Main / 1104-357-Unity


1104-356 -- 1104-357 -- 1104-358

Note - time marks include which ship is involved in the conversations, Pioneer or Ship of Unity

  • Occupants of the diplomatic Ship of Unity
Timing of events
7:00 - Crockett settled in on Ship of Unity
11:00 - Ship of Unity departs Torpol station, heads to jump point
14:00 - Unity enters jump space

1104-357 07:00 Ship of Unity

The lift opens and a large open airlock into the rear of what looks to be a 300 to 400 ton ship is immediately visible. The maintenance workers deliver the pallet mover to a waiting Aide dressed in a similar uniform to Dar. Both of them escort the mover and Crockett deeper into the cargo hold, to a space with an additional airlock. After opening it, the workers place Crockett's gear inside a second locker inside. Dar has Crockett place his biometrics to secure this locker as well. Once that is done the other Administrative Aide places a large diplomatic seal over the opening to prevent tampering.

The second Aide picks up Crockett's personal belongings and follows him and Dar through a hatchway and to a set of staterooms.

(Admin Aide Dar)"Mr. Crockett, This is your room here. The crew lounge is forward 20 meters and the rest of the diplomatic staff is on the starboard side staterooms. These here on the port side are for the Unity's crew. I will be right across the corridor if you need any assistance. The data pad in your room has your full schedule for the week in Jump and explanatory details about your duties as assigned. Please stay in your stateroom until we enter Jump, the Unity's crew will be working and your tasks will not be part of that. I am off to assist Provost Shala and Provost Falx with their staterooms.

[Crockett thanks Admin Aide Dar for his assistance and opens his personal belongings (duffel bag?) and pulls his new "party" suit out to hang in room fresher if it exists] and murmurs to himself "Since this darn one day party dress has cost me 500 cr I'll be darned if I am going to let it stay creased." ] Then he wonders to himself what this week in jump will look like....and he hopes he might get some credit for studying "leadership" while down on Torpol...he will certainly be studying hard while in this jump week ahead.

1104-357 11:00 Ship of Unity

Unity departs to jump point

[Crockett in stateroom awaiting someone to arrive and welcome him...Maybe it will be Provost himself??? or just a crew member?]

1104-357 14:00 Ship of Unity arrives at jump point

(Admin Aide Dar)"Good Afternoon Mr. Crockett. We are now in Jump Space and everyone is free to move about the ship as they want. Your com badge will grant you appropriate access to the various spaces on the Unity. We do have our two Provosts on board, they have a special guest as well. I am not certain if you will see them much on this trip. I do have a minor question for you, are you familiar with the Aslan singer Uiraus Elrotre? I discovered one of her old releases and it has a line in it....

{from Gold Dust Hunter}
Aewar make bad lovers
You better put your hasoi up for sale
Up for sale
(Admin Aide Dar)"I am curious if you have heard this before? Do you have a thought on what she meant by this?

You see an Aslan male in the passageway standing by an open stateroom door. His clothing is not new nor highly fashionable from what Aslan styles you've seen, but it is clean and fits well. He is not as highly ornamented as many Aslan you may have seen, and his is not accompanied by any retinue of wives or heirs. He holds his hand up, palms upwards and dewclaw retracted... a greeting gesture of peaceful intent. His voice is the low rumble you've come to expect from an Aslan, though certainly not wall rattling baritone of a Virushi....

"Greetings, hisloi. The songstress you mentioned is a famous female song-poet. She comments about the sort of female that seeks a mate for material gain rather than honor.... the type of female who would defy her father and her -ko's right to choose the best husband for her. Because she has little honor, she is allowed her whim but finds out that none will do business with her and she must sell the possessions she values too highly. It is a sad ballad, but one all too common in trader clans who forget "ai yourhai"."

[note: 'Ai yourhai' is an Aslan philosophical term, 'the thought shapes the way'. It implies several things... that with proper thought proper action is instinctive and correct, but there is a certain 'you get what you deserve' aspect to it as well. There is little sympathy for those who fail ai yourhai... cleverness is good, but being a schemer or a liar is bad and there is no pity for those who suffer the consequences of scheming.]

(Admin Aide Dar)" Thank you Khearl, is that the proper address for you? Or are you a Ihatei? Is that the proper term for that? Is that a sophont or a frame of mind? I am curious, Provost Shala is I should say, if there are meanings in these words that we might not know. Mr. Crockett, have you met our other passenger Khearl yet?"

The Aslan sketches a polite bow to Crockett and Dar...

(Khearl) "It is my honor to meet you in peace, Crokh-eatt and Dar. Aslan do not use titles as fifiyalr do. All our honorifics are in our full name, but most hisloi have difficulty with that. It has become custom to shorten our names to the first two or three syllables in order to avoid discourtesy. My full name Khearltoeakhyolahrfirusheakh'if, but I answer easily to Khearl when I understand no insult is intended as I do now. Ihatei is not a title so much as a status. It literally means 'second son' but has come to mean 'those will not inherit a landhold and therefore must seek one'. It is similar to the hisloi term 'married or single' or perhaps more accurately 'employed or unemployed', if I understand that term well."

[note: 'Fifiyalr' is the Trokh word for 'Imperial'. It means 'vassal of the vassals of one'. 'Hisloi' is the Trokh word for 'humans'. When pronounced one way it is simply a term to identify the human species. With certain inflections it can also imply a vermin beast in the Hierate, the term is a cross between 'rat' and 'monkey'. Khearl uses the polite tones in this conversation.]

[Crockett also bows as show of mutual respect--he's not a complete jarhead] "I too enjoy our meeting. What brings you on this journey to Drinax if I might inquire?"

"I am wandering for a time seeing new stars. I have piloted my clan's ships for many years, but always the same the worlds, the same ports. My -ko has allowed me the freedom to behold places I have never been, and that has led me here."

(Admin Aide Dar)"If there is anything that you need please send me a message over the comms. As is normal there will be a formal dinner tomorrow evening. You are welcome to attend but you are not required. 18:00 hours. I expect this will be a quiet flight."