Main / TorpolTlaiowahaTrojanReach2221

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Torpol Tlaiowaha Trojan Reach 2221

    The inhabitants of this world live on the roughly 10% of exposed land mass, in underwater colonies, on city ships, or similar arrangements.
    It is a Non-Aligned world dominated by human sophonts located in the Tlaiowaha Subsector of Trojan Reach Sector.

    It is located on the Florian Route.

There are outposts on some of the gas giant moons. The only other planet that is inhabited is Traefar, the next farthest out from Torpol. There are mining corporations and belters in both the inner and outer planetoid belts, including a presence by the Sternmetal Horizons megacorporation in the inner belt.

It is extremely remote, but not a zero chance, that there is someone in the inner asteroid belt known to Mikhel Dromah. This person would have been at Belt-9 when Mikhel was growing up. But, based on Mikhel's experience with Sternmetal Horizons as a 'company town', he will be suspicious, as a minimum, meeting anyone associated with the mining operation. If Kaartre Burkh or one of his cronies (known to Mikhel) is met, the attitude ramps up to Unfriendly (if not barely suppressed Hostility).


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