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Jeet Stories:

Traveller - Jeet “the Geek” Pringtip – Combat Specialist?


Research Theft Life Event

During his final term, he transferred to the Science branch, and during his tenure stole ideas off the supporting research facility.

[Edit: Changed to Glisten? Ling Standard Products. More sense to use Trin. See below.]

1103-204 Sha'anoe/Corella (Beyond 0119)

You have the opportunity to cheat in some fashion, advancing your career and research by stealing another's work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth. If you accept, roll Deception 8+ or Admin 8+ (Unskilled EDU, +2LUC). If you succeed, you gain DM+2 to any one Benefit roll and may increase any skill by one level, but also gain an Enemy.-<

More to follow...

Ling-Standard Products has a major facility within the Trin System, on a cold rockball world called Ling Standard Products Spinward. Originally planned as the regional HQ for LSP, to replace the facilities at Mora, it instead became an R&D and manufacturing site.

Delta Research (Delta Products Corporation.) Link Delta Research

"Mad" Marvin Hauk successfully grew organic brain cells in vitro making possible the Logical Heuristic Processor (Organic) series of computers [LHeP(Or)]

This business is best known for:

Delta Research has built Lab Ships. Centrum/Freya Subsector (Beyond 0915) Map