putting the pad away, he explains, "That last one is just a bit of cover so it doesn't obviously look like our final destination is set. I thought about making Khusa the third, but apparently heading into Aslan territory might have raised the wrong kinds of questions."

"I'm good with this discussion...just thought I'd raise options. It seems we do need to see about couple of things back on Marduk Highport that might improve our security a bit...For one, can we install more security cameras around cargo bay and entrance ways?...and for another thing are there any auto-fire weapons that could be installed in same area and controlled from bridge of Pioneer???? I hate to be letting off grenades in those areas.....!! "

"I'm with Crockett on the idea of better surveillance, and defenses on any docking point, but are we likely to be needing it everywhere? The Pioneer only docked at Marduk, because the station had an adaptable bay. We hadn't docked at any other system, just using the Voyager to ferry back and forth. There might be better places to spend money. Perhaps less lethal defenses, so I don't have to plug perforations afterwards." Mikhel smiles at Crockett, and gives him a wink. Mikhel was feeling the strain of the situation up at the Highport, but isn't with the Navy anymore. Laws would have to be considered, system to system.

"So what's the plan here? Shall we leave the downport now on the Voyager? Get back to the Pioneer" and embark immediately for the jumppoint and enter "jump" for Torpol without delay? Who knows what unexpected encounters or issues we might face that eat into our 23 day window?"

[Again some musing to self by Crockett....thinking it would sure be nice if someone made a decision about our overall skill package of current crew and whether or not we shouldn't be in seeking to hire another crew member or two to flush out some holes in our team.... Mind you...the Pioneer has made it this far somehow without a skilled "Mechanic" or "Diplomat"??? Maybe we can spend more time on this topic once we're underway in jump? ...and then attempt to find some additional crew in Torpol???]

"What does our Captain and the rest of you think about allowing some cargo to be acquired in Torpol perhaps?.... We are going to need a revenue source for a while or we'll be running short of cash/cr soon you'd think? Wonder if Athena there could put on your Captain's hat for a moment or ask Sultana there to give us a sense of what the monthly budget has looked like these past few months in terms of maintenance costs and other operating costs recently...and where the Pioneer's revenue sources have come from? It can't all have been from scientific grants can it and something that continue to be replied upon for next 100 days anyway? I'd say we should be looking some more before departing Marduk for passengers here at least...but unless some human cargo shows up by first possible departure time you'd think we would want to not delay with that kind of exercise and cut into our travel window parameters! What say you to these thoughts?"

BOB - Agreed on leaving soon. For crew requirements you need a Pilot, Astrogator, Engineer, and Medic for the Pionner to Jump. (Not sure why the Medic for other lab ships, but for this one I fully agree you need it. ;) So you have those filled in. The Astrogator for the Pioneer is one of the other random scientists, who has it as a random skill choice. He was trying to impress a girl in school. You are good to go once you get back to the Pioneer. Crockett has it right to spend time in Jump going over things. (see below)

BOB - For Passengers you have 3 or 2 (if Sultana does not stay in the Ships Boat) open staterooms to fill if there does happen to be anyone willing to book passage with you. It would require someone with Steward skill. That is a simple roll on the Passenger Traffic Table (shared in FG) that anyone with Broker skill can make the roll on. Because of the unusual circumstances at Highport any passengers who would want to leave, traveling to where Sultanta indicated, will be ready to leave right away with you.

BOB - For Cargo that is a no for two reasons. With the attack they will want to inventory everything before letting things off the station. You do not want to wait for that. The other is your very limited cargo space. We will go into the details later as the group inventories the details of what you have, comes up with ideas on what to do, your ongoing costs, and potential upgrades you will want to pursue. You will be leaving Marduk with all three ships fully fueled and basic ship stores replenshed.

BOB - Finally I have on my list that Mikhel has a security check on Nicola still pending, what other things does anyone want with Marduk Security or Operations before heading out to the Jump Point?

  • short break, feel free to continue restaurant discussion above *****

1104-342 16:00

Back on board the Pioneer, Sultana pulls up the report he requested of potentially interested passengers. 5 names on the list, not as many as he would have expected, given the recent attack. But, they also weren't the only ship prepping for departure, and with Jerdehl's loss, the Pioneer clearly wasn't at the top of the list for creature comforts. He did a bit of quick analysis on the list before packing it up and sending the list to the other charter memebers. (Bob can modify the list to add any details we have)

Potential Passengers

  1. Vellueo Goalnouk - Vargr - younger, Sultana met previously, works for GeDeCo in Admin
  2. Silas Lane - Human, ex-scout, old, rough, looking for a fresh start, Oghma raiders stole his scout ship
  3. Yellon- Human, explorer, Looking for adventure, is asking to be on the Pioneer as soon as she heard the name
  4. Nolin Presentin - News Caster for Tobia Press, looking for a way back to Tobia, will hitch a ride to Torpol with you, obviously you will want to have me on board, think of your reputation when people hear I was on your ship, of course you will comp my ticket, I will even autograph my latest biography for you, winks at Eleni
  5. Shantina - Entertainer, singer, Just needs to get off this damn planet NOW, after this raid there is no way she can make any money here, she needs to get to someplace where they appreciate talent

[again with the musing to himself .. I'd better keep my counsel to myself right now...but if I were calling the shots...I would take all (5) of these and get them to pay their freight up front on boarding the Pioneer....if anyone got creative we could probably handle (5)....I'd say Mikhel and I can handle the security concerns....can't wait to see what the "Pretty Persons" look like! We know we have we only have (3) cabins if I get asked about this I'm thinking I'm going to be out of my bunk/berth quite a bit on security so could easily share perhaps making a 4th cabin available... It will be interesting to see if anyone else can either volunteer or "be told" if they are a scientist...that we're in a tough shape right now and needing some extra cash to get us through to our next destination....We'll see how all that goes....] over and out to self....Good thing no psionics around....

