Main / 1104-319


1104-276 - 1104-294 - 1104-319 - 1104-340

Corpsman Dromah Meets Rannogh

Date: 1104-319

What the...
This isn't a usual place for a riot. Let's take a look.

Mikhel makes his way to the crowd around the door of a posh night club. Not Mikhel's sort of place, but it was very popular. And someone wasn't taking kindly to being refused entrance. Being quite loud about it, actually.

Big, and by Big I mean how does something that big fit in a suit, Big! Got to be a heavyworlder. 300 kilos, if he's a gram. And waaayyy too full of inebriants. Wouldn't want to be the person that has to put him in a cab.

OK! Look at the cocky Bantam strutting through the doors and up to the confrontation. The little furball has enough attitude for the whole bouncer team, wrapped up in a tiny package. The Vargr is sharply dressed in the establishment’s formal wear, and carries himself very well. Smooth and confident. He stepped between the two doormen, and stands directly in front of the wall of meat. The Vargr is so close, he has to tilt his head back quite a ways to look up to the face of the Big guy. Words are said, but Mikhel couldn’t hear them, being too far back in the crowd. The Big guy had to step back to see the Vargr, because the Vargr was almost on the Big guy’s toes.

The Vargr spoke again,
"It's time for ya' to go big boy, ya' had enough to drink toni~" he was cut off.

The Big guy just roared and the fist came around to hit the little guy. Mikhel could hear the air whistle as the fist came around, and Mikhel checked his hip for the MediKit that was always there. The Big guy stumbled, and almost fell! He hadn’t connected with anything, and was drunk enough he was overbalanced. The Vargr had casually stepped out of the way, but made it look so smooth and easy. The Vargr hadn’t even changed the smirk on his face.

The Vargr snarled, "Alright you had ya' fun, let's go, and he gestured towards the door."

The Big guy took another swing, and the Vargr just lightly touched the passing fist, redirecting the blow with minimal effort.

Sheesh this guy's tryin' to kill me

More words were spoken by the Vargr, but probably only loud enough for the Big guy to hear. Mikhel didn’t hear anything, only saw the lips move. The Big guy roared again, stepping back a pace. Mikhel could see the Big guy winding up again, and was very glad the Vargr seemed to be predicting the fight well. If the fist ever connected the Vargr would likely be in the hospital, if not dead.

The Vargr was just that fast. Never landing a blow, but just helping the Big guy flounder all over the sidewalk, and out into the plaza. The crowd followed, but kept their distance. One of the doormen had called for assistance, as the Vargr parried the heavyworlder. “Rannogh! Proctors are on the way. Don’t hurt him.” Mikhel goggled! Are they crazy? If the heavyworlder landed a blow, the Vargr would be in serious medical distress. But, Mikhel thought, I’m never challenging this Vargr to a dance-off. The Vargr wasn’t fighting the Big guy. It was a master-class in passive defense, though.

The Big guy suddenly collapsed. Mikhel was over in a flash, MediScanner out of the belt holster as he moved.

“Stand back!”

The Vargr looked surprised, and crouched into a defensive stance.

“Medical professional coming through! Stand back!”

The Vargr stepped out of the way, letting Mikhel attend the heavyworlder.

Attempting great big gasps of air, and wheezing, was all the Big guy was doing. The Big guy was exhausted. Whatever he was on and the swinging had taken him down.

Mikhel looked up at the Vargr, and asked, “Did you touch him?”

Rannogh, with scorn, said, “No! I wouldn’t pollute myself.”

Mikhel was pretty certain, but he, at least, had the statement from the other participant to give to the Proctors. The scans were coming up with high levels of lactic acids and all the signs of fatigue. There were inebriants, but nothing illegal. Unbelievable blood/intoxicant levels, but there was no way to know if the Big guy was a chronic user. So the fact a normal person would be comatose with the indicated levels didn’t mean this particular individual was going to die. It appeared that the Big guy was not really hurt. It probably meant a night in lock-up, once the Proctors took custody of him.

And there were the sirens, coming out of the distance. The Big guy was getting his breath back, and started trying to get up. Mikhel lightly touched him with a hypo, and the Big guy crumpled back to the pavement. Neither the Vargr, nor Mikhel, was going to deal with this guy. The Proctors could take him into custody with a gurney. Mikhel was sure they didn’t have restraints big enough for this guy’s wrists.

Mikhel stood up, and offered his hand to the Vargr.

“Mikhel Dromah. Combat Medic, Retired, sort-of.” Mikhel pointed with his chin at the mountain of meat on the pavement. “Impressive. I thought someone was going to bleed when the swinging started. I was really worried I’d be dealing with serious crush damage. Thank you for handling that so well.”

"No, thank you for helping me keep my nose clean." The orange-red Vargr retorted, "I don't need the Proctors digging around to find something to book me on, the fact that you're here to clear this guy helps my case no-doubt." He ran his hand over his face rubbing his forehead in annoyance, "Can't believe this guy! He was so different when I let him in. Said he worked on some colony and he's just here for fuel, but damn."

Rannogh rotated his arm in a circle, rubbing the shoulder "I nearly had to fight back too, he was pretty quick for his size. Just deflecting that one punch made my shoulder a bit sore. Oh!" He rummaged around in his pocket, pulling out a black sheened business card "Rannogh, protection services." He grinned, showing his toothy smile. "Mikhel was it?" He extended a paw to shake Mikhel's hand.

“I'll give the 'On-Scene Responder's Report' to the Proctors and EMTs." Mikhel gestures with the MediScanner, "And a copy of the scans. With the statement and the scan, you'll be in the clear. You not having touched him, and being the Head Bouncer of the establishment, this won't be any problem. You also have the backup of your team." Mikhel points to the doormen, who are now back to their primary duty. "They have a high opinion of your abilities. I'm sure they will be getting free drinks reciting this altercation for a few months. How about we get together after your shift?"

Mikhel did a bit of sightseeing that night and not drinking, meeting up with Rannogh as the latter came off shift.

After the shift Rannogh saw Mikhel still sitting at a side booth, enjoying the live music and atmosphere but no drink in his hand. "So where are you from, what are ya' doin down here on this sweaty ball of water?" Rannogh asked the Villani with some clear disdain towards the planet's thin atmosphere, "You don't seem like the usual clientele we get around here," he nodded to Mikhel's empty hand, "can I get you a beer? Least I could do for ya' helpin' me out earlier.?"

“Hey, if it isn't 'Red Lightning!' You stiffened up any more? I should have given you something for the muscle strains, but you were still on duty, and there was the Proctors to deal with. If you want to share your med history, I can give you something other than alcohol." Mikhel gestures to his clothes, which don't meet the dress code of the establishment by quite a bit, "Your door team remembered me, and when I mentioned I would wait outside for you, let me in. I guess a raggedy vagabond hanging around the door would have reflected badly on the establishment's reputation. I'm passing through on a ship, and we have a few days to see some of the planet. I'm checking out some of the less pricey establishments in this tourist trap town, and was passing by when you decided to trip the light fantastic with the giant lummox. I'll have a few drinks with you, but not here." Mikhel rubs his thumb across his fingertips, indicating 'money'. "Now, if you know a few less pretentious places, we could do some serious self-abuse."

A few nights checking out establishments around the Torpal Down Port and other places in the Tropic Resort region ensued, as they traded stories of their past. Mikhel was going to add Rannogh to his Holiday Card List, if nothing else.