Main / 20240616-20240630

Calendar - Game Day Logs

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Continuing interactions during 345.

<a name="2024-06-16" /><b>Session started at 2024-06-16 / 18:20</b> <font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 14</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 12</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 14</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Checking for SINDALIAN OFFICER’S SWORD</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 12</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Streetwise (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 12)</font> [2d6+3 = 9]

<font color="#000011"> [ -3 Effect] [Average FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Not likely to be found on Torpol Highport.</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Checking for news on Tailors of Renown.</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 8</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 8)</font> [2d6+2 = 9]

<font color="#000011"> [ +1 Effect] [Average SUCCESS]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Should be someone on the Station, or known on the planet.</font>

<font color="#000000">Task Difficulty changed to 10</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+2 = 7]

<font color="#000011"> [ -3 Effect] [Average FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Checking online for any ads for a SINDALIAN OFFICER’S SWORD, if there is one advertised, it is likely a replica.</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+2 = 10]

<font color="#000011"> [ +0 Effect] [Marginal SUCCESS]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Checking for Fashion Shop on Torpol that Nika would likely patronize, and there is something on the Station. </font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Electronics (2D+2) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+2 = 8]

<font color="#000011"> [ -2 Effect] [Average FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Checks for 1104-350 Shopping done.</font>

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' disconnected</font>

<a name="2024-06-22" /><b>Session started at 2024-06-22 / 10:30</b> <font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Rolls for Streetwise check on finding a clue to Imperial Naval Intelligence. Or Scout Service Int?</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Streetwise (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+3 = 9]

<font color="#000011"> [ -1 Effect] [Marginal FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Streetwise (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+3 = 6]

<font color="#000011"> [ -4 Effect] [Average FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: Mikhel isn't looking in the right places...</font>

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' disconnected</font>

<a name="2024-06-25" /><b>Session started at 2024-06-25 / 19:00</b> <font color="#000000">'Jim Bennett' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">CROCKETT: Crockett making 3 DR separate rolls to determine (1) Can he see anything on sensors during his watch to indicate if Pioneer is being approached/attacked; (2) on sensors also what patrol ships are doing on "Inner Belt"....; and (3) on Pioneer security cameras whether anyone trying to avoid cameras or trying to hide something?... using Crockett's Perception... here goes</font>

<font color="#000000">CROCKETT: </font> [2d6 = 8]

<font color="#000000">CROCKETT: </font> [2d6 = 4]

<font color="#000000">CROCKETT: </font> [2d6 = 9]

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">Mikhel Dromah: [SKILL] Streetwise (2D+3) (vs Difficulty 10)</font> [2d6+3 = 9]

<font color="#000011"> [ -1 Effect] [Marginal FAILURE]</font>

<font color="#000000">OldGuy59: Find a Lawyer or Legal Rep for a person in custody?</font>

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' disconnected</font>

<font color="#000000">CROCKETT: Mikhel should contact Crockett re the legal rep thing</font>

<font color="#000000">'Jim Bennett' disconnected</font>

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">'OldGuy59' disconnected</font>