(to Sultana who has positioned himself it appears on the Bridge of the Pioneer) "So that's quite a list you've got there Lieutenant! I think the Vargr and the other male and the explorer lady should be easy choices as they likely can all afford the passage fare. The female journalist type sure has nerve and I hope you agree that her proposal should not be considered. "No ticky no washy!"...i.e. only paying passengers....and besides we do NOT need publicity right now.... That leaves the entertainer lady....If she has the credits to pay full price then we could accept her I'd say...but full amount only...You agree? If Mikhel concurs we have a unanimous recommendation to the Captain that I'm sensing she will happily accept."

"I should add Lieutenant that I'm thinking I'm going to be out of my bunk/berth quite a bit on security so could easily share perhaps making a 4th cabin available... It will be interesting to see if anyone else can either volunteer or "be told" if they are a scientist...that we're in a tough shape right now and needing some extra cash to get us through to our next destination....and of course it helps our cause if you agree to continue with your current accomodations. While you're at do you feel about that?"

"I'm just the Doc. How a ship runs is up to the smart people. I will do what I can to assist with making it all work, and I have no problems with shared accommodations. Nicola will have to make her own descisions, once we get info on her background and whatever she submits as a resume that can be verified through the station." Thinks he may have signed on to the wrong ship, and it is seeming to be a bit like a cartoon mouse organization.

Sultana is reviewing the ship panels regarding the staterooms, kitchen, and so on. This isn't his normal routine at all, and so he's being very careful not to skip any steps. It would be very bad to discover that the atmosphere controls for one of the rooms wasn't working during the middle of a jump, for example. "Hmm? Oh, yes, definitely no free rides at this time. Without being able to pick up cargo, we're going to be running tight..." His eyes widen for a second, then he wipes his hand over his eyes in frustration and sighs. "Crockett, on that panel over there, third one. Yes. What is the status of the cargo we brought inbound with us? Has it been unloaded, sold, stolen, none of the above? In all the chaos I totally forgot about it. If we still have it, and can sell it, that will help out finances for a bit."

(muses again to self---"seems our 'Doc' is getting jumpy" ---but I understand his wilderness feeling)

"Hey Lieutenant, First time I've seen any of this and can't really tell myself by just looking at this panel what I'm seeing in terms of cargo status???? Never had to deal with such things in my marine service really...however my parents were corporate types and I at least understand what the data is you're looking for....just can't read this 'panel' I'm looking at very well....perhaps its the lighting in here right now???" (Perhaps referee can improve lighting and assist with my understanding?)

The Lieutenant gets up out of the pilot's chair and goes over to take a look. A few taps and, "Oh, it's logged out. Jerdehl must have been the last one to use it, not me. Hold on." A press of his thumb on the sensor and the dozen or so characters entered at high speed, and the cargo interface system is open. "Okay, good, the approval was sent last night. I'll get that started so we'll get those funds. Looks like ... yeah, no cargo available for purchase or outgoing transport. They're doing a complete inventory check to see what the raiders took. So we're going to be deadheading it out of here." He shrugs. "Well, unless we want to hang around for the couple of weeks that's going to take to finish. Personally, I'd rather go. I'll bring it up to the Captain for final approval, though."

Sultana sorts out the cargo situation and has Starport Operations start unloading. {5 minutes per ton, so to unload 30 tons of cargo so 2 and a half hours completed at 18:30}

Add 330,000cr to the balance sheet for the cargo

Sultana turns to face Crockett and Mikhel. "Alright, you've seen the list of potential passengers. We've got 3 empty rooms. I prefer sleeping on the Suraksha, so there's no need to take one of those for me. If you shuffle yourselves around, you can free up a 4th, but that's completely between you and the Captain. I don't know that I'd be willing to do it unless ordered to, myself. A week is a long time to be double-bunked or stuck in the infirmary. And that's if we unload any of these people at Torpol." He pulls up the list of passengers again and looks it over. "This Lane and Yellon, they look like the most likely potential recruits for Drinax. The Vargr, Goalnouk, works for GeDeCo. Liaison with them, maybe? Shantina... She could be helpful if introduced to our Client. Even if not, she'd probably be easy to talk into extending her stay all the way to Drinax with the possibility of a Royal Ball in the offing. The reporter... could be awkward if they get bored and start asking questions. Not to mention the request to comp the ticket. No, I think Lane, Yellon, and either the Vargr or the Singer. Those'll be my recommendations to the Captain." He sighs, "Although, gotta say, trying to play host to a Diva doesn't sound thrilling. Still, have to do what needs to be done." He taps a few marks onto the shippad, indicating his choices, then hands it over to one of the others. "Here, if you two will mark your choices, and get it to Eleni for hers, since she's apparently part of all this now too. Then to the Captain for the final say. Once she does that, I'll get them boarded and settled. Hopefully we can have that all done by the time the cargo is finished unloading."

Have any of the "passengers" got useful skills?

Social media checks...

Accessing Publicly Available Data: Easy (4+) Electronics (Computers) check (1D minutes, INT or EDU)

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 12] [ +8 Effect] [Exceptional SUCCESS] 6 minutes. Day 1104-342, Social Media check for passenger information. Any record of these names?

  1. Vellueo Goalnouk - probably an executive, using the Pioneer as a vehicle of opportunity to transfer to another office. Or running away from Marduk?

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 8] [ +4 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] 1 minute. Checking Marduk Station for any info on Vellueo Goalnouk. Should be a registered employee with GeDeCo. Perhaps a named individual in a 'Contact Us' listing?

Wants to go to Torpol for a vacation, will be back at Marduk afterwards, if not this ship another one will do

  1. Silas Lane - Astrogation skills? What does hiring him do to the bottom line? Temp contract? Working passage is room and board, not a salary.

Wants to get the hell away from this hell hole of a planet where pirates stole his ship, and what the hell are they doing for security around here and where can I go to make a few credits?

  1. Yellon - Might be an interesting individual to ply for regional info?

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 8] [ +4 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] 1 minute. Checking Marduk Station for any info on Vellueo Goalnouk. Should be a registered employee with GeDeCo. Perhaps a named individual in a 'Contact Us' listing?

nothing comes up quickly

  1. Nolin Presentin - Check into her 'reach' in the Outrim Void. If it is good, this is an in with 'spreading the word' about our reputation. Word of mouth is the best, but speed and coverage will help. A lot. Is this the reporter we want covering us? Can we start the relationship on an 'equal' footing, and not disadvantage either her or us? Perhaps using one of the AutoDocs in the Med Bay as a Low Berth would mean getting her to Torpol at minimum cost, without dealing with a snoopy reporter.

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 6] [ +2 Effect] [Marginal SUCCESS] 4 minutes. Data searches for Nolin Presentin.

Many news casts come up, variety of topics, some sensational, some down to earth stories

  1. Shantina - Any local performances for which we can access a review? Anything in local news/social media about this person? She could just not want to be anywhere near Oghma. Which says she has a brain cell. She may not have any talent, just delusions. Which could mean we are down to three beds in the Med Bay.

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 10] [ +6 Effect] [Exceptional SUCCESS] Social Media (3 minutes), or Entertainment Channels (5 minutes) on the station for info on Shantina.

Good reviews on Yelp, she seems to be more of a higher end jazz club singer, not a concert hall type of singer

Made additional rolls for Mikhel, before time checks were done, with the following results:

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Streetwise (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 8) [2d6+3 = 11] [ +3 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] Streetwise check on the names, if we can, and have the time (Rolled two hours, which actually seems reasonable, as this would take walking around the station).

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 4) [2d6+2 = 12] [ +8 Effect] [Exceptional SUCCESS] Up to 40 minutes. Another try, taking my time to optimize the search parameters for Nolin Presentin. Looking for bylines and books, especially peer reviews.

Time constrains: The first Electronics checks are OK for the 30 minutes available, but the Streetwise check couldn't happen within the time available, if immediate departure is enforced. The second check on Nolin may also have to be curtailed. Either after the meeting with Nicola, and between the cargo off-loading and departure. However, the ship would have to advise the passengers they were accepted, and get them to the ship with their luggage. Timing is up to Sultana and BOB.

No to using Auto Docs as Low Berths. No to double bunking anyone except Mihkel and Crockett at the most. So you have three staterooms to fill, four if the two double bunk.

Note: There doesn't need to be AutoDocs in the Med Bay. Five beds, as configured, but the +1 DM is for a viable Medic being present, or an AutoDoc. Not both. We could...

He opens up the door to the cockpit so they can leave, and goes back to running through his extra checklists for supplies and his normal checklists for ship's departure from the station.

1104-342 16:30

Mikhel gets his security report back. Marduk Security has no record of Nicola being registered on the station as a resident. There are no records of her working at AstroBurger, because they have been closed for 4 days because of a fire that took out all their fryers and admin area. If she worked here it was on a temporary basis off the books.

(Nicola)"You wanted to see me Mikhel? Is this where you kick me off the ship and back onto the station? I would really like to go with you. Can I stay until Torpol? I can continue to do Communications, I can help as needed, maybe in the lab, maybe on the bridge after we are in Jump? I can stand a watch. You can lock me out of the Engineering, Life Support, anything you would normally block passengers from. Especially after what just happened I really would like to get away from this system and try... again."

"Who are you? Really?"

"Do you have a resume, and is there anyone on station that can give you a reference?" Mikhel shrugs. "It is ultimately up to the Captain, as it is her ship. I'm just hired crew. I let you in, because I'm a trusting sort, and you didn't look like too much of a threat. Now, we are going through Jump to another system, with no idea who you are. And, our relationship is now revealed to be started with some obscurity, or deception, on your part. I was ready to take your situation to the Captain, and give you a reference based on what you did for Comms. But, now it seems you are an unknown. I'm not ready to risk a reference on a person that has not been totally honest, with no Station record."

"How do we proceed from here?"

(Nicola)"I understand. I really was there at Astroburger just before the fire happened. I talked the manager into letting me stay. I guess he is not available to confirm with. I feel what you feel about wanting to get away from this system. I will go to the Captain of course but you have been the person in charge during this attack. I want to feel safe and you and Crockett did that. I can repay part of that by working for the week to Torpol. Then you can leave me there and I can consider I have repaid your kindness. Would that work for you? Before we go to the Captain I want to see if there is a way to settle with you."

"Personally, I'm going though the universe, trying to help people. You needed help, and we could give it. Shelter is a basic sophont need. Glad we could help you out. Nothing owed to me. Now, you did a solid, and did it well, taking care of our comms when we needed it. Dispite the panic at the start, you leveled out really well, when we needed it. All good."

Giving Nicola the piercing stare, "Still don't know who you are."

"I'll escort you to the Captain, and she can make the decision. It is her ship."

Mikhel is considering using one of his High Passage vouchers to cover Nicola's trip to Torpol, if she represents herself well to the Captain, but the Captain doesn't have a reason to hire Nicola. Let's see how well Nicola dances with the Captain...

Looking a bit harried, Athena met them in the hallway, a bit snippesh, as she asked, "Yes, yes, what?"

Glancing from Mikhel to Nicola, and giving herself three seconds to put two and two together, she added, "You are the potential Comms Officer or Stewart the Doctor mentioned? What are your credentials? We have more work than usual to secure some of our specimens and experiments before the jump and my time is limited. Make it quick and to the point."

"Captain, this is Nicola, the lady that sheltered on our ship during the Pirate Raid. She ended up handling Comms while your scientists continued their priority tasks, and the Away Team went planetside to check on your well-being. She is interested in hiring on, but my background checks came up blank. I'm giving Nicola an opportunity to present her case to you, and let you make the decision as Captain." Mikhel signals Nicola that she's up.

(Nicola)"Captain, I just want a one week try out to get to Torpol. If you like my work then we can talk about actually hiring on. I want to get out of here as much or more than you. If you will let me stay for this week I will make sure it works to both our benefits."

Athena glanced between the two, trying to weigh the potential benefits and pitfalls before deciding that, of all things she needed to contemplate, this was a low priority. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she replied, "Fine. If the Doctor brought you to me, even without a background check, he must see something in you. We'll see how viable you are between now and Torpol. Just do not get in my way."

(Nicola)"I will see you at breakfast Captain." Nods quickly to Mikhel and goes off to handle the communications for leaving the Highport and the system.

Grabbing Nicola's elbow with a firm hand, "Whoa! Not quite so fast." Mikhel walks Nicola towards Crockett's location, estimating he is in his cabin. "The Captain is obviously too preoccupied with other details. I noted you didn't provide even the slightest description of your skills or abilities. So, now we have to discuss what exactly you'll be expected to do, and what remuneration might be expected. And, do we have any space aboard for you, depending on other paying passengers the good Lieutenant is arranging." Off to find the gentlemen...

As they walk, "Did you ever submit an application to AstroBurger? Can you provide a copy of it, at least?"

Mikhel will double-bunk with Crockett, or bed down in the Med Bay, if it helps the ship.

"I see I have visitors...just thought I'd sit down for some quiet time and a journal entry or two...What brings you two to my cabin door?"

"Crockett. (Sigh) Sorry to bother you, but have you and Sultana sorted out the Passenger issues? The Captain says Nicola is now crew, so hopefully we have some documents that we can use to outline our expectations and anything like pay. Once we sort out what we want her to do. Cause I still haven't a clue what her skills are."

Something pops into Mikhel's very fuzzy brain. Turning to face her, Mikhel says, "Nicola! Do you have any kit? Do you need to go get any possessions or gear, if we are leaving Marduk?"

Mikhel has, like, five minutes to get ready to receive the passengers with Sultana, so he apologizes to Crockett and Nicola and heads off to change and prep.

(to Nicola) "Well that was a short hello. What are you and I to discuss while we await his eventual return? I might say congratulations on your ability to persuade the Captain of your usefulness. Both Mikhel and I appreciate the way you've stepped up and helped on the bridge here of the Pioneer, so I say welcome to our newest crew member. Now what about Mikhel's question of your "KIT" and personal possessions? Do you need to return to starport to gather them? "

(Nicola)" I do not have anything to go back to get. I have everything I need here. she smiles at Crockett "I am going to go up to the bridge and make sure we are ready to depart as soon as our pilot is ready to go. I will be on the Comms until we enter Jump. Tomorrow we can talk. You should watch over the passengers as they come on so they don't smuggle things, She holds up her knife with a smile and slips it back into her pocket. Then turns and quickly makes her way to the comms board.

1104-342 17:00 Sultana greets the passengers he has selected for the trip to Torpol....

Lt Sultana greets the paying passengers, dressed in uniform, although without any bling. Enough to show he's an ex-military officer, but not any exceptional or distinctive markings or medals. Formal, without being excessive. His sword is at his hip though, and a pistol is holstered on the other side. Behind him and off to one side, handy if needed, stands Mikhel.

Four people stand in the hallway outside the ship's lock. Vellueo Goalnouk (Vargr), Silas Lane (human), Yellon (human), and Shantina (human).

Sultana's check comes back with Silas having been in some trouble before, but the key thing is he just reported his Scout Ship stolen in the pirate attack. It should not affect your current trip but the Imperial Scout Service will want a full accounting.

The other three do not surface anything that sets off any alarm bells for Sultana

"Good day. Welcome aboard the Pioneer, under Captain Athena Solis. I am Sir Lt Sultana, pilot, and your host for this trip. I will apologize in advance, hosting is not part of my normal duties, but we lost our steward during the pirate attack. Please bear with me, I will certainly do my best to tend to your needs. Please, come aboard and just leave your luggage here by the lock. I'll make sure they're taken to your rooms as soon as possible. I just need to check your IDs against station logs, so please have them ready."

He waits until all four of them are inside, then closes the hatch behind them. Quickly he goes through their identification, matching them and verifying there are no forgeries or irregularities. (Advocate 8+: 10) "If you will all follow me, I'll take you to your cabins for the trip." He turns and walks down the hallway, leading them along. "A few things you should know about the Pioneer. This is a fully functioning laboratory ship, with a full crew of researchers and scientific personnel on board. They have their tasks to do, so please don't disturb them while they're working. If you wish to talk with any of them, please wait until they are off duty and in a public room. Also, the various laboratories are off limits without permission and supervision. Some of the experiments might be easily disturbed, or harmful to the unprotected. Personally, I just try to stay out of their way." He smiles at them, to make that feel not quite as ominous as it probably actually is.

"If you need anything, please feel free to comm me. Once we've Jumped, I won't have very much piloting to do, so I should be available most of the time. If you can't find me, one of the non-scientific crew should be able to reach me with a message." As they reach the string of staterooms, he turns and addresses them one last time. "Now, these here are your rooms, and here are your keys. I'll make sure your luggage is brought as soon as I disembark the ship from the station and set our course for the Jump point. Do you have any questions for me before we set course?"

(Yellon)"Will we be getting a tour from Captian Solis in the morning?

Sultana chuckles. "I'll certainly put in a request, but I wouldn't hold out too much hope. Captain Solis is usually kept very busy with her scientific work, and rarely likes to be disturbed. However, if it can be done, it will be. Any other questions?"

"If not, I'll leave you with Dromah here. He's the ship's medic. If any of you have any conditions or are prone to spacesickness, he's the man to see. Thank you for choosing us to travel with." With that, he leaves the group alone and heads back to the bridge.

As Sultana has asked that Mikhel be by his side for this, and he's dressing for apperances, he will make sure he is in a clean ship uniform (suitable coveralls or shirt/slacks combo), and has his DWB ID on display, if there isn't a Pioneer nametag with "Ship's Doctor" or "Medic" on it. Mikhel will have his Portable MediScanner and small MediKit with him, as well. Once the passengers finish their questions to Sultana, or if Sultana introduces Mikhel, he will advise them of the layout of the ship, and identify the quickest way to the Med Bay from their accommodations. Mikhel will give them the Pioneer '911' code so they can contact him in an 'Emergency,' adding emphasis to the word.

Mikhel adds, "I will also advise that I'm in the Med Bay every morning from 9 AM to Noon (Ship Time) if anyone wants to drop in for anything. Anyone who has not travelled in space before that wants the safety briefing and 'common medical things' references for light reading can contact me once they are settled in. I will be in the Med Bay until the ship is underway. There is a safety routine and ship's features video on your stateroom comp that all passengers should watch, if they are not familiar with this specific ship. As Lieutenant Sultana will be prepping for departure and piloting shortly, I will be available for any immediate questions that arise from the video. Please use the ship's email to send the questions to me, and I will 'Reply all' to all the passengers, as the question are usually very good info for everyone.

Smiling, Mikhel offers the final comment, "On behalf of the Captain and crew, I welcome you aboard the Pioneer for what will hopefully be a boring and uneventful trip." Mikhel will wait a few moments for any last questions, and if there aren't any, head back to the Med Bay. Mikhel will contact Sultana and Crockett to finalize sorting out Nicola. There is very limited time to get her settled in, if the Pioneer wants to leave on time.

(musing again to self) "Where the lower sewers of Marduk is Mikhel anyway. I guess he went off to welcome the new passengers who hopefully have all paid their full fare!!! ....and he needs to get back here while we still have time to send this young lady back to the starport...I have a really bad feeling about her tendency to evade all serious questioning...."

(going to air lock/cargo bay to where he thinks Sultana and Mikhel are welcoming the new passengers...if he doesn't find them there he will attempt mobile comms message saying:) "Crockett to Sultana and the 'Doc' -- please contact Crockett on private channel using mobile comms"

Sultana comms back, "I'm on the bridge, Crockett. I left the passengers with Dromah, they should be in their staterooms by now."

"Crockett, Pioneer Doc. I'm standing by for passenger questions and needs. I can listen in on pers comms, if you leave the channel open."

Having finally looked at the Lab Ship deck plans, the passengers should be in the staterooms in Quadrant 3 (Bottom) to Quadrant 4 (Top) (any of the Staterooms 10 to 19). This area includes a mini-galley and the Med Bay, but nothing that involves the operation of the ship, or access to the labs. Most of the crew, and some scientists wil be out of view of the passengers, as well.

"Copy that Sultana....I'm on my way"

(when Crockett arrives on bridge he looks initially to see if Mikhel has arrived...and then regardless begins....) "Listen all...and especially you may have been accepted by our Captain as a crew member to get you to Torpol.....but before we as your colleagues fully accept you we need some frank answers to some questions that are bothering us. ....and Let me preface that to note that in my own case I don't care if you stole the secret recipe at Astoburgers before being responsible for burning the place down... If that's all you're guilty of you're good with me....I just want the truth because you keep evading all our questions regarding asking for proof you were at Astroburgers because all of our checking seems to question that...we WANT THE TRUTH....!....and then while you're at it...perhaps you could persuade us you're not a spy for the people who just attacked the Highport???? If we don't get decent answers from you right now...I'm going to personally push for you to get pushed out the airlock right now and back onto Marduk Highport territory. HOW about it lady?

Mikhel thinks to himself, 'And Crockett unleashes his inner Drill Sergeant, doing his best to give the poor girl third degree scream burns, like she's a new recruit messing up the formation.'

(Nicola)"Crockett, what is wrong? Just over an hour ago you were welcoming me, you congratulated me on my interview with the Captain, you told me welcome as the newest crew member. Then the passengers came on and you stormed up here all angry. What happened? Is it something with one of the passengers? I can stay away from them if that is what you want. Mikhel and the Captain tole me what to do. It is only a week and when we get to Torpol Mikhel already said I might be off the ship.

"What is wrong is that you were brought to my cabin by Mikhel so we could attempt to get some straight answers from you....and I continue to think you have been useful today handling things on the bridge for us....and while I did congratulate you for winning over the approval of our doesn't mean that I like your evasiveness... We have been able to find no supporting evidence at the Highport that you ever WERE at the burger place... and you seem unwilling to work a little harder to gain total trust... SO LET"S HAVE IT... forget you connection to the fire and that whole story... persuade us you're not a spy for the Oghman forces that just attacked us all! I must add that I also didn't like it that you chose to abruptly leave our conversation at my cabin....only leading to further suspicions about your lack of answers....

Caught slightly off-guard at the sudden interrogation, he listens quietly and watches them both. "Well, very interesting. If you don't mind, Crockett, what are the questions you have about her? What is it we need to know?"

"What's strange Lieutenant about this lady is that she appeared mysteriously during the attack on the Highport simply saying she was "being chased by THEM" leading us to believe it was the Oghmans. She weaves a story about working at a place (that we recently learned had a fire 4 days ago) but with all the security checks Mikhel has been making there is absolutely no evidence of her even existing on Marduk and certainly nothing to prove her story of recent work at the burger place as she has claimed. Then when either Mikhel or I have asked for her to elaborate a bit on her background she evades our questioning. So what we need to really know is that she is not an agent of OGHMA or some other organization that might interfere or cause damage to the Pioneer or its crew. It's that simple and it's time for her to answer! "

"So final time from me Nicola...simply tell us the truth and do your best to convince us we have nothing to worry about. (1) Maybe start with where you were born? (2) Tell us how you ended up on Marduk and how long you've been here. (3) If you want tell us also that the reason you don't want to stay on Marduk is because it was you who burned down that diner burger place because maybe the boss was a tyrant -- I'd accept that and offer a hug and a renewed welcome. JUST KNOW that as a trained and experienced marine along with Mikhel...and with the Lieutenant here SECURITY AROUND HERE IS IMPORTANT TO US.... so please more time. "

Thinking to himself, 'Not the way I would have conducted the 'interview', but yes, those are pretty much the questions to which I would like answers.'

(Nicola)"I do not want to stay on Marduk becuase there is nothing there for me. I thought you would have figured out by now that I was not registered on the station. I want to get away and this ship and crew, up until now, have been nice. You helped me and I thought I helped you. I am not asking to be paid as crew, I am just asking to get off of Marduk. If it was Thebus or Torpol it would work for me. I can find a way to make it work. Mikhel brought me in front of the Captain. They both accepted me as I am. No promises for the future past Torpol. I told you I would take all the restrictions of a passenger if you wanted me to even if I am working Comms for the ship. The Captain and Mikhel have made it very clear I am on this ship only on a probationary test. I have to ask again, why your change of mind after the passengers came on? Did someone tell you something about me? I cannot imagine what I could say to counteract what some stranger has said about me to you. Or to change your mind in the next ten minutes. I am ok with you being security, with military people being around. Remember I trusted you with my life, I did not take your offer of a weapon when we were being attacked. I chose to be as far away from any fighting as possible. I have proven that I am more trustworthy than those four strangers who just came on board the ship. They have only given you credits, I actively helped you throughout the attack. Did you ask any of them where they came from? Why they want this ship to get away from Marduk so badly? Would you book a ticket on a science ship unless you really wanted to get away from a place and it was the only way?" she pauses, looks around, "I do understand your concerns, and I thought I had an agreement with Mikhel and the Captain for a chance to prove myself over this week. If you want to kick me off of the ship now I will not resist.

Is there any time to get some kit for Nicola, before we undock? Are we anywhere close to shops within 30 minutes?

No to getting off the ship and back on in time to make the depature time.

Sultana looks over Nicola for a minute, then turns back to Crockett. "Okay, I think I understand your concern. I have a question for you, and I'd like an honest answer, so please think about it before answering. Do you have a gut feeling that she is actually dangerous to the ship, or is her evasiveness just setting off mental alarms that you want silenced? Think about for a moment while I question the lady here. Both situations are perfectly valid, I just want to understand which one it is."

He turns to face Nicola. "Miss, understand that if you do anything to deliberately jeapordize the ship while we are in space, I will put you out the airlock. Such as giving our location away to any raiders, if you do happen to be affiliated with them. So they may get us, but you won't be around to see it, am I understood? Now, if you're just leaving a bad situation, and truly mean us no harm, you're as safe here as the rest of us. So while Crockett here is thinking, I need you to tell me if you want off this ship now, before we depart. Because once we depart, the only way off this ship before we reach Torpol is through the airlock. If you're innocent, you have no more to fear than the rest of us. If you have something dangerous you don't want us to find out, my advice is to leave now, while you can. Whatever you decide now is final."

Looks at Sultana (Nicola)"I swear to you that if I do anything to harm this ship before you leave Torpol, if I am on it or not, you can put me out the airlock or report me to the Provosts on Torpol when we arrive."

Over the Intercomm, "Bridge, Pioneer Doc. To Nicola. If I were on the bridge at the moment, I'd be giving you golf-claps and 'Bravos'. That is the sixth-ish time you've been asked a direct question, not including the ell-tee's, about who and what you are that you've evaded. I'm impressed. Not favourably, by the way. Except you have demonstrated some significant abilities."

"Again, I wish I was there, in person. But, please listen carefully. I'm not in favour of the approach by Crockett, but I'm with him on the reasoning. From the perspective of three Military personnel, there are questions. Questions lead to unpleasant surprises. You are now the source of those questions, and therefore a potential surprise later. All the other passengers have provided IDs that can be checked. This isn't in any way foolproof, but it lets us regimented individuals put square pegs in square holes. Through coincidence, convenience, or subtrifuge, your identity can't be checked. You haven't presented anything to say you are, even in subtrifuge, 'Nicola'. No last name? All us military types now have a round peg, and no convenient round hole to fit you in. I think I speak for Crockett, but a straight answer to who you are would go a ways to allowing us to put our suspicions aside. If you could give us a skill set, that would let us place you firmly into a square hole that would hopefully mesh well with the other skill sets on our team. And, you'd be well on your way to being a team-mate, not a questionable outsider. Please help us to better integrate you into our team."

(Nicola)"I have not and will not lie to you. My skills are in talking with people, in navigating through life with as little notice as possible. If you are square pegs for square holes think of me as a triangle that fits into a square, or a rectangle or other holes. You have seen that I can negociate and communicate. If you do decide I should be part of your team I might be able to open up a bit more. But right now I am watching out for myself, just like you are watching out for the ship. I agree with you on that. I am trying to be as flexible and accomodating to that goal as I can be. I have not lived this long sharing too freely with everyone.

"Gentlemen. She still isn't giving us anything. I don't know why, but, I'm not for leaving her here. She's demonstrated she's got competencies. We either take the risk or not. If you decide she isn't going to be part of the crew, let her know, and other arrangements will be made to get her to Torpol."

"And Nicola. For the record, you just avoided answering the questions. Again."

"I don't like it one little bit...but if Mikhel still doesn't want to "leave you here" and the Lieutenant wants to go with Mikhel's judgement then so be it....Just please please don't disappoint us....we've got a week together now for you to consider opening up a bit to us....and I'll be keeping fingers crossed that you will open up a bit more..end of questions for now...unless Lt. Sultana wants to accept my hesitations...

Sultana glances over at Crockett. "I still need your answer, Crockett. Which situation are we dealing with here?"

(Crockett is steamed at looks at Sultana directly) "If you can't see what's going on here I'm seriously concerned. We'll chat in our Jump Week....but meanwhile the future security of the Pioneer for the week ahead rests on your shoulders my friend!! " (and then Crockett leaves the bridge wondering if he has time left to leave this spinning disaster before Pioneer undocks and find his own way to Drinax????

minutes are ticking by so likely not...but that's how steamed he is because of the Lieutenant's inability to see what he (Crockett) and the other security conscious- Mikhel clearly see as a huge risk being taken and he really wants no part in it....!!! [He'll be writing all this up in his Personal Log of course and asking Mikhel to initial it....]

(musing as he lets off steam....Mikhel sees the 'evasion' and doesn't like it either but somehow wants the young woman to be allowed to at least accompany us to Torpol....She's bright enough to be a plant of some sort.... to do her best to find out what scientific secrets are aboard this labship.... to report future positions to her a transponder of some sort on our bridge....or slowly one by one attempt to eliminate what measly security the labship currently has....There's no evidence of any of that for the moment which is why Sultana seems to be giving benefit of doubt it appears.....but the continued evading of questions only rises the suspicion level higher and is ample cause for security concern.

Sultana watches as Ships Security just walks out of the room leaving the accused suspect behind in the Bridge. "Well, that's not ideal..." He reaches over to his panel, without facing away from Nicola, and pushes the Comms button. "Passengers and Crew, we're going to be slightly delayed in departure due to extra security checks necessitated by the recent events. Please be patient, we'll leave as soon as possible." He then pushes a couple of buttons to send a silent summons for Dromah to come to the Bridge, but doesn't flag it as an emergency.

"Miss, of course with all of the questions around you, I'm afraid I can't have you have you at any of my boards. If you do stay on the Pioneer, I'm sure we'll find something for you to do." He then just sits and silently watches her, just to see how she handles silent scrutiny. How nervous she gets, if she feels compelled to talk, or look around, etc.

(Nicola)Sighs, "I can still do Comms for you while you are on the bridge handling other things. I was able to do that while you were gone, it was the only thing I touched. But I can go to my room if that is what you want."

[if there is some silent way to 'text' private message to Sultana, Crockett types] " SORRY FOR DELAY IN ANSWERING YOUR SERIOUS QUESTION...."Do you have a gut feeling that she is actually dangerous to the ship, or is her evasiveness just setting off mental alarms that you want silenced? " ......ANSWER= a little of both....and this is late coming to you, but it appears you have and are taking appropriate action. I guess it's the marine training that both Mikhel and I have had. Neither of us have liked her failure to be forthright in her answers.

Putting a 'Contact Doc by InterComm or Text' note on the door of the Med Bay, Mikhel heads for the Bridge. A short walk later, he enters the Bridge, and smiles at Sultana and Nicola. "What can we do to make this work? We have to have a certain amount of trust, here. Nicola has already demonstrated a lot for us, and she is risking her life with us, as much or more than we are risking our lives with her."

Frowning, Mikhel says, "Nicola, I apologizs for the rough handling. I'm pretty messed up, seeing that the Med crew of Marduk Station has been kidnapped, and I have other issues I'm trying to deal with." Mikhel gives Nicola a weak smile. "Please, understand that, as a minimum, for efficient ships functions, I would like to know what skills you have that can make the ship run more efficiently. Comms Officer is pretty minimal. If that is all you bring, you aren't earning a berth, even with your abilities and skills as demonstrated. We could use someone who can assist the passengers, as that is going to take up a significant workload. And Crockett may be good at meal prep, but I'm certainly not. There are other things, like laundry and cleaning that we will have to all pick up, and you could definitely be a valuable resource for that. I personally wouldn't think bad of you if you wanted to be a passenger, and not help us out, considering the work will be 'dirty'."

(Nicola)"I can help some with the passengers, more of entertaining and keeping them occupied. I want to help as I can. I can ask the science team about the laundry and such, someone there must be doing it now. I can work with that.

"I appreciate the offer, miss, but, at least for here in Marduk system, I'd rather not have to constantly look over your shoulder to make sure you're not doing anything underhanded. It's a level of paranoia I don't want to have to deal with. If you remain with us and everything becomes smoothed out between us all, I'd be happy for the assist. But until then, I'll have to ask you to remain off my bridge."

To Mikhel, "Our Ship's Security officer seems to have other business to attend to, or I'd have asked him for this. Would you please escort the young lady somewhere safe, for her and for us? I was going to suggest a scan for any communication devices, but I don't know that you have the tools for that. If you would though, please ask the Security officer to do a standard security scan of the passengers' luggage while I'm occupied here. I'll come and collect it when I'm able and deliver it to the staterooms."

He turns back to his boards. "I don't mean to be rude, but we're late and getting later. The station will start charging us fees if we dawdle too long. And I now have additional scans of the boards to make sure there wasn't any tampering. For Crockett's peace of mind, and Nicola's personal safety, I'd suggest keeping her with you at all times for now. If we're not going to eject her there will be plenty of time during Jump to determine what we'll do." He remotely opens the bridge door for them so they can leave. He then initiates a self-scan of the entire ship, to check for any signals being broadcast from the ship, inside or out. He also begins checking to make sure no hacks or tweaks were made to anything, especially not to send out any unwanted signals or location beacons.

Giving Sultana a sharp salute, "Lieutenant! Consider it done." Turning to Nicola, Mikhel says, "We have our tasks. Let's be about them." He leads her to the Main Lounge/Galley, to see if any Science Crew is about. Over his shoulder, Mikhel fills Nicola in, "We will check with the Science Crew to see if we can get some scanners. An EM Probe for bugs and transmitters, and a BioScanner to check for any dangerous chemicals. Maybe we'll get lucky and the owners of the equipment will be able to do the scans for us. Then, get the luggage to the passengers. You can fill in as needed, if you like, or just shadow me. It hasn't been mentioned to you, but you are on the ship to Torpol, whether you are crew or not. Leave it up to me to sort it out with the crew. OK?"

(Nicola)"Thank you Mikhel. I know the science crew has that sort of thing. Eleni will know where it is.

Mikhel does the 'poker thing' and works at not reacting to that comment. Mikhel was working on the science angle, it makes sense that Nicola is smart enough to put things together. But, the choice of words and the 'intuition' raises hackles. An afterthought comes to Mikhel. Besides avoiding the question of anything like a verbal resume, the job title of 'cruise director' would fit her description of her helping the passengers.

Eleni comes with two handheld scanners. The three of you make quick work of the baggage. Nothing notable, some personal medicine and clothing. Yellon and Shantina both light up with all sorts of recording equipment. Nothing that transmits over interplanetary ranges. Nicola assists with sorting the luggage and getting it to the appropriate rooms. Then she goes to her own cabin to await Jump.

Sultana finally has time to notice the message from Crockett. He takes a deep breath, then writes back, "Ship departs in ~20 min."

(Crockett has gone to his cabin to do a Personal Log entry draft of the day's activities and begin work on a Security Plan for the Pioneer 'During Periods of Jump with/without passengers' for approval of the Lieutenant. Has been monitoring bridge activity via his own mobile comms and is pleased with how his earlier security concerns have apparently been heard by Sultana.)

Sultana is unskilled in Electronics (comm), rolls 2d6-1 [6] unskilled. So a Routine success for finding anything wrong with the boards or beacons on the ship.

Sultana does not find anything different about the bridge then when he left it yesterday morning, except the seat has been adjusted and everything has been wiped down properly. No indications in the Comm Logs for any outgoing messages except to Marduk Highport and to the Voyager.

Marduk Station this is Pioneer. Requesting permission to undock and head to jump point. Over

1104-342 18:45

The Pioneer has clearance to undock and depart to the Marduk Jump Point

Sometime between getting the luggage and checking on the passengers' needs, and the Jump Point, Mikhel does some checks on the Computer System of the Pioneer. There were lock-outs in place, but that doesn't mean they weren't hacked. If possible, this will be quick reads through logs, and then more detailed attempts to scrutinize the system. There may not be any new accounts, but changes to existing accounts. Changes to locations of access, or double access are some of the things being looked for.

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (Computer) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 6) [2d6+2 = 7] [ +1 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] 5 Minutes. Looking through the Access Logs for names and times.

Would Mikhel notice any odd burst transmissions from the Pioneer during the time he was researching? Nicola had access to Comms, and that should show. Were there any odd, additional, transmissions?

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (Computer) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 8) [2d6+2 = 8] [ 0 Effect] [Marginal SUCCESS] 10 Minutes. Looking for anomalies in the Access Logs. Discrepancies in times and data. Given that Nicola had hours to do this, there could be no sign, at all.

For the below checks, used 'Searching a Corporate Database for Evidence of Illegal Activities' from Electronics (Computers) Skill Description:

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (Computer) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 10) [2d6+2 = 14] [ +4 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] 1 Hour. Checking Access Lists for any changes in Roles and Authorities. Anything dicovered above would lead to looks at other Crew roles, as well.

Mihkel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (Computer) (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 10) [2d6+2 = 14] [ +4 Effect] [Average SUCCESS] 1 Hour. Looking for any additions to or changes to terminal access and back-door additions. Could now be looking for more than Nicola.

Mihkel does not find any unusual transmissions in the logs. Nothing deleted that would normally be stored, nothing with any changes to an ID, nothing to indicate anything other than normal communications. As far as Sultana and Mihkel can tell Nicola sat and listened to the radio traffic during the time she was on Comms. To the best of Mihkel's memory he heard all the outgoing transmissions that are in the log. The only change in Roles was made by the Captain shortly after her talk with Nicola and Mikhel indicating that Nicola is now Crew. So not charged for her room, not paid for anything except Comms work which it turns out she did not do on the way out to nothing owed either.

Sultana also makes sure to lock down Jerdehl's accounts in the system.

Sometine after the computer checks, and discovering that Nicola has been registered as Crew, Mikhel will mention to Nicola that he'd like to do a medical baseline exam on her. He will stress this is voluntary, and not a condition of employment. It can be done any time before Jump breakout at Torpol, depending on how things go in Jump, and whether she'd like to consider employment beyond Torpol. Whether a baseline is done or not, she's welcome to have any personal medical issues dealt with at her conveience.

Nicola agrees to visit Mikhel at the Med Bay tomorrow (first day of jump) at Noon

1104-342 22:20

The Pioneer arrives at Marduk Jump Point ready to leave the system. It will take 148 + 6d6[23] hours to transit to Torpol