Main / JeetDiscoveryTable

LINKS - Travellers - Personal Logs - Calendar - Jeet Pringtip - Mike Owen

 - Luck used after the roll numbers. e.g. 8+2 or 5-1
 - Academy basic skills elevated at graduation indicated by "0-1"
 - Rolls against Stats include DMs.  IE: -1DM for Dromah's END 5 on Marine Support Survival rolls 
 - Benefit column on this table is used for skills from Advancement in rank; and for the subsequent skill roll

Stolen from TMO's Sir Lt Sultana - Combined Stepping Stone I and Discovery Table


BACKGROUND Skills (choose EDU DM +3 skills)

1066-108410Pre-Career0Carouse 0, Electronics 0, Science (Robotics) 0, Streetwise 0---Growing up on Techworld, repairing TL 14 robots----------
1084-1088181Techworld University0Science (Robotics) 1; Electronics (Comp) 0; EDU+1;--11-1Out-tutor a tutor. Gain +1 Robotics, 1 RivalINT 7+8--N/A---Rank 0EDU+2; Science (Robotics) 3, Electronics (Comp) 1
1088-1092222Scholar/Field ResearchODrive (Wheel), Electronics, Diplomat, Medic, Investigate, Science--7, 9Travel: You move to another world.END 6+9--INT 6+10--Rank 1Science (Cyber) 1; Navigation 1
1092-1096263Scholar/Field Research1-4-1Elect (Sensors) 110Entangled in a bureaucratic or legal morass Gain Persuade 1END 6+6--INT 6+7--Rank 2Electronics (computers) 1; Advocate 1
1096-1100304Scholar/Field Research2-1Art (Holography) 14Work on a secret project for an organization. Gain Science (Sophontology) 1END 6+9--INT 6+61-Rank 3Investigate 1; Electronics (Computers) 2
1100-1104345Scholar/Scientist2-1+1Engineer (Power) 111Opportunity to cheat. +2 LUC Gain: Science (Robotics) 4; +2 on Benefit roll; EnemyEDU 4+12--INT 8+83-Rank 1Science (Biology) 1; Science (Cyber) 2

First Term Rival: Bitter Rival: Teaching Assistant Ushlaim Liu. See link-> Cheated?!?
Second Term Ally & Connection: Not indicated
Third Term ?: Not indicated, but Rival/Enemy of the bureaucratic or legal morass.
Fourth Term ?: Not indicated, but Any, from secret organization See link-> Don't Judge a Robot by its Cover
Fifth Term Enemy: From Ling Standard Products? See link-> TBD