Library Entries - Systems - Contacts
Techworld Borderland Trojan Reach 2624
- Location Map
- Attitude - Perceived Attitude - Neutral/Unknown
- Attitude - Perceived Attitude - Neutral/Unknown
- Key Contacts - None noted.
- Special Notes - Home world of Jeet Pringtip
- General Notes - Techworld is a rusty wasteland nearly devoid of native lifeforms and lacks any notable mineral resources or anything else that might make it desirable for colonization.
- Extended System Page -
UWP: A455154-E WA
Jump Point {100d}
Thrust | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Time | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Tech-World has a solitary primary star.
Monostellar System
Tech-World Monostellar System Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol) Tech-World F8 V Primary Main Sequence 1.18 6050 - 6180 1.78479 Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit<< AU 0.0114 0.1108 1.24 - 2.17 1.14 11.4 Orbit # * 0 4 3 7
- Primary Contacts at Techworld
- List of sophonts mentioned at Torpol
This world is part of the Borderland Cluster (sometimes called the Tech-World Cluster). From orbit, Tech-World looks like a rusty wasteland. Native lifeforms are almost non-existent, unless you are a big fan of slime. The world lacks any notable mineral resources or anything else that might make it desirable for colonization. Thousands of years of colonization waves and empires in the Trojan Reach ignored it.
Automated stores offer a limited amount of high-tech goods, robot-controlled repair yards and hangars provide ship repairs and upgrades, medical suites have the best anagathics, cybersurgery and cloning technology in the sector, and there are exotic high-tech entertainments of all sorts.
On Tech-World, there are no limits to scientific research, and no fetters on what a scientist can attempt. Most of the researchers come from the Imperial subsectors of the Trojan Reach, especially worlds like Neumann. Others are eccentrics and radicals, drawn to a world where they can conduct virtually any experiments.
History & Background
World Population
Tech-World is a low-population Imperial Client State located on the Hierate Route in the The Borderland Subsector of the Trojan Reach.
While the human population of Tech-world is around four thousand, the robot population is approximately a million and rising.
World Economy
Trade convoys from the Imperium and Aslan Hierate stop here regularly. Just outside StarPort is a sprawling bar/diner called Luddites, where the highest technology used is a robotic washing machine. Starship crew from low-tech worlds can find refuge from technology shock in Luddites, and the Travellers may feel more at home there